\version "2.12.2" #(set-default-paper-size "a4") #(set-global-staff-size 16.2) %#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) ss=\once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t cresc=\markup{\italic "cresc."} dim=\markup{\italic "dim."} rit=\markup{\italic "rit."} dark=\markup{\italic \smaller "(dark)"} warm=\markup{\italic \smaller "(warm)"} lead=\markup{\italic \smaller "(lead)"} solo=\markup{\italic \smaller "(Solo)"} tutti=\markup{\italic \smaller "(Tutti)"} italicas=\override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic rectas=\override LyricText #'font-shape = #'upright htitle="Michelle" hcomposer="Beatles" \header { title=\markup{\column{" " \fontsize #4 "Michelle" }} composer="Lennon y McCartney" %opus="" poet="Arreglo: Grayston Ives" copyright=\markup{ \fill-line {"Edited by Nancho Alvarez" \typewriter "http://tomasluisdevictoria.org"} } % tagline="" } global={\key bes \major \time 4/4 \skip 1*11 \bar "||" \key aes \major \skip 1*22 \bar "||" \key des \major \skip 1*31 \bar "|." } cantus=\relative c''{ \dynamicUp \once \override Score.MetronomeMark #'X-offset = #-8 \tempo "Unhurried" 4 = 92 R1*4 r4 g^\p(\< bes d d2--^\f c c bes)\> r4\! f4(\<^\dark g aes f2.\> ~ f8\!) r8 c4^\p( des2.^\rit\> c2.^\pp ~ c8) r8 r4^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} des^\p( f bes aes2) des4( aes g2) c4( g f2) aes4( f) r2 r4 aes g1 R1 r2 aes4^\mp f g2 c4 g g2 f e2\< f\! c'4(^\mf^\warm bes aes\> g f1^\p) r4^\markup{\italic "moving on"} c4\<( f aes) c4.^\f bes16 aes bes4 c < s}>> aes4^\mf g4^\markup{\italic "moving on"} e\< f g\! aes4( c2^\rit bes4) r4^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} c2^\p c4 ~ c4 c2 c4 r4 c4^\markup{\italic "poco rit."} bes aes g2^\markup{\italic "poco ten."} \once \override BreathingSign #'text = \markup { \smaller "(" \hspace #-1 \musicglyph #"scripts.rcomma" \hspace #-1 \smaller ")" } \breathe r2 s4*0^\markup{"a tempo"} R1 r4 ges^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " sost."}( bes des c4. bes8 aes2) r4 aes( des aes bes1) r4 ges( bes des c2.) r8 f, \times 2/3{bes4^\cresc aes f} \times 2/3{bes aes f} c'4^\markup{\italic " moving on"} bes( c) des bes^\mf ges8[ aes] bes4\< aes \tupletUp des2\! \times 2/3{ces4(\>^\markup{\italic "poco rit."} bes) ges\!} f2^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " moving on"} g4\< a bes\!^\markup{\italic "allarg."} c--^\f des2--^\fermata bes^\p^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} <> aes!2 g r4 des'--^\markup{\dynamic f \italic " (appass.)"} c-- bes-- <<{a2--^\markup{\italic "molto rit."} r2} {s4 s s\! s}>> \break s4*0^\markup{\italic \larger "slightly slower than tempo"} R1 \set autoBeaming = ##t r2 des4^\pp bes c2 aes4 c c4. bes16 aes bes4 g a2 g a2. r4 r4 des2^\mp des4 ~ des des2 des4 \override Score.TextScript #'padding = #1.6 r4 des^\markup{\italic "(sonorous)"} c bes <<{a2 r} {s4 s^\markup{\italic "molto rit."} s s}>> R1 r4 ges4( bes des c bes) \breathe aes-- \once \override Score.TextScript #'X-offset = #-1.2 aes--^\markup{\italic "(ten.)"} f1 } altus=\relative c''{ \set autoBeaming = ##t \dynamicUp R1*4 r4 g^\p(\< bes d bes2^\f-- g ees4 f d\> ees) r4\! des(^\mf^\dark ees\< f des2.\> ~ des8\!) r8 < s s}>> c2.^\pp ~ c8 r r2^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} f2^\p ~ f aes4( f ees2) g4( ees des2) f4( des) r4 e\<( f2)\> r4\! e( d) e f2.^\mp ees?4 ees4. des16 c des2 r4 c4\< ees g g4.--\! f16 ees d4\> d ~ d\< c e\! d g^\mf(^\warm f ees!\> e) r4\! c^\p( f aes c2.)