\version "2.11.22" #(set-default-paper-size "a4") #(set-global-staff-size 16) #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) ss=\once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t \header { title=\markup{\bigger \bigger \bigger "The first nowell" } subtitle="(Epifanía: Navidad)" composer="Tradicional (s. XVII)" %opus="(-)" copyright=\markup{ \fill-line {"Edited by Nancho Alvarez" \typewriter "http://tomasluisdevictoria.org"} } % tagline="" } global={\key d \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \skip 4 \skip 1*3/4*15 \skip 2 \bar ":" \break \skip 4 \skip 1*3/4*7 \skip 2 \bar "||" \break \skip 4 \skip 1*3/4*23 \skip 2 \bar "|." } cantus={ fis'8( e') | d'4.( e'8) fis'([ g')] | a'2 b'8( cis'') | d''4\( cis''\) b' | %5 a'2 b'8\( cis''\) | d''4\( cis''\) b' | a'\( b'\) cis'' | d''\( a'\) g' | fis'2 fis'8( e') | %10 d'4.( e'8) fis'\([ g'\)] | a'2 b'8( cis'') | d''4\( cis''\) b' | a'2 b'8 cis'' | d''4 cis'' b' | %15 a'\( b'\) cis'' | d''\( a'\) g' | fis'2 \once \override TextScript #'padding = 2 fis'8(^\markup {\bigger \bold "Estribillo"} e') | d'4.( e'8) fis'([ g')] | a'2 d''8( cis'') | %20 b'2 b'4 | a'2. | d''4 cis'' b' | a'( b') cis'' | d''( a') g' | %25 fis'2^" FINE" r4 | R1*3/4 | r4 r d'8( e') | fis'2 g'4 | a'2 g'4 | %30 fis'( a') gis' | a'2 a'8 a' | b'4( d'') cis'' | d''2 a'4 | b'2 d''8( e'') | %35 fis''4.( e''8) d''([ cis'')] | b'2 a'8( g') | fis'4( g') a' | b'2 a'8( g') | fis'4 g' a' | %40 b' fis' e' | fis'( b') cis'' | d''2 d''4 | cis''2 a'4 | b'2 fis'4 | %45 a'2 r4 | r r d'' | fis''2 e''4 | d''( cis'') b' | a'2^" D.C." } altus={ a4 | d'2 d'4 | e'2 fis'8( g') | a'4\( a'\) g' | %5 fis'2 fis'8\( e'\) | d'4\( fis'\) g' | cis'\( d'\) g' | fis'\( d'\) cis' | d'2 cis'4 | %10 d'2 d'8\( d'\) | e'2 fis'4 | fis'\( a'\) gis' | e'2 g'!8 g' | a'4 g' fis' | %15 e'\( e'\) fis' | d'4\( d'\) e'4 | a2 fis'8( e') | d'4.( e'8) fis'([ g')] | a'2 d'4 | %20 g'2 g'4 | a'2. | d'4 fis' g' | d'2 e'4 | fis'2 e'4 | %25 a2 r4 | r r a'8( b') | c''4.( b'8) a'([ g')] | fis'2 e'8( d') | cis'4( d') e' | %30 fis'2 e'8 d' | cis'4( d') e' | fis'2 e'4 | b( d') cis' | d'2. ~ | %35 d'2 d'8( e') | fis'2 e'4 | d'2 e'4 | fis'2 e'4 | d'2 cis'4 | %40 b2 cis'4 | d'2 e'4 | fis'2 r4 | R1*3/4 | r4 r d'' | %45 cis''2 a'4 | b'2 g'4 | a'2 a'4 | fis'2 d'4 | d'2 } tenor={ d8( e) | fis4.( g8) a([ b)] | cis'2 d'8( e') | fis'4\( fis'\) d' | %5 d'2 d'8\( e'\) | fis'4\( cis'\) d' | e'\( d'\) g | a\( a\) a | a2 a8( g) | %10 fis4.( e8) d8[\( d]\) | a2 fis4 | b\( a\) b | cis'2 d'8 e' | d'4 g b | %15 e'\( d'\) cis' | b\( a\) cis' | d'2 fis8( e) | d4.( e8) fis([ g)] | a2 a4 | %20 d'2 d'8( e') | fis'2. | fis'4 cis' d' | a2 g4 | fis( a) cis' | %25 d'2 fis8( e) | d4.( e8) fis([ g)] | a2 b8( cis') | d'4( cis') b | a2 b8 cis' | %30 d'4( cis') b | a( b) cis' | d'( a) g | fis2 fis8( e) | d4.( e8) fis([ g)] | %35 a2 b8( cis') | d'4( cis') b | a2 b8( cis') | d'4 cis' b | a b cis' | %40 d'( a) g | fis2 fis8( e) | d4.( e8) fis([ g)] | a2 d'8( cis') | b2 b4 | %45 a2. | d'4 cis' b | a( b) cis' | d'( a) g | fis2 } bassus={ d4 | d2 d4 | a2 a4 | d'\( fis\) g | %5 d2 d8\( cis\) | b,4\( a,\) g, | g\( fis\) e | d\( fis\) a | d2 a,4 | %10 d2 d8\( d\) | cis2 d8( cis) | b,4\( cis\) e | a2 g8 g | fis4 e d | %15 cis\( b,\) a, | g\( fis\) e | d2 fis8( e) | d4.( e8) fis([ g)] | a2 fis4 | %20 g4.