\version "2.18.0" #(set-default-paper-size "a4") #(set-global-staff-size 19.0) #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) %nomobile italicas=\override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic rectas=\override LyricText.font-shape = #'upright ss=\once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t mtempo={\tempo 4 = 100} mtempob={\tempo 4 = 50} notaspequenas={\set fontSize=#-3 \override Staff.Stem.length = #5 } notasmedianas={\set fontSize=#-3 \override Staff.Stem.length = #5 } notasnormales={\unset fontSize \revert Staff.Stem.length \revert Staff.Beam.length-fraction \cueClefUnset } letrapequena=\override LyricText.font-size = #-4 letramediana=\override LyricText.font-size = #-2 letranormal=\revert LyricText.font-size mt=#(define-music-function (parser location offset) (number?) ; move lyric text #{ \once \override LyricText.X-offset = -$offset #}) htitle="Dido and Æneas" hcomposer="Purcell" \header { title=\markup{\fontsize #3 "Dido and Æneas"} subtitle="Bass" subsubtitle=\markup{\null \vspace #2 } composer="Henry Purcell (1659-1695)" pdfauthor=\composer %opus="(-)" %poet=\markup{} copyright=\markup{ \fill-line {"Edited by Nancho Alvarez" \typewriter "http://tomasluisdevictoria.org"} } % tagline="" } global={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #3 \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 %\tempo \markup{"Allegretto grazioso"} \key g \minor \time 4/4 \skip 1*30 \bar "|." } bassus=\relative c'{ \phrasingSlurDotted \dynamicUp R1*14 r2 \notaspequenas \cueClef "G_8" ees8.[ d16 c8. d16] b8.[ d16 c8. ees16] d8.[ ees16] f4 b,4 c ees8[ d] c[ b] c2 \notasnormales c,4 g' c c c g \ss aes2 a4 f bes d, ees f bes,1 f'4 g aes aes g a! b8[ a] b[ g] c2 d4( a % a! bes4) g fis g d4. d8 g,2 ~ g2 c'4( g aes) f g c, g4. g8 c2 } textobassus=\lyricmode{ \letrapequena shake __ _ _ the cloud from off your brow. \letranormal Ban -- ish sor -- row, ban -- ish care, Grief should ne'er ap -- proach the fair, Ban -- ish sor -- row, ban -- ish ban -- ish care, Grief __ should ne'er ap -- proach the fair, grief __ should ne'er ap -- proach the fair. } globalb={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #3 \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \time 3/4 \partial 4 \key c \minor \skip 4 \skip 1*3/4*13 \bar "|." } bassusb=\relative c{ \dynamicUp c4 % c8 en el compas anterior \set Score.currentBarNumber=#82 \once \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility=#all-visible c4 c g c2 f4 d4 d c g'2 g4 c4 g c bes ees, g aes4. f8 bes4 ees,2 ees4 bes'4 bes, bes' ees4 ees, f g aes f g4. g8 g,4 c2. } textobassusb=\lyricmode{ When mon -- archs u -- nite how hap -- py their state, They tri -- umph at once o'er their foes and their fate, they tri -- umph, they tri -- umph at once o'er their foes and their fate. } globalc={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \time 3/4 \key c \major \skip 1*3/4*80 %\bar "|." } bassusc=\relative c'{ \dynamicUp R1*3/4*35 \notaspequenas \cueClef "G_8" r2 d4 e4 f2 d2 g4 f4( e) d c2. \notasnormales \bar ".|:" c2^\markup{\dynamic "f" \large "/" \dynamic "p"} g4 c2 c,4 g'4 e2 d2 g4 c4 f,2 g2 e4 f4 g2 c,2. \bar ":|." R1*3/4*8 c'2^\f g4 c2 c,4 g'4 e2 d2 g4 c4 f,2 g2 e4 f4 g2 c,2. R1*3/4*8 \bar ".