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VI Curso Internacional
de Análisis Matemático en Andalucía

08-12 septiembre de 2014
Antequera, Málaga, España

VI International Course of Mathematical Analysis in Andalucía

Principal :: Main Inscripción :: Registration Alojamiento :: Lodging Participantes :: Participants
Programa Científico :: Scientific Program Horario :: Schedule Textos :: Texts Conclusión :: Conclusion

Últimas Noticias Recent News

Mar19ago2014: Tras los recientes cambios, y viendo el hueco que dejaba libre Pascal LEFÈVRE, tenemos el placer de comunicaros que José Ángel PELÁEZ ha accedido a transformar su charla plenaria en un minicurso equivalente a dos charlas plenarias. El nuevo título es Decomposition norm theorem, $L^p$-behavior of reproducing kernels and two weight inequality for Bergman projection.

Tue19ago2014: After the recent updates, and seeing the gap left by Pascal LEFÈVRE, we have the pleasure to communicate to you that José Ángel PELÁEZ has agreed to transform his plenary talk into a mini-course equivalent to two plenary talks. The new title is Decomposition norm theorem, $L^p$-behavior of reproducing kernels and two weight inequality for Bergman projection.

Lun11ago2014: Piotr KOSZMIDER, de la Academia Polaca de Ciencias, no podrá asistir al CIDAMA VI, por lo que su curso queda cancelado. Afortunadamente, Pascal LEFÈVRE, de la Universidad de Artois (Lens, Francia), ha aceptado amablemente convertir su conferencia plenaria en curso. Así tendremos la oportunidad de saber más acerca de los Operadores de Composición en Espacios de Hardy.

Mon11ago2014: Piotr KOSZMIDER, from the Polish Academy of Sciences, will not be able to attend to CIDAMA VI, so his course has been canceled. Fortunately though, Pascal LEFÈVRE, from Artois University (Lens, France), has kindly accepted to convert his plenary conference in a course. Thus, we will have the chance to know better about Composition Operators in Hardy Spaces.

Programa Científico Scientific Program

Recordemos que son tres los objetivos principales de los CIDAMA:

  • Formar investigadores andaluces en Análisis Matemático mediante la exposición, por parte de expertos internacionales, de las líneas de investigación más relevantes y actuales en el área.
  • Fomentar la cooperación entre los distintos grupos de investigación en Análisis Matemático de Andalucía.
  • Difundir entre la comunidad científica internacional los contenidos generados en el Curso mediante publicaciones adecuadas.

Por consiguiente, el VI CIDAMA 2014 constará de:

  • 3 cursos de 3 horas cada uno.
  • 1 minicurso de hora y media.
  • 6 conferencias plenarias, para reflejar, de la manera más exhaustiva posible, los distintos aspectos y líneas de investigación que se desarrollan hoy en día en el campo del Análisis Matemático.
  • Charlas cortas y Pósteres para que los asistentes interesados puedan hacer públicos sus trabajos recientes.

Recall that they are three the main objectives of the CIDAMAs:

  • Instruct Andalusian researchers in the field of Mathematical Analysis through lectures, given by international experts, of most of the different, outstanding and up to date trends in the area.
  • Encourage the cooperation among the different research groups in Mathematical Analysis in Andalusia.
  • Spread in the international scientific community the contents generated by the Courses via appropriate publications.

In consequence, the VI CIDAMA 2014 will consist of:

  • 3 courses of 3 hours each.
  • 1 mini-course of one hour and a half.
  • 6 plenary conferences, to reflect, in the most exhaustive way that can be, the different aspects and trend lines that are being developed now a days in the field of Mathematical Analysis.
  • Short Talks and Posters so that the participants that so request it may share publicly their recent works.
3 Cursos 3 Courses
Jesús BASTERO Univ. Zaragoza, España
bastero@unizar.esTue09Sep, Wed10Sep, Thu11Sep 9:00-9:55
Convex inequalities, isoperimetry and spectral gap
One of the most important inequalities in modern convexity is Brunn-Minkowski inequality. Its functional analogue is Prekopa-Leindler inequality in $R^n$. We will see that, in a certain sense, we can consider it as a reverse of Hölder's inequality. We will study several consequences: the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the Gaussian probability, the isoperimetric inequality in $R^n$ and in $S^{n-1}$.