\< r4\! \set autoBeaming = ##f f,4^\f f8 f ges4 aes < s}>> f^\mf e c\< d e\! f( aes^\rit f2) r4^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} aes2^\p aes4 ~ aes aes2 aes4 r4 f^\markup{\italic "poco rit."} f f f--(^\markup{\italic "poco ten."} e) \once \override BreathingSign #'text = \markup { \smaller "(" \hspace #-1 \musicglyph #"scripts.rcomma" \hspace #-1 \smaller ")" } \breathe r2 r4*0^\markup{"a tempo"} R1 r4 ges2.^\p ~ ges1 \set autoBeaming = ##t r2 r4 aes4(^\markup{\italic "(sost)"} ~ aes4. ges16 f ges2) r4 ges2. f2( ees4) f \times 2/3{f4^\cresc ees c} \times 2/3{f ees c} f4^\markup{\italic " moving on"} f2 bes4 \set autoBeaming = ##f ges4^\mf ees8[ f] ges4\< f \times 2/3{aes4\!( ges2)} \times 2/3{aes4(^\markup{\italic "poco rit."}\> ges) ees\!} f2^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " moving on"} f4\< f f\!^\markup{\italic "allarg."} aes^\f-- ges4.--^\fermata ees8^\mp f4^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} f f f^\markup{\italic "molto cresc."} f8 f4. f4 f f4--^\markup{\dynamic f \italic " (appass.)"} bes-- bes-- ges-- f2\>^\markup{\italic "molto rit."} bes,4^\mf\> c d2^\pp r4 aes' \set autoBeaming = ##t aes4. ges16 f ges2 r4 f2 f4 ~ f2 g4 g ~ g f2 e4 g f2 r4 bes2^\mp a2 aes! g <> ges4 ges <> r2 R1 r4 ges2.( aes4 ges) \breathe f4-- ges--^\markup{\italic "(ten.)"} d1 } altusdos=\relative c'{ \set autoBeaming = ##t \dynamicUp R1*4 r4 \parenthesize g(^\p\< bes d f4.\!--^\lead ees16 d ees2 ees4. d16 c bes2) r4 aes^\mf\<(^\dark bes c aes2.\> ~ aes8) r8 < s s}>> c2.^\pp ~ c8 r r4^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} des2.^\p ~ des2 f4( des c2) ees4( c aes2) des4( aes) r4 c4\<( d2\>) r4\! c( bes) c a2^\mp a R1 r4 c2 c4 ~ c2 r2 R1 e4^\mf^\warm( des! c8) r r c^\mp \times 2/3{f4 ees! c} \times 2/3{f ees c} g'4 f2\< ~ f8\! r \set autoBeaming = ##f c4^\f des8 c des4 ees ees4^\rit( c\> <> r4 c4\< c c\! c4( f^\rit des?2) f2^\p^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} e ees! d r4 des!^\markup{\italic "poco rit."} des des c2^\markup{\italic "poco ten."} \once \override BreathingSign #'text = \markup { \smaller "(" \hspace #-1 \musicglyph #"scripts.rcomma" \hspace #-1 \smaller ")" } \breathe r2 s4*0^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} R1 r4 ges'2.^\p ~ ges1 \set autoBeaming = ##t r2 r4 aes4(^\markup{\italic "(sost.)"} ~ aes4. ges16 f ges2) r4 ges2. f2( ees4) f \set autoBeaming = ##f f2 f des4^\markup{\italic " moving on"} des( ees) f ~ f8^\mf f ges[ f] ges4\< f \times 2/3{aes4\!( ges des ~ } des4) r r8^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " moving on"} f8 f f bes4\< f des4\!^\markup{\italic "allarg."} ees--^\f des4.^\fermata ees8^\mp f4^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} f f f^\markup{\italic "molto cresc."} f8 f4. f4 f f4--^\markup{\dynamic f \italic " (appass.)"} ges-- ges-- ees-- ees2--\>^\markup{\italic "molto rit."} bes4^\mf\> c d1^\pp R1 r4 f2 f4 ~ f2 g4 g ~ g f2 e4 g f2 r4 r4 f2^\mp f4 ~ f f2 f4 r4 f^\markup{\italic "(sonorous)"} ees des <> r2 R1 r2 r4 ees4 ~ ees2 \breathe ees4-- ees--^\markup{\italic "(ten.)"} d1 } tenor=\relative c{ \dynamicUp \set autoBeaming = ##t r4 d4^\solo^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " expr."}( g bes d4. c16 bes c2 ~ c4) d,( fis a c4. bes16 a bes2 ~ \once \override TextScript #'padding = #3.2 \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #-3.3 bes8)^\tutti r8 g4(^\p\< bes d d2--^\f c \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #2.5 c^\lead bes4.\> aes16-- g-- <> g4\< aes f2.\> ~ f8\!) r r4 des^\mp^\rit\>( f bes g2.