|:" c'2^\markup{\dynamic "f" \large "/" \dynamic "p"} g4 % editorial c2 c,4 g'4 e2 d2 g4 c4 f,2 g2 e4 f4 g2 c,2. \bar ":|." % esta repeticion es editorial } textobassusc=\lyricmode{ \letrapequena The He -- ro loves as well as you. \letranormal Fear no dan -- ger to en -- sue, The He -- ro loves as well as you. Fear no dan -- ger to en -- sue, The He -- ro loves as well as you. Fear no dan -- ger to en -- sue, The He -- ro loves as well as you. } globald={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key a \minor \time 4/4 \skip 1*16 \bar "|." } bassusd=\relative c'{ \dynamicUp R1*2 \notaspequenas \cueClef "G_8" \once \override TextScript.X-offset = #-1.5 b4^\markup{"Tenor"} e e b \notasnormales e,4 a a g8[ fis] g4 e b'4. a8 gis4 e a a, d g g fis \ss fis16[ g a8] a,4 d4. b8 e4 e a, a d4. d8 g,4. g8 g'4 g e4. e8 b'4 b4 g4. g8\! a4 b c4. b8 a4. a8 b4. b,8 e4 fis g a b b, e2 } textobassusd=\lyricmode{ \letrapequena Cu -- pid on -- ly \letranormal Cu -- pid on -- ly throws the dart That's dread -- ful, dread -- ful, Cu -- pid on -- ly throws the dart that's dread -- ful to a war -- rior's heart, And she that wounds, and she that wounds can on -- ly, on -- ly cure the smart, can on -- ly, on -- ly cure the smart. } globale={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key c \major \time 3/4 \skip 1*3/4*50 \skip 2 % \bar "|." } bassuse=\relative c{ \dynamicUp r4 r c8 d e4 e c g'2 a8 b c4 c a b b b8 b c4 c c, d2 d8 d g4 d4. d8 g,4 g g'8 g g4 g, g'8 g g4 g, g' c8.[ b16 c8. d16 c8. d16] c4 c, c' a4. a8 e4 f4. d8 g4 c,2 r4 R1*3/4*2 \notaspequenas \cueClef "treble" a'''8.[ bes16 a8. g16 f8. e16] d2 \notasnormales g,,8. g16 g4 g, g'8. g16 g4 g, g' c8.[ b16 c8. d16 c8. b16] a4 a, e' a4. a8 c,4 d4. d8 e4 a,2 a'8 a e4 e c g'2 a8 b c4 c a b b b8 b c4 c c, d2 d8 d g4 d4. d8 g,4 g g'8. g16 g4 g, g'8. g16 g4 g, g' c8.[ b16 c8. d16 c8. d16] c4 c, c' a4. g8 f4 e4. d8 c4 f2 \bar ".|:" % only late sources repeat f4 a4 f f a f d g g g, g g g' g g g c4 g g a e e f4. d8 g4 c,2 \bar ":|." % c,2. } textobassuse=\lyricmode{ To the hills and the vales, to the rocks and the moun -- tains, To the mu -- si -- cal groves and the cool sha -- dy foun -- tains. Let the tri -- umphs, let the tri -- umphs, the tri -- _ umphs of love and of beau -- ty be shown, " " _ let the tri -- umphs, let the tri -- umphs, the tri -- _ umphs of love and of beau -- ty be shown. To the hills and the vales, to the rocks and the moun -- tains, To the mu -- si -- cal groves and the cool sha -- dy foun -- tains, Let the tri -- umphs, let the tri -- umphs, the tri -- _ umphs of love and of beau -- ty be shown. Go rev -- el, ye Cu -- pids, go rev -- el, go re -- vel, ye Cu -- pids, go re -- vel, ye Cu -- pids, the day is your own. } globalf={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key bes \major \time 3/4 \skip 1*3/4*15 \bar "|." } bassusf=\relative c'{ \set Score.currentBarNumber=#37 \once \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility=#all-visible \bar "" bes4. bes8 f4 bes2 bes4 g2 ees4 f2 d4 c2. c'4. c8 g4 c2. ~ c2. ~ c2 c4 c4( a) bes a( e) f d2 d4 c2 a4 c2 c4 f2. } textobassusf=\lyricmode{ Harm's our de -- light and mis -- chief all our skill, harm's our de -- light and mis -- chief all __ our skill, and mis -- chief all our skill. } globalg={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key f \major \time 3/8 \skip 1*3/8*16 \bar "|." } bassusg=\relative c'{ \set Score.currentBarNumber=#62 \once \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility=#all-visible \bar "" \cueClef "treble_8" \notaspequenas r8 \once \override TextScript.X-offset = #-2 c8^\markup{"Tenor"} b c e d c g' f \notasnormales r8 c, b c e d c f e f a g f f c f4 r8 r8 bes a bes d c bes a g f f e f e d c c c c4. } textobassusg=\lyricmode{ \letrapequena Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho \letranormal Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! } globalh={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key f \major \time 3/8 \skip 1*3/8*16 \bar "|." } bassush=\relative c'{ \set Score.currentBarNumber=#99 \once \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility=#all-visible \bar "" \cueClef "treble_8" \notaspequenas \cueClef "treble" \once \override TextScript.X-offset = #2 r8^\markup{"Alto"} f8 e f8 \notasnormales \once \override DynamicText.X-offset = #-2 f, e f a g f e g c, c b c e d c c' bes a d c bes4 a8 bes a g f f e f e d c bes a bes c c f f f f4. % f4 } textobassush=\lyricmode{ \letrapequena Ho ho ho \letranormal Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! } globali={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key f \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \skip 1*3/4*32 \bar "|." } bassusi=\relative c{ \once \override LigatureBracket.style=#'dashed-line \once \override DynamicText.X-offset = #-2.5 d8 d e4 e e f2 \notasmedianas e4^\markup{"soft"} f2 \notasnormales d4^\markup{\fontsize #-4 "loud"} a a bes % simile c2. ~ c2 % \notasmedianas % bes4 c2 % \notasnormales c4 c' c g c, c \notasmedianas c4 c' c g c, c \notasnormales g' aes aes \notasmedianas g aes aes \notasnormales g f f \notasmedianas g4 f f \notasnormales ees d g g, c2 \notasmedianas ees4 d g g, c2 \notasnormales c8 c d4 d a bes2 \notasmedianas a4 bes2 \notasnormales a4 g g f c'2 \notasmedianas f,4 c'2 \notasnormales c4 c'4 c bes a f \notasmedianas c c' c bes a f \notasnormales bes4 bes, c4. c8 f2 \notasmedianas bes4 bes,4 c4. c8 f2 } textobassusi=\lyricmode{ In our deep vault -- ed cell \letramediana ed cell \letranormal the charm we'll pre -- pare, %\letramediana %pre -- pare, %\letranormal Too dread -- ful a prac -- tice, \letramediana too dread -- ful a prac -- tice, \letranormal too dread -- ful \letramediana too dread -- ful \letranormal a prac -- tice \letramediana a prac -- tice, \letranormal for this o -- pen air, \letramediana for this o -- pen air. \letranormal In our deep vault -- ed cell \letramediana ed cell \letranormal the charm we'll pre -- pare, \letramediana pre -- pare, \letranormal Too dread -- ful a prac -- tice, \letramediana too dread -- ful a prac -- tice, \letranormal for this o -- pen air, \letramediana for this o -- pen air. } globalj={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key f \major \time 3/4 \skip 1*3/4*50 % \bar "|." } bassusj=\relative c'{ R1*3/4*24 % hay repeticiones \cueClef "G_8" \notaspequenas e8[ f] g[ f] e[ d] d2. \notasnormales \bar ".|:" d,4. a'8 d4 a4( d) d, a'4 d,2 a'2 f4 e a2 d,2 c4 bes4.( a8) bes4 a2. \bar ":|.|:" \notaspequenas \cueClef "treble" %\once \override TextScript.X-offset = #-3 cis''4^\markup{"Soprano"} d e \notasnormales d,, e f g2. c,4 d e f4. e8 f d e4. d8 c4 a e'4. e8 a,2. R1*3/4 d4 e f g2. e4 f g a4. a8 bes g a4. g8 f4 d4 a' a, d2. \bar ":|." } textobassusj=\lyricmode{ \letrapequena these woods re -- sort. \letranormal Thanks to these lone -- some, lone -- some vales, These de -- sert, de -- sert hills __ and dales. \letrapequena So fair the \letranormal So fair the game, so rich the sport, Di -- a -- na's self might to these woods re -- sort, so fair the game, so rich the sport, Di -- a