The isoperimetric inequality in the Euclidean space has the counterpart of Sobolev inequality in the functional framework. We will consider another kind of isoperimetric inequalities, which will be Cheeger's type isoperimetric inequalities for log-concave probabilities in $R^n$ and their associated functional inequalities, which will be Poincaré type inequalities. Computing the corresponding spectral gap in Poincaré inequalities is the main problem in Kannan-Lovász-Simonivits conjecture, which will be explained.

David CRUZ-URIBE Trinity College, Hartford, CT, USA
david.cruzuribe@trincoll.eduTue09Sep, Wed10Sep, Fri12Sep 11:15-12:10
Two weight norm inequalities for fractional integrals and commutators
In this course we will survey recent work on two weight norm inequalities for the fractional integral operator \[ I_\alpha f(x) = \int_{\mathbb{R}^n}\frac{f(y)}{|x-y|^{n-\alpha}}\,dy, \qquad 0< \alpha < n, \] and its commutator with $BMO$ functions, \[ [I_\alpha, b ]f(x) = b(x)I_\alpha f(x) - I_\alpha (fb)(x). \]

We are interested in finding sufficient (and necessary and sufficient) conditions on pairs of weights $(u,\sigma)$ for the weak and strong-type inequalities \[ I_\alpha(\cdot \sigma) : L^p(\sigma) \rightarrow L^{q,\infty}(u), \quad I_\alpha(\cdot \sigma) : L^p(\sigma) \rightarrow L^{q}(u), \quad 1 < p \leq q < \infty. \]

Recently, using the machinery developed to prove the $A_2$ conjecture, there has been a great deal of progress in this area. We will first survey the history of this problem, starting with the work of Sawyer on testing conditions for pairs of weights $(u,\sigma)$: \[ \sup_Q \sigma(Q)^{-1/p}\left(\int_Q I_\alpha (\sigma\chi_Q)(x)^q u(x)\,dx \right)^{1/q} < \infty, \] where the supremum is taken over all cubes $Q$. We will then discuss the so-called $A_{p,q}$ bump conditions, \[ \sup_Q |Q|^{\alpha/n+1/q-1/p}\|u^{1/q}\|_{A,Q}\|\sigma^{1/p'}\|_{B,Q} < \infty, \] where $\|\cdot\|_{A,Q},\,\|\cdot\|_{B,Q}$ are normalized Orlicz norms. These conditions, which generalize the Muckenhoupt $A_p$ weights, were introduced by Pérez in the 1990's and are closely related to the recently disproved Muckenhoupt-Wheeden conjectures.

Throughout our talks we will discuss the parallels with recent work on singular integrals.

Piotr KOSZMIDER Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
The geometry of strong differentiability Banach spaces of the form $C(K)$
Pascal LEFÈVRE Univ. Artois, Lens, France
pascal.lefevre@univ-artois.frTue09Sep, Wed10Sep 12:15-13:10, Thu11Sep 11:15-12:10
Composition operators on Hardy spaces
The topic is composition operators $f\longmapsto f\circ\varphi\,$, where the symbol $\varphi:{\mathbb D}\to{\mathbb D}$ is holomorphic. We shall give a (non-exhaustive) overview of -more or less recent- results when these operators are viewed on the classical Hardy spaces $H^p$. The story involves some classical tools of complex analysis, as Nevanlinna counting function and Carleson measures. We will illustrate this presentation with miscellaneous examples and questions. Concerning the most recent results, we shall pay attention to their possible membership to the class of absolutely summing operators.
1 Minicurso 1 Mini-Course
José Ángel PELÁEZ Univ. Málaga, España
japelaez@uma.esThu11Sep, Fri12Sep 10:00-10:40
Decomposition norm theorem, $L^p$-behavior of reproducing kernels and two weight inequality for Bergman projection
Let $\mathbb{D}$ be the complex unit disc and let $A^p_\omega$ denote the Bergman space in the unit disc induced by a radial weight $\omega$ with the doubling property $\sup_{0\leq r<1}\frac{\int_{r}^1\omega(s)\,ds}{\int_{\frac{1+r}{2}}^1\omega(s)\,ds} < \infty$. To begin with, we shall present a decomposition norm theorem for $A^p_\omega$. This result will be used to obtain a description of the $L^p$-means and the $L^p_v$-behavior of $B^\omega _\zeta$, the reproducing kernels of $A^2_\omega$.