^\pp ~ g8) r8 c2^\markup{\dynamic mp \italic " a tempo"}^\solo c ~ c4 des4 aes2 g4 c g g f aes ces aes g2 f4 aes g2. r4 c2^\mp c ~ c4 des aes2 g4 c g g f aes ces aes g2 \times 2/3{f4 g aes} g2 r R1 r4^\markup{\italic "moving on"} aes(^\tutti\< c f) \set autoBeaming = ##f r8\! c8^\f des c des4 aes < s s}>> r8\!^\markup{\italic "moving on"} c8^\mf\< c c f4 c\! bes8( aes4.^\rit\> ~ aes4) aes8^\mp^\solo bes c4^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} c c c c c c4. c8 <> bes4 aes g2^\markup{\italic "poco ten."} \once \override BreathingSign #'text = \markup { \smaller "(" \hspace #-1 \musicglyph #"scripts.rcomma" \hspace #-1 \smaller ")" } \breathe r2 \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #-6 r4^\markup{"a tempo"} \set autoBeaming = ##t f4(^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " sost."}\>^\markup{\italic "(Tutii ecetto solo)"} bes des\! f4. ees16 des ees2 ~ ees8) r8 aes,4(^\tutti c ees ges4. f16 ees f2) r4 ges,( bes des f4. ees16 des ees4. des8 c2 bes4) c \tupletUp \times 2/3{des4^\cresc c aes} \times 2/3{des c aes} c4^\markup{\italic " moving on"} bes4( f) bes \set autoBeaming = ##f des4^\mf ees8[ des] ees4\< des des2\! \times 2/3{des2\>^\markup{\italic "poco rit."} ees4\!} f4(^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " moving on"} ees) des\< c bes\!^\markup{\italic "allarg."} c--^\f bes2--^\fermata r4^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} des2^\p des4^\markup{\italic "molto cresc."} ~ des des2 des4 f2--^\markup{\dynamic f \italic " (appass.)"} ees4-- des-- c2--\>^\markup{\italic "molto rit."} r2\! f2^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " (reflective)"} f ~ f4 ges des2 c4 f c c bes des fes des \tupletUp c2 \times 2/3{bes4 c des} c4. r8^\solo r8 f, bes^\mp c des4 bes ees c des bes ees4. c8 <> c4 bes <> g4 a \set autoBeaming = ##t <<\voiceTwo \parenthesize bes1.*1/6 \new Voice{\voiceOne r4}>> \phrasingSlurUp \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #-2 f\(^\markup{\italic "(Tutti eccetto solo)"} bes des f4. ees16 des ees4.^\tutti( des8 c4 des)\) \breathe c4^- c^-^\markup{\italic "(ten.)"} bes1 } bassus=\relative c'{ \dynamicUp R1*4 r4 g^\p(\< bes d bes2--^\f c4 g ees f d\> ees) r4^\mf des2.^\dark(\< \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #-1.8 f4\!^\lead des aes\> bes <> c2.^\pp ~ c8) r s4*0^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} R1*4 r4 g'4(\< aes2)\> r4\! g4( f) g r4 c,2.^\mp f2 f4 aes r2 ees4 g aes1 g2\< aes\! g2(^\warm^\mf c4\> bes f2^\p) r r4^\markup{\italic "moving on"} aes2(\< c4) ges4^\f aes8 aes bes4 c < s}>> des^\mf c bes\< aes g^\mf f c'^\rit f,( g) c,2.^\p^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} e4 f2. c4 <> f4 f g2^\markup{\italic "poco ten."} \once \override BreathingSign #'text = \markup { \smaller "(" \hspace #-1 \musicglyph #"scripts.rcomma" \hspace #-1 \smaller ")" } \breathe \parenthesize f4^\p^\solo \parenthesize g \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #-6 s4*0^\markup{"a tempo"} <<\parenthesize f1 {s4 s\> s s\!}>> bes1^\p aes2 c aes2. des4 ~ des1 bes bes4( a g) a \tupletUp r2 \times 2/3{r4 r c} \times 2/3{c bes f} \times 2/3{c' bes f} bes4^\mf des8[ bes] ces4\< ces ces\!( bes) aes\>^\markup{\italic "poco rit."} bes f2\!^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " moving on"} f4\< a f\!^\markup{\italic "allarg."} ees^\f des2--^\fermata f2.^\markup{\italic "a tempo"}^\p a4^\markup{\italic "molto cresc."} bes2. des4 R1 r4^\markup{\italic "molto rit."} a(^\mf\> g) a bes1^\pp ~ bes2 bes4 des c2 aes4 c des2. des4 c2 des c2. r4 f,2.