( a8) b([ cis')] | d'2. | b4 a g | fis2 e4 | d2 a,4 | %25 d2 a,4 | d2. ~ | d ~ | d2 e4 | fis2 e4 | %30 d2 e4 | fis2 e4 | d2. ~ | d2 a8( g) | fis2 fis8( e) | %35 d2. ~ | d ~ | d ~ | d ~ | d ~ | %40 d2 e4 | b,2. ~ | b,2 r4 | R1*3/4 | R1*3/4 | %45 r4 r a | g2 g4 | d2 a,4 | b,( fis,) g, | d2 } textocantus=\lyricmode{ The first __ No -- well the __ an -- gel did say was to cer -- tain poor shep -- herds in fields as they lay; in __ fields __ where __ _ they lay, __ keep -- ing their sheep, in a cold win -- ter's night __ _ that was __ _ so deep: No -- well, __ No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, born is the King __ of Is -- ra -- el! They __ look -- ed up and saw __ a star, shin -- ing in __ the east, them far; and __ to __ the __ earth it __ gave __ great light, and __ so it con -- tin -- ued both day __ and night: No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, __ No -- well. } textocantusb=\lyricmode{ And by __ the light of __ that __ _ same star, three __ _ wise __ _ men came __ _ from coun -- _ try far; to __ seek __ for a king was __ their __ _ in -- tent, and to fol -- low the star where -- so -- ev -- er it went: } textoaltus=\lyricmode{ The first No -- well the __ an -- gel did say was to cer -- tain poor shep -- herds in fields as they lay; in fields where _ they lay, keep -- ing their sheep, in a cold win -- ter's night __ _ that was __ _ so deep: No -- well, __ No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, born is the King of Is -- ra -- el! They __ look -- ed __ up and __ saw __ a star, shin -- ing in __ the east, be -- yond __ them far; No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well. } textoaltusb=\lyricmode{ And by the light of __ that _ same star, three __ _ wise __ _ men came __ _ from coun -- _ try far; to seek for a king was their __ _ in -- tent, and to fol -- low the star where -- so -- ev -- er it went: } textotenor=\lyricmode{ The first __ No -- well the __ an -- gel did say was to cer -- tain poor shep -- herds in fields as they lay; in __ fields __ where _ they lay, keep -- ing their sheep, in a cold win -- ter's night __ _ that was __ _ so deep: No -- well, __ No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, born is the King of Is -- ra -- el! They __ look -- ed __ up and __ saw __ a star, shin -- ing in __ the east, __ be -- yond __ them far; and __ to __ the __ earth it __ gave __ great light, and __ so it con -- tin -- ued both day __ and night: No -- well, __ No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, Born is the King __ of Is -- ra -- el! } textotenorb=\lyricmode{ And by __ the light of __ that _ same star, three __ _ wise __ _ men came __ _ from coun -- _ try far; to __ seek __ for a king was their __ _ in -- tent, and to fol -- low the star where -- so -- ev -- er it went: } textobassus=\lyricmode{ The first No -- well the __ an -- gel did say was to cer -- tain poor shep -- herds in fields as they lay; in fields where _ they lay, __ keep -- ing their sheep, in a cold win -- ter's night __ _ that was __ _ so deep: No -- well, __ No -- well, No -- well, __ No -- well, born is the King of Is -- ra -- el! No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, No -- well, __ No -- well. } textobassusb=\lyricmode{ And by the light of that __ _ same star, three __ _ wise __ _ men came __ _ from coun -- _ try far; to seek for a king was __ their __ _ in -- tent, and to fol -- low the star where -- so -- ev -- er it went: } \score { \new ChoirStaff<< \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v1" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Cantus " \clef "treble" \cantus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\textocantus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\textocantusb } >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v2" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Altus " \clef "treble" \altus} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v2" {\textoaltus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v2" {\textoaltusb } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v3" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor " \clef "G_8" \tenor } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v3" {\textotenor } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v3" {\textotenorb } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Bassus " \clef "bass" \bassus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassus} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusb } >> >> \layout{ %\context {\Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0 . 0) } \context {\Score \override BarNumber #'padding = #2 } %\context {\Lyrics \override LyricText #'font-size = #2 } \context {\Voice %melismaBusyProperties = #'() \override PhrasingSlur #'dash-period = #0.04 \override PhrasingSlur #'dash-fraction = #0.1 \override PhrasingSlur #'thickness = #1.2 %Slur default \override PhrasingSlur #'ratio = #0.25 %Slur default \override PhrasingSlur #'line-thickness = #0.8 %Slur default } %\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } \context {\Staff \consists Ambitus_engraver % autoBeaming = ##f } } %\midi {} } \markup{\smaller \column{ \line{\with-dimensions #'(0 . 50) #'(0 . 4) \line{\bold "1. " \column { "The First Nowell the angel did say" "Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;" "In fields where they lay, Keeping their sheep," "In a cold winter's night that was so deep:" } } \hspace #0 \line{\bold "2. " \column{ "They looked up and saw a star," "Shining in the east, beyond them far;" "And to the earth it gave great light," "And so it continued both day and night:" } } \hspace #5 \line{\bold "3. " \column{ "And by the light of that same star," "Three wise men came from country far;" "To seek for a king was their intent," "And to follow the star wheresoever it went:" } } } \line{\with-dimensions #'(0 . 50) #'(0 . 5) \line{\bold "4. " \column{ "This star drew nigh to the north-west;" "O'er Bethlehem it took its rest," "And there it did both stop and stay" "Right over the place where Jesus lay:" } } \hspace #0 \line{\bold "*5. " \column{ "Then did they know assuredly" "Within that house the Kings did lie:" "One entered in then for to see," "And found the babe in poverty:" } } \hspace #7 \line{\bold "6. " \column{ "Then entered in those wise men three," "Fell reverently upon their knee," "And offered there in his presénce" "Both gold and myrrh and frankincense:" } } } \line{\with-dimensions #'(0 . 50) #'(0 . 5) \line {\bold "*7. " \column{ "Between an ox-stall and an ass" "This child truly there born he was;" "For want of clothing they did him lay" "All in the manger, among the hay:" } } \hspace #0 \line{ \bold "8. " \column{ "Then let us all with one accord" "Sing praises to our heavenly Lord," "That hath made heaven and earth of naught," "And with his blood mankind hath bought:" } } \hspace #0 \line{ \bold "*9. " \column{ "If we in our time shall do well," "We shall be free from death and hell;" "For God hath preparèd for us all" "A resting place in general:" } } } }} %\markup{\smaller "Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Born is the king of Israel!" } \markup{\smaller {\bold "Nota:" \with-dimensions #'(0 . 50) #'(0 . 5) "Las estrofas marcadas con '*' se omiten en algunas ediciones" }} \markup{\smaller {\bold "Nota:" \with-dimensions #'(0 . 50) #'(0 . 3.5) "Si se interpreta completo, la segunda armonización (página 2) es sólo para las estrofas 3 y 6." }} \paper{ system-count=6 line-width=19.0\cm %ragged-last-bottom = ##f between-system-padding=#0 foot-separation = 2.0\mm }