Later, we shall consider the Bergman projection from $L^2_\omega$ to $A^2_\omega$ \[ P_\omega (f)(z) = \int_{\mathbb D} f(\zeta)B^\omega_{\zeta}(z)\,\omega (\zeta)dA(\zeta), \] and study the two weight problem \[ \|P_\omega (f)\|_{L^p_v} \lesssim \|f\|_{L^p_v},\quad f\in L^p_v. \]

Joint works with O. Constantin and J. Rättyä.

  1. O. Constantin and J. A. Peláez, Boundedness of the Bergman projection on $L^p$ spaces with exponential weights, submitted, available on
  2. J.A. Peláez and J. Rättyä, Weighted Bergman spaces induced by rapidly increasing weights, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 227, n. 1066, (2014)
  3. J.A. Peláez and J. Rättyä, Generalized Hilbert operators on weighted Bergman spaces, Adv. Math. 240 (2013), 227-267.
  4. J.A. Peláez and J. Rättyä, Two weight inequality for Bergman projection, preprint.
6 Conferencias Plenarias 6 Plenary Conferences
Luis ESPAÑOL Univ. La Rioja, España
luis.espanol@unirioja.esMon08Sep 16:45-17:25 (In Spanish)
Meanings of "algebra" and "analysis" between two Encyclopedias: from the Enlightenment to the Great War
The meanings given to the terms "algebra" and "analysis", separately or jointly in expressions like "algebraic analysis" have changed over time, even simultaneously have been used with significant differentiating shades.

My presentation will focus on this issue during the period between the publication from 1751 of French Enlightenment's encyclopedia, L'Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, and the first phase of the publication from 1899, of the German mathematician encyclopedia, Encyklopädie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen, driven by F. Klein. The latter was translated into French with slight additions, under the direction of J. Molk, from 1904 until the Great War interrupted the process in 1915, when the period covered in my presentation ends.

Along the same, I will discuss some use cases of "algebra" and "analysis" with different meanings, and the different use of "algebraic analysis" in research and teaching.

