\version "1.4.12" \include "paper16.ly" italicas=\property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'font-shape = #'italic rectas=\property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'font-shape = #'upright \header{ composer="Armonización: James E. Moore \\\\ \\ " date="Viena, septiembre de 1986" title="AN IRISH BLESSING" subtitle="Tradicional" footer="Editado con LilyPond" tagline="Copia: Nancho Alvarez" % poet = "Tradicional" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5 global=\notes{ \property Staff.noAutoBeaming=##t \key bes \major \time 4/4 \skip 1*8 \repeat volta 2 {\skip 1*4} \alternative {{\skip 1*1} {\skip 1*1}} \bar "|." } cantus=\notes{ d'8^\mf f' bes'4 ees''4. d''8 | c''4 f'2 f'8 f' | g'4. g'8 f' f' f' ees' | f'2. f'8 f' | %5 g'4. g'8 f'4. g'8 | a'4( )g'8 a' bes'4. bes'8 | bes'4. bes'8 bes' bes' a' bes' | c''2. f'8^\p f' | g' g' f' ees' f'4. f'8 | %10 d'' d'' c'' d'' bes'4. bes'8 | ees''2 ees''8 d'' c'' bes' | f'2. ees'8 f' | f'2. f'8^\p f' | f'1 } altus=\notes{ d'8 c' d'4 ees'4. ees'8 | ees'4 f'( )ees' c'8 d' | f'4( )ees'8 ees' ees' d' c' ees' | c'4( )d'2 c'8 d' | %5 f'4( )ees'8 ees' c'4( )d'8 d' | d'4. d'8 a'4( )g'8 f' | [ees'( a' )g'] f' ees' ees' f' g' | ees'4( g' )f' f'8 f' | f' ees' c' c' c'4( )d'8 d' | %10 a' a' a' a' a'4( )g'8 f' | ees' a' [bes'( )c''] f' f' g' g' | ees'2. ees'8 c' | c'4( )d'2 f'8 f' | c'4( )d'2. } tenor=\notes{ f8 d a4 g4. g8 | a4 a( )f g8 g | bes4. bes8 g a bes a | f2. bes8 bes | %5 bes4. c'8 a4( )bes8 bes | c'4. c'8 d'4. d'8 | [g( c' )bes] a g c' bes c' | bes2( )a4 f8 f | bes bes a a a4( )bes8 bes | %10 c' c' ees' d' d'4. d'8 | bes c' [bes( )a] a bes bes c' | bes4( g )a a8 a | f2. f8 f | f1 } bassus=\notes{ bes,8 bes, bes,4 bes,4. bes,8 | bes,4 bes,2 bes,8 bes, | ees4. ees8 f f f f | bes,2. d8 d | %5 ees4. ees8 d4. d8 | fis4( )e8 fis g4. g8 | c4. c8 c c d e | f2. f8 f | ees ees ees ees d4. d8 | %10 fis fis fis fis g4. g8 | c2 d8 d ees ees | f2. f8 f | bes,2. f8 f | bes,1 } textocantus=\lyrics{ May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be al -- ways at your back. May the sun shine warm up -- on _ your face, the rains fall soft up -- on your fields and un -- til we meet a -- gain, un -- til we meet a -- gain may God hold you in the palm of his hand, and un- hand. } textoaltus=\lyrics{ May the road rise to meet you. _ May the wind _ be al -- ways at your back. _ May the sun _ shine warm _ up -- on _your face, _ the rains _ _ fall soft up -- on your fields _ _ and un -- til we meet a -- gain, _ un -- til we meet a -- gain _ may God, may God _ hold you in the palm of his hand, _ and un- hand. _ } textotenor=\lyrics{ May the road rise to meet you. _ May the wind be al -- ways at your back. May the sun shine warm _ up -- on your face, the rains _ _ fall soft up -- on your fields _ and un -- til we meet a -- gain, _ un -- til we meet a -- gain may God, may God _ hold you in the palm _ _ of his hand, and un- hand. } textobassus=\lyrics{ May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be al -- ways at your back. May the sun shine warm up -- on _ your face, the rains fall soft up -- on your fields and un -- til we meet a -- gain, un -- til we meet a -- gain may God hold you in the palm of his hand, and un- hand. } \score{ \context ChoirStaff < \addlyrics \context Staff = "v1"< \property Staff.instrument="Soprano " \global \clef treble \cantus > \context Lyrics="l1" \textocantus \addlyrics \context Staff = "v2"< \property Staff.instrument="Contralto " \property Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff \global \clef treble \altus > \context Lyrics="l2" \textoaltus \addlyrics \context Staff = "v3"< \property Staff.VerticalExtent = #'(0 . 0) \property Staff.instrument="Tenor " \property Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff \global \clef "G_8" \tenor > \context Lyrics="l3" \textotenor \addlyrics \context Staff ="v4"< \property Staff.instrument="Bajo " \property Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff \global \clef bass \bassus > \context Lyrics="l4" \textobassus > \paper { linewidth=19.4 \cm interscoreline= 0.0 \cm interscorelinefill= 1.0 textheight= 26.0 \cm % pagenumber=no \translator { \LyricsContext LyricText \override #'font-relative-size = #1 } % \translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext } \translator { \ScoreContext BarNumber \override #'padding = #2 } } %\midi {\tempo 4 = 120} }