\version "2.12.2" #(set-default-paper-size "a4") #(set-global-staff-size 17) #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) ss=\once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t cresc=\markup{\italic "cresc."} dim=\markup{\italic "dim."} rit=\markup{\italic "rit."} italicas=\override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic rectas=\override LyricText #'font-shape = #'upright htitle="Moon River" hcomposer="Mancini" \header { title=\markup{\fontsize #3 "Moon River" } subtitle="Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)" %subsubtitle="1961" composer=\markup{\center-column{"Música: Henry Mancini" "Arr. coral: Alain Langrée"}} poet="Texto: Johnny Mercer" copyright=\markup{ \fill-line {"Edited by Nancho Alvarez" \typewriter "http://tomasluisdevictoria.org"} } % tagline="" } global={\key c \major \time 3/4 \skip 1*3/4*16 \pageBreak \repeat volta 2 {\skip 1*3/4*20} \alternative {{\skip 1*3/4*2}{\skip 1*3/4*2}} \bar "|." } cantus=\relative c''{ \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(0 . 0) g2. d'4 c2 b4. a8 g f g2 c,4 b'4. a8 g f \break g2 c,4 d2. ~ d2 e4 c2. g'4 e4. d8 c2. g'4 e4. d8 c4 e g c8 b ~ b4. a8 b8 a ~ a4. g8 a2. g2. d'4 c2 b4. a8 g f g2 c,4 b'4. a8 g f g2 c,4 d2. ~ d2 e4 c2. e2 g4 c2. d2 c4 g2. ~ g4 b8 a g f g2. ~ g8 c, b'a g f g2. c,2. f4 d2 ~ d2 e4 c2. ~ c4 r2 <<\voiceTwo {c2. ~ c2.^\fermata} \new Voice{\voiceOne a'8[( g] f4 g c,2.)}>> } altus=\relative c'{ e2. e4 e( a) g4. f8 e d c2 c4 g'4. f8 e d c2 c4 b2. ~ b2 b4 c2. c4 c4. c8 c2. c4 c4. c8 c4 e c e( dis2) d?4 cis2 c?4 b2 c2( e4) b'4 a2 g4. f8 e d c2 c4 g'4. f8 e d c2 c4 b2. ~ b2 e4 a,4 a2 c4 c2 e4 e2 ees2. d2 c4 ~ c2. ~ c2 c4 ~ c2. ~ c2. c2. c4 c2( b2) b4 c2. ~ c4 r2 a4 g f g2.^\fermata } tenor=\relative c'{ c2. c4 c2 c4. c8 c c g2 g4 a4. a8 a a g2 g4 a2.( gis2) gis4 a2. bes4 bes4. bes8 a2. aes4 aes4. aes8 g4 a? a a2. g4 g g f2. e2( g4) a2 a4 a4. a8 a a c2 g4 a4. a8 a a c4.( b8) a8[ g] a2.( gis2) e4 e e2 e4 e2 a4 a2 a2 a4 g2. a2.( g2.) a2.( g) e2( a4) a4 a2( f) g4 e2. ~ e4 r2 f4 e d e2.^\fermata } bassus=\relative c'{ c2( b4) a4 a2 f4. f8 f f e2 e4 f4. f8 f f e2 e4 f2 b,4 e2. ~ e4 a, c e g e f2. bes,4 d f a, c e fis( b,2) e4 e e d2( g,4) c2( b4) a4 c( e) f4. f8 f f e2 e4 f4. f8 f f e2 e4 f2 b,4 e2 e4 a,4 a2 g4 g2 fis4 fis2 f?4. a8 c f e2. f2.( e) f( e) a, d4 f2( g,2) g4 c2. ~ c4 r2 c4 b a c2.^\fermata } textocantus=\lyricmode{ Moon Ri -- ver, wid -- er than a mile: I'm cross -- in' you in style some day. Old dream ma -- ker, you heart break -- er, wher -- ev -- er you're go -- in', I'm go -- in' your way: Two drift -- ers, off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're aft -- er the same rain -- bow's end, wait -- in' round the bend, my Huck -- le -- ber -- ry friend, Moon Riv -- er and me. me. __ } textoaltus=\lyricmode{ Moon Riv -- er, __ wid -- er than a mile: I'm cross -- in' you in style some day. Old dream mak -- er, you heart break -- er, wher -- ev -- er you go __ I go your way: Two __ drift -- ers, off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. La la la la la la la la la ah ah Moon Riv -- er __ and me. me, Moon Riv -- er. } textotenor=\lyricmode{ Moon Riv -- er, wid -- er than a mile: I'm cross -- in' you in style some day. __ Old dream mak -- er, you heart break -- er, wher -- ev -- er you go I go your way: Two __ drift -- ers, off to see the world. There's such a lot of world __ to __ see. __ La la la la la la la la la la ah __ ah __ Moon __ Riv -- er __ and me. me, Moon Riv -- er. } textobassus=\lyricmode{ Moon __ Riv -- er, wid -- er than a mile: I'm cross -- in' you in style some day, some day. Old dream mak -- er, you heart break -- er, wher -- ev -- er you go __ I go your way: __ Two __ drift -- ers __ off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see, to see. La la la la la la la la la la la la ah __ ah __ Moon Riv -- er __ and me. me, Moon Riv -- er. } acordes=\chordmode{ c2. a:m f c f c d:m6 e:7 a:m c:7 f bes:9 a2:m a4:m7 fis4:m5-7 b2:7 e4:m7 a2:7 d2.:m7 c2. a:m f c f c d:m6 e:7 a:m c/g a:m6+ f:7 c f c f c a:m d:m7 g:7 c1. f4 e:m d:m7 c2. } \score { \new ChoirStaff<< << \new ChordNames{\acordes} \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v1" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Soprano " \clef "treble" \cantus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\textocantus } >> >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v2" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Alto " \clef "treble" \altus} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v2" {\textoaltus } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v3" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor " \clef "G_8" \tenor } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v3" {\textotenor } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Bajo " \clef "bass" \bassus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassus } >> >> \layout{ \context {\Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0 . 0) } \context {\Score \override BarNumber #'padding = #2 } \context {\Lyrics %\override LyricText #'font-size = #2 \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-distance = #0.33 } \context {\Voice \override AccidentalCautionary #'font-size = #-1 \override AccidentalCautionary #'parenthesized = ##f %melismaBusyProperties = #'() autoBeaming = ##f } %\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } \context {\Staff \consists Ambitus_engraver \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-4 . 5.1) } \context {\ChordNames \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(0 . 0) } } %\midi {} } \paper{ evenHeaderMarkup=\markup \fill-line { \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string \htitle \hcomposer } oddHeaderMarkup= \markup \fill-line { \on-the-fly #not-first-page \hcomposer \on-the-fly #not-first-page \htitle \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } %system-count=6 line-width=19.0\cm between-system-padding = 0 ragged-last-bottom = ##f foot-separation = 6\mm head-separation = 2\mm }