Gustavo GARRIGÓS Univ. Murcia, España
gustavo.garrigos@um.esTue09Sep 10:00-10:40
A weak 2-weight problem for the Poisson-Hermite semigroup
Consider the Poisson equation $u_{tt} = \mathcal{L}u$ in ${{\mathbf{R}^{d+1}_{\scriptscriptstyle +}}}$, with $\mathcal{L}=-\Delta+|x|^2$ the Hermite operator. We look for very general conditions on the initial datum $f$, so that $u(t,x) = e^{-t\sqrt{-\mathcal{L}}}f(x)$ converges a.e. to $f(x)$. When $w(x)$ is a weight in $A_p$, this is classically obtained from the $L^p(w)$ boundedness of the associated maximal operators \[\mathcal{M}f(x)= \sup_{t > 0} |u(t,x)|.\] However, such convergence also holds with less restrictive conditions, such as boundedness from $L^p(w) \to L^p(v)$, for some other weight $v(x)$, of a local maximal operator $\mathcal{M}_{a}f= \sup_{0 < t < a} |u(t,x)|$ for some $a > 0$. This produces a larger class of weights than classical $A_p$ theory. In this work we solve this version of the 2-weight problem, and as a consequence characterize the weights $w(x)$ for which $u(t,x)\to f(x)$ a.e. for all $f\in L^p(w)$. The proof requires sharp estimates on the decay of Hermite-Poisson kernels, together with classical factorization techniques of Rubio de Francia. Similar results are also valid in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck setting. This is part of the joint work with Hartzstein, Signes, Torrea, and Viviani.
Karl GROSSE-ERDMANN Univ. Mons, Belgique 10:00-10:40
On frequently hypercyclic operators
An operator $T$ on a Fréchet space $X$ is called frequently hypercyclic if there is a vector $x\in X$ (also called frequently hypercyclic) such that, for any non-empty open set $U\subset X$, the set $\{n\geq 0 : T^nx\in U\}$ has positive lower density. We will discuss recent work on such operators. In particular, in joint work with A. Bonilla, we give a sufficient condition for the existence of a frequently hypercyclic subspace, that is, a closed infinite-dimensional subspace in which every non-zero vector is frequently hypercyclic. And Q. Menet has recently exhibited frequently hypercyclic operators that have a hypercyclic subspace but no frequently hypercyclic subspace.
Mieczysław MASTYŁO Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland 12:15-12:55
Multilinear interpolation theorems with applications
We will discuss some recent results on abstract interpolation of linear as well as multilinear operators. In particular, we will present joint results with Loukas Grafakos on an abstract multilinear version of Stein's theorem for analytic families of multilinear operators defined on products of quasi-Banach spaces. We will show applications to the bilinear Hilbert transform and to the bilinear Bochner-Riesz operator.
María Del Carmen REGUERA Univ. Birmingham, England 16:00-16:40
Sarason Conjecture on the Bergman space
In the early 90's, D. Sarason posed conjectures on the characterization of the boundedness of Toeplitz products on Hardy and Bergman spaces [3]. The Hardy space case attracted much attention because of its close relation to the famous two-weight problem for the Hilbert transform in Real Analysis, pointed out by Cruz-Uribe in [1]. Unfortunately, the Sarason conjecture for Toeplitz products on Hardy space was shown to be false by F. Nazarov around 2000 [2].

In this talk we will show that Sarason conjecture is also false in the Bergman space. Some aspects of the Bergman space setting are easier, because cancellation plays much less of a role in this setting, unfortunately the opposite happens when we look for a counterexample. We will also provide a characterization of the boundedness of Toeplitz products in the Bergman space in terms of testing conditions. This is a joint work with A. Aleman and S. Pott from Lund University.