^\mp a4 bes2. f4 r4 ges4^\markup{\italic "(sonorous)"} ges ges r4 a(^\markup{\italic "molto rit."} bes) c bes1 ~ bes c4( bes) \breathe aes-- bes--^\markup{\italic "(ten.)"} f1 } bassusdos=\relative c{ \dynamicUp R1*5 c2.(^\f bes4 aes2 g) r4^\mf aes2\<^\dark( aes4 \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #-1.8 f'4\!^\lead des aes\> bes <> c2.^\pp ~ c8) r8 s4*0^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} R1 R1*3 r4 c2.^\p r2 r4 c f,1^\mp bes ees d2 b c1 c^\mf^\warm f^\p ~ <> aes,4^\f aes8 aes aes'4 aes < s s\!}>> r2 r4 g^\mf f4( ees^\rit des2) c2.^\p^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} e4 f2. c4 <> f4 f c'2^\markup{\italic "poco ten."} \once \override BreathingSign #'text = \markup { \smaller "(" \hspace #-1 \musicglyph #"scripts.rcomma" \hspace #-1 \smaller ")" } \breathe r2 s4*0^\markup{\italic "a tempo"} R1 ees1^\p aes des, ges c, f R1 \tupletUp \times 2/3{r4 r f^\mp} \times 2/3{bes, c des} ees4.^\mf ees8 des4\< des ges2\! ges4\>^\markup{\italic "poco rit."} ges f2\!^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " moving on"} f4\< f bes,\!^\markup{\italic "allarg."} aes--^\f ges2--^\fermata R1*3 r4^\markup{\italic "molto rit."} f'2^\mf\> f4 bes2.^\pp r4 ees,1 aes g2 e f1 ~ f2. r4 f2.^\mp a4 bes2. f4 <> bes4 des r4 f2^\markup{\italic "molto rit."} f4 bes2. r4 ees,1 ~ ees2 \breathe ees4-- ees--^\markup{\italic "(ten.)"} bes1 } textocantus=\lyricmode{ Ah __ Ah __ Ah __ U __ U __ U __ U __ Mi -- chelle du du du du du du du du du Ah __ Ah __ that's all I want to say. Un -- til I find a way, __ dm dm dm dm you'll un -- der -- stand, Ah __ Ah __ Ah __ I want you, I want you, I want you, __ I think you __ know by now, know __ that I'll get to you some -- how. du du du du you'll un -- der -- stand, du du du du du du du du du du du du du dm dm dm dm you'll un -- der -- stand, Ah __ my Mi -- chelle. } textoaltus=\lyricmode{ Ah __ Ah __ Ah __ U __ U __ U __ U __ U __ my __ Mi -- chelle, du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du Ah __ Ah __ that's all I want to say. Un -- til I find a way, __ dm dm dm dm you'll un -- der -- stand, __ Ah __ Ah __ Ah Ah __ I want you, I want you, I want you, I think you __ know by now, __ know __ that I'll get to you some -- how. Un -- til I do, I'm tell -- ing you, so you'll, you'll un -- der -- stand, my Mi -- chelle. du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du you'll un -- der -- stand, Ah __ my Mi -- chelle. } textoaltusdos=\lyricmode{ Ah __ Ah __ Ah __ U __ U __ U __ U __ U __ my __ Mi -- chelle, du du du Ah __ I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I want to say. __ I find a way, __ du du du du you'll un -- der -- stand, Ah Ah __ Ah Ah __ I want you, want you, __ I think you __ know by now, __ I'll get to you some -- how, some -- how. Un -- til I do, I'm tell -- ing you, so you'll, you'll un -- der -- stand, my Mi -- chelle. du du du du du du du du dm dm dm dm you'll un -- der -- stand, Ah my Mi -- chelle. } textotenor=\lyricmode{ Ah __ Ah __ Ah __ Ah __ Mi -- chelle, ma belle, these are words that go to -- geth -- er well, my Mi -- chelle. Mi -- chelle, ma belle, sont des mots qui vout très bien en -- semble, trè bien en -- semble. Ah __ that's all I want to say. Un -- til I find a way, __ I will say the on -- ly words I know that you'll un -- der -- stand, Ah __ Ah __ Ah __ I want you, I want you, I want you, __ I think you __ know by now, know that I'll __ get to you some -- how. dm dm dm so you'll un -- der -- stand, Mi -- chelle, ma belle, sont des mots qui vont très bien en -- semble, trè bien en -- semble. And I will say the on -- ly words I know that you'll un -- der -- stand, my Mi -- "(chelle.)" Ah __ _ _ _ _ _ "(Ah)" __ my Mi -- chelle. } textobassus=\lyricmode{ Ah __ Ah __ U __ my __ Mi- du du du du du du du du du Ah __ Ah __ that's all I want to say. Un -- til I find a way, a way, __ dm dm dm that you'll un -- der -- stand, "(my" Mi -- "chelle.)" Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah __ I I want you, I want you, I think you __ know by now, __ know that I'll get to you some -- how. dm dm dm dm my __ Mi -- chelle. du du du du du du du du du du dm dm dm dm you'll un -- der- my __ Mi -- chelle. Ah __ my Mi -- chelle. } textobassusdos=\lyricmode{ Ah __ Ah __ U __ du du du du du du du Ah Ah that's all I want to say. a way, __ dm dm dm that you'll un -- der -- stand, Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah I want you, I think you know by now, know that I'll get to you some -- how. my Mi -- chelle. du du du du du dm dm dm dm you'll un -- der- my Mi -- chelle. Ah my Mi -- chelle. } \score { \new ChoirStaff<< \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v1" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Soprano " \clef "treble" \cantus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\textocantus } >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v2" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Alto I " \clef "treble" \altus} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v2" {\textoaltus } >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v5" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Alto II " \clef "treble" \altusdos} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v5" {\textoaltusdos } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v3" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor " \clef "G_8" \tenor } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v3" {\textotenor } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Bajo I " \clef "bass" \bassus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassus } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v6" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Bajo II " \clef "bass" \bassusdos } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v6" {\textobassusdos } >> >> \layout{ \context {\Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0 . 0) } \context {\Score \override BarNumber #'padding = #2 } \context {\Lyrics %\override LyricText #'font-size = #2 \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-distance = #0.33 } \context {\Voice %melismaBusyProperties = #'() autoBeaming = ##f } %\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } \context {\Staff \consists Ambitus_engraver \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-4 . 6.2) } } %\midi {} } \markup{ \bold "Nota: " "Las indicaciones de «solo» son opcionales. En su caso puede ser cantado indistintamente por un tenor o barítono."} \paper{ page-limit-inter-system-space = ##t %cuando hay 6 voces page-limit-inter-system-space-factor = 1.3 %cuando hay 6 voces evenHeaderMarkup=\markup \fill-line { \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string \htitle \hcomposer } oddHeaderMarkup= \markup \fill-line { \on-the-fly #not-first-page \hcomposer \on-the-fly #not-first-page \htitle \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } %system-count=8 line-width=19.0\cm between-system-padding = 0 ragged-last-bottom = ##f foot-separation = 5\mm }