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Electrocatalysis at the Nanoscale: Theory and Modeling
Oct. 4 till Oct. 8, 2009, Reisensburg Castle near Ulm, Germany


During the last decades there has been tremendous progress in theoretical surface science. Due to the great improvement of computing power and the development of efficient algorithms it has become possible to understand surface structures and processes in terms of electronic interactions. Electrochemistry has much in common with surface science, but is complicated by the presence of the solvent, and by the electron exchange between electrode and electrolyte that is a part of every electro-chemical reaction. Therefore, progress in theoretical chemistry has been slower, but in the last few years it has been catching up fast. Techniques like density functional theory (DFT), Monte Carlo, and molecular dynamics simulations, both classical and quantum, are increasingly being applied to electrochemical systems, principally reactions of interest to catalysis. Within this COST action group, a general theory for the catalysis of electrochemical electron transfer has been developed and successfully applied to hydrogen evolution and oxidation both at at and at nanostructured surfaces.We expect, that within a few years theory and modeling will play a similar role in electrochemistry like it does today in surface science, where the best publications usually involve some theory.

This workshop provided an expert introduction into the methods and models of modern theories of electrocatalysis and its relation to heterogeneous catalysis. A panel of twenty experts presented lectures on:

    • Electron transfer theories: from Marcus theory to theories of electrocatalysis
    • Simulation methods: Monte Carlo and Molecular dynamics, both classical and quantum versions
    • Quantum chemical methods
    • Relation between electrocatalysis and heterogeneous catalysis

The informal response we received from the students and colleagues indicates that this was a very good meeting. Indeed, it was felt that this kind of training school was one of the big assets of the COST program.

Download here the final programme