  1. David Cruz-Uribe, The invertibility of the product of unbounded Toeplitz operators, Int.Eq.Op.Th. 20 n.2 (1994), 231-237.
  2. F. Nazarov, A counterexample to Sarason's conjecture,
  3. D. Sarason, Products of Toeplitz Operators, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1573 (1994), 318-320
José Luis TORREA Univ. Autónoma Madrid, España
joseluis.torrea@uam.esMon08Sep 12:30-13:10
Semigroups, a tool to develop Harmonic Analysis associated to general Laplacians
We shall discuss how to use semigroup theory in order to define the classical operators (Riesz transforms, square functions, Riesz potentials,...) associated to a general Laplacian. Several examples will be given. We shall focus in the special case of the discrete Laplacian in the integers. In the talk, we shall follow the path sketched by E. Stein in his celebrated monograph (cf. [1]). (See also [2]).
  1. E. Stein, Topics in Harmonic Analysis, related to the Littlewood-Paley Theory, Annals of Mathematics Studies, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1970.
  2. O. Ciaurri, T.A. Gillespie, L. Roncal, J.L. Torrea, J.L. Varona; Harmonic Analysis associated with a discrete Laplacian, arXiv:1401.2091.
Charlas Talks
María Dolores ACOSTA VIGIL Universidad de Granada
dacosta@ugr.esTue09Sep(B) 16:30-16:55
Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for operators
Bishop-Phelps Theorem states the denseness of the subset of norm attaining functionals in the (topological) dual of a Banach space. Bollobás proved a quantitative version of this result, which has been useful for numerical ranges of operators. Roughly speaking, Bollobás proved that each pair of elements $(x_0, x_{0}^*) $ in $S_X \times S_{X^*}$ such that $x_{0} ^* (x_0)$ is close to $1$ can be approximated by $(x,x^*)$ in $S_X\times S_{X^*}$ satisfying $x ^* (x)=1$. Recently the study of extensions of this result for operators was initiated. Since then some papers providing results for classical Banach spaces appeared. We will present recent results valid in case that the domain space of the operators is $C_0(L)$.
David ARIZA RUIZ Universidad de Sevilla
dariza@us.esTue09Sep(A) 18:30-18:55 (In Spanish)
On the existence of solutions of differential equations using the coincidence theorems
In this talk we will study the existence of a coincidence point for two mappings defined on a nonempty set and taking values on a Banach space using the fixed point theory for nonexpansive mappings. Using this type of results, we will obtain the existence of solutions for some classes of differential equations.
Ana María CABRERA SERRANO Universidad de Granada
anich7@correo.ugr.esTue09Sep(B) 17:00-17:20 (In Spanish)
On extreme operators whose adjoints preserve extreme points
We say that a Banach space $X$ is nice whenever any extreme operator $T$ from a Banach space $Y$ to $X$ is a nice operator, that is, $T^*$, the adjoint of $T$, preserves extreme points. We get several necessary conditions for being nice. The main result is the characterization of nice finite-dimensional Banach spaces.
Nadia CLAVERO University of Barcelona
nadiaclavero@ub.eduTue09Sep(A) 16:30-16:55
Sobolev type embeddings into mixed norm spaces
The Sobolev space $W^{1}L^{p}(I^{n}),$ $1\leq p\leq \infty,$ consists of all functions in $L^{p}(I^{n})$ whose first-order distributional derivatives also belong to $L^{p}(I^{n}).$ The classical Sobolev embedding theorem claims: \[ W^{1}L^{p}(I^{n})\hookrightarrow L^{pn/(n-p)}(I^{n}),\quad 1\leq p < n. \] Sobolev proved this embedding for $p > 1,$ but his method, based on integral representations, did not work when $p=1.$ That case was settled affirmatively by Gagliardo and Nirenberg, who first observed: \begin{equation}\tag{1} W^{1}L^{1}(I^{n})\hookrightarrow \mathcal{R}(L^{1},L^{\infty}), \end{equation} where $\mathcal{R}(L^{1},L^{\infty})$ is a mixed norm space, and then, using an iterated form of Hölder's inequality, completed the proof.

Our main goal in this work is to study the embedding (1) for more general rearrangement invariant (r.i.) spaces. In particular we concentrate on seeking the optimal domains and the optimal ranges for these embeddings between r.i. spaces and mixed norm spaces. As a consequence, we prove that the classical estimate for the standard Sobolev space $W^{1}L^{p}$ by Poornima and Peetre ($1 \leq p < n$), and by Hansson, Brézis, Wainger and Maz'ya ($p=n$) can be improved considering mixed norms as targets spaces.

This work is part of my PhD thesis, supervised by Javier Soria (University of Barcelona).

Estefanía Dafne DALMASSO Universidad Nacional del Litoral - IMAL (CONICET-UNL) 17:00-17:25
Generalized maximal functions and the control of related operators on weighted Musielak-Orlicz spaces.
We characterize the class of weights related to the boundedness of maximal operators associated to Young functions of LlogL type in the context of variable Lebesgue spaces and we give sufficient conditions for more general Young functions. Fractional versions of these results are also obtained by means of a weighted Hedberg type inequality in the variable context. These results are new even in the classical Lebesgue spaces. We also deal with Wiener’s type inequalities for the mentioned operators in the spirit of the corresponding result proved in [CU-F] for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator. As applications of the strong type results for the maximal operators, we derive weighted boundedness properties for a large class of operators controlled by them, such as singular and fractional integrals with kernels satisfying certain Hörmander type condition and their commutators.

