\version "2.18.0" #(set-default-paper-size "a4") #(set-global-staff-size 16.8) #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) %mobile -s15.5 -i3.2 italicas=\override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic rectas=\override LyricText.font-shape = #'upright ss=\once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t mtempo={\tempo 4 = 100} mtempob={\tempo 4 = 50} incipitwidth = 20 htitle="I wander up and down" hcomposer="Bennet" \header { title=\markup{\fontsize #4 "1. I wander up and down"} subtitle="Madrigals to four voices" subsubtitle=\markup{\null \vspace #2 } composer="John Bennet (c.1575-c.1614)" pdfauthor=\composer %opus="(-)" poet=\markup{"London 1599"} % Madrigalls to foure voyces newly published by Iohn Bennet his first works (1599) copyright=\markup{ \fill-line {"Transcribed and edited by Nancho Alvarez" \typewriter "http://tomasluisdevictoria.org"} } % tagline="" } global={\key bes \major \time 2/2 \skip 1*50 \bar "|." } cantus=\relative c'{ R1 f2 a4. bes8 c2 r4 c d4. ees8 f4 c f, f' f e f2 c r2 r4 c c a g2 a4 f f e f8[ g a bes] c2 f,4 f' f e f2 c c1 c2 r4 f ~ f ees8 d c2 r4 c2 bes8 a g4. a8 bes4 c d4. ees8 f2 c ees2 ~ ees4 d8 c bes2 r4 bes2 a8 g f4. g8 a4 bes c d c a8[ bes] c1 c1 r2 r4 f e c c b c2 r4 bes a f a a g2 r4 f c'4 ees d2 c4 c c2 c1 R1 r4 g bes4. bes8 a4 c g g d' c c2 r4 c ees4. ees8 d4 d2 c4 ~ c b c c, e2 f g a bes g a f f e f2. g8[ a] bes4 c d2 c c c1 c\breve*1/2 } altus=\relative c'{ r2 f2 a4. bes8 c4 f, c f ees8 d ees c g'4. c,8 d4 e f2 r4 c' c a g2 a4 f f e f c r c' c a g2 a4 f a g a f c'2 f, r4 f e4 f g2 a1 r2 r4 c ~ c bes8 a g4. f8 ees4 d8 c d4 c bes bes' a f ~ f8[ g] a4 g2 r4 g2 f8 ees d2 r r4 f2 ees8 d c4 f e f g f f e f1 r2 r4 f g e f d c c d bes c2 r4 c' c2 bes4 a ~ a4 g bes4. bes8 a4 a g2 a2 r4 a g4. g8 bes4 a g2 r r4 f ees4. ees8 d4 f c2 r2 r4 g' bes4. bes8 a4 g f4 d e2 r2 c4 f ~ f ees d c bes2 c ~ c c' c2. bes4 a a d2 ~ d4 c bes4 a g2 f f e f\breve*1/2 } tenor=\relative c'{ f2 a4. bes8 c4 f, c2 r4 a' g4. a8 bes4 g f g bes4 a2 g4 a4 f r c' c a g2 a4 f f e f2 c r2 r4 c' c a g2 a2 r4 a g4 f2 e4 f1 aes2. g8 f ees4 c ees4. f8 g4 g2 f8 ees d4 g f bes a4. bes8 c2 g2 r4 bes ~ bes4 a8 g f4. ees8 d4 c8[ bes] c4 g' f d g f e f g2 a2 r4 a bes4 g a b c4. bes8 a4 g e f f e f2 f ees4 c f2 r4 c4 g'2 c,4 f2 e4 f1 r2 r4 c' ees4. ees8 d4 d c2 c bes4 a g4. g8 bes4 a g2 R1 r2 g g a bes c d c4 c ~ c bes a2 g1 f2 bes ~ bes4 a g f e2 f g1 a\breve*1/2 } bassus=\relative c{ R1 r2 f a4. bes8 c2 r2 r4 c d4. ees8 f4 c f, f' f e f2 c f,8[ g a bes] c2 f,2 r r4 f' f e f2 c r4 f, a4. bes8 c1 f, f'2. ees8 d c2 c ~ c4 bes8 a g4 a bes4. c8 d4. ees8 f2 c ees2. d8 c bes2 bes ~ bes4 a8 g f4 g a bes c d c1 f,2 r4 f' g e f d c2 r4 g c a bes g f2 r4 f c' ees d2 c2 r4 g a f c'2 f, r4 f' ees4. ees8 d4 f c2 bes f8 g a bes c2 r4 f ees4. ees8 d4 f c c bes8 c d ees f4 ees d2 c ~ c4 bes a2 g f ~ f4 f e2 f1 c2 c' d2. c4 bes2 bes c1 ~ c f,\breve*1/2 } textocantus=\lyricmode{ I wan -- der up I wan -- der up and down, % downe and fain would rest me % faine \italicas and fain would rest me, \rectas and fain would rest __ _ me, \italicas and fain would rest me, \rectas rest me. Yet can -- not rest yet can -- not rest, such cares do still mo -- lest me, yet can -- not rest yet can -- not rest, such cares do still mo -- lest __ _ _ me. % doe All things cons -- pire I see \italicas all things cons -- pire I see \rectas and this con -- sent in, con -- sent in. To find a place for me, a place for me to find a place for me, for me, fit to la -- ment, fit to la -- ment, a place for me, fit __ _ _ _ to la -- ment in. } textoaltus=\lyricmode{ I wan -- der up and down, I wan -- der up, I wan -- der up and down and fain would rest me, \italicas and fain would rest me \rectas and fain would rest me, and fain, and fain would rest me and \italicas fain would rest me. \rectas Yet can -- not rest, yet __ _ can -- not rest, such cares do still mo -- lest me yet can -- not rest yet can -- not rest, such cares do still mo -- lest __ _ me. All things cons -- pire I see, cons -- pire I see and this con -- sent, and this, and this con -- sent in. To find a place for me \italicas to find a place for me \rectas to find a place for me, for me fit to la -- _ _ ment in, fit to la -- ment \italicas in, fit to __ _ _ _ \rectas % diferente la -- ment __ _ in. } textotenor=\lyricmode{ I wan -- der up and down \italicas I wan -- der up and down, \rectas and fain would __ _ rest me \italicas and fain would rest me, \rectas and fain would rest me \italicas and fain would rest me \rectas and fain would rest me. Yet can -- not rest, \italicas yet can -- not rest, \rectas yet can -- not rest, such cares do still mo -- lest me yet can -- not rest, yet can -- _ _ not rest, such cares do still mo -- lest me. All things cons -- pire I see, I see, \italicas all things cons -- pire I see, \rectas cons -- pire I see and this con -- sent __ _ in. To find a place for me, for me, \italicas to find a place for me \rectas for me, fit to la -- ment in, fit to la -- ment in, fit to __ _ _ _ la -- ment in. } textobassus=\lyricmode{ I wan -- der up \italicas I wan -- der up and down, \rectas and fain would rest me, rest __ _ me \italicas and fain would rest me \rectas and fain would rest me. Yet can -- not rest, \italicas yet can -- not rest, \rectas such cares do still mo -- lest me, yet can -- not rest, \italicas yet can -- not rest, \rectas such cares do still mo -- lest me. All things cons -- pire I see \italicas all things cons -- pire I see \rectas and this con -- sent in \italicas and this con -- sent in. \rectas To find a place for me, \italicas to find a place for me \rectas to find a place for me, \italicas to find a place for me, \rectas for me, fit to la -- ment, fit to la -- ment in, for me, fit to la -- ment in. } incipitcantus=\markup{ \score{ { \set Staff.instrumentName="Cantus 1" \override NoteHead.style = #'neomensural \override Staff.TimeSignature.style = #'neomensural \cadenzaOn \clef "petrucci-g" \key c \major \time 2/2 g'2 } \layout { line-width=\incipitwidth indent = 0 } } } incipitaltus=\markup{ \score{ { \set Staff.instrumentName="Cantus 2 " \override NoteHead.style = #'neomensural \override Staff.TimeSignature.style = #'neomensural \cadenzaOn \clef "petrucci-c1" \key c \major \time 2/2 g'2 } \layout { line-width=\incipitwidth indent = 0 } } } incipittenor=\markup{ \score{ { \set Staff.instrumentName="Cantus 3 " \override NoteHead.style = #'neomensural \override Staff.TimeSignature.style = #'neomensural \cadenzaOn \clef "petrucci-c1" \key c \major \time 2/2 g'2 } \layout { line-width=\incipitwidth indent=0 } } } incipitbassus=\markup{ \score{ { \set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor " \override NoteHead.style = #'neomensural \override Staff.TimeSignature.style = #'neomensural \cadenzaOn \clef "petrucci-c3" \key c \major \time 2/2 g2 } \layout { line-width=\incipitwidth indent = 0 } } } %\layout { % \context {\Voice % \remove Ligature_bracket_engraver % \consists Mensural_ligature_engraver % } % line-width=\incipitwidth % indent = 0 %} \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new ChoirStaff<< \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v1" { \set Staff.instrumentName=\incipitcantus %\set Staff.instrumentName="Cantus 1 " \clef "treble" \cantus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\textocantus } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v2" { \set Staff.instrumentName=\incipitaltus %\set Staff.instrumentName="Cantus 2" \clef "treble" \altus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v2" {\textoaltus } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v3" { \set Staff.instrumentName=\incipittenor %\set Staff.instrumentName="Cantus 3 " \clef "treble" \tenor } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v3" {\textotenor } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName=\incipitbassus %\set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor " \clef "G_8" \bassus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassus } >> >> } % transpose \layout{ \context {\Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #UP \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 1)) \override LyricText.font-size = #1.1 \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = #0.5 } \context {\Score tempoHideNote = ##t \override BarNumber.padding = #2 } \context {\Voice %melismaBusyProperties = #'() autoBeaming = ##f } \context {\Staff %\RemoveEmptyStaves %\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 11) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 1)) \consists Ambitus_engraver \override LigatureBracket.padding = #1 } } %\midi { \mtempo } } \paper{ evenHeaderMarkup=\markup \fill-line { \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string \htitle \hcomposer } oddHeaderMarkup= \markup \fill-line { \on-the-fly #not-first-page \hcomposer \on-the-fly #not-first-page \htitle \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } %system-count=6 %page-count = 2 ragged-last-bottom = ##f indent=3.6\cm system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 20) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 5)) top-system-spacing = % header #'((basic-distance . 8) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 0)) last-bottom-spacing = % footer #'((basic-distance . 12) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 0)) markup-system-spacing.padding = #1.5 }