[CU-F] D. Cruz-Uribe and A. Fiorenza, $L\log L$ results for the maximal operator in variable $L^{p}$ spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), no. 5, 2631-2647.

Wendolín DAMIÁN Universidad de Sevilla
wdamian@us.esTue09Sep(A) 18:00-18:25
Compact bilinear commutators: the weighted case
In this talk we present the study of the compactness of commutators of bilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators and their iterates with CMO symbols determining the suitable classes of multiple weights in which this property holds.

Joint work with Á. Bényi, K. Moen and R.H. Torres.

pedrofdz@um.esTue09Sep(B) 18:00-18:25
Interpolation of the couple $(L \log L , L_{exp})$ and other examples
We will illustrate through examples the use of the reiteration theorems obtained in the joint papers with T. Signes [1,2,3]. These results are proved for interpolation methods defined by means of slowly varying functions and symmetric spaces. We will derive interpolation formulas for the couple $(L \log L , L_{exp})$ and other examples.
  1. P. Fernández-Martínez, T. Signes, Real interpolation with symmetric spaces and slowly varying functions, Quart. J. Math., 63 No. 1, (2012), 133-164.
  2. P. Fernández-Martínez, T. Signes, Limit cases of reiteration theorems, to appear in Math. Nachr.
  3. P. Fernández-Martínez, T. Signes, A limit case of ultrasymmetric spaces, to appear in Arkiv der Matematik.
María Del Carmen LISTÁN GARCÍA Universidad de Cádiz
mariadelcarmen.listan@uca.esTue09Sep(A) 19:00-19:20 (In Spanish)
Rough convergence and Chebyshev centers in Banach spaces
By means of rough convergence, we study two geometric properties in Banach spaces and relate them to Chebyshev centers and some well-known classical properties, such as Kalton's M property or Garkavi's uniform rotundity in every direction.
María LORENTE DOMÍNGUEZ Universidad de Málaga
m_lorente@uma.esTue09Sep(A) 16:00-16:25 (In Spanish)
Weighted inequalities for one-sided operators
We present some examples of one-sided operators and focus our attention on the problem of characterizing the weak and strong type inequalities with weights for the one-sided Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator, in $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{R}^n$. In order to approach this problem we study several one-sided dyadic maximal operators.
Matías RAJA Universidad de Murcia
matias@um.esTue09Sep(B) 16:00-16:25
The optimal modulus of convexity of a super-reflexive Banach space
A super-reflexive Banach space admits many uniformly convex equivalent norms. We prove that the set of all the moduli of convexity of this set of norms admits a supremum, in a quite natural function ordering. The classical result of Pisier about the uniformly convex renorming with modulus of power type follows easily from the properties of such a supremum.
Teresa SIGNES Universidad de Murcia
tmsignes@um.esTue09Sep(B) 18:30-18:55
Ultrasymmetric sequence spaces
In this talk we study ultrasymmetric sequence spaces in the case in which the fundamental function belongs to a limit class of concave functions. In the process we present a simple analytical description of these spaces and we establish new $J$-$K$ identities as well as a reiteration theorem for limit interpolation methods.

We also study ultrasymmetric approximation spaces and we give some applications to limit Lorentz-Zygmund operator ideals.

This is a joint work with Pedro Fernández-Martínez (Universidad de Murcia).

  1. P. Fernández-Martínez, T. Signes,A limit case of ultrasymmetric sequence spaces, preprint.
  2. E. Pustylnik, Ultrasymmetric sequence spaces in approximation theory, Collect. Math. 57 (3) (2006), 257-277.
Pósteres Posters
Todos están invitados a presentar un Póster. Everyone is welcome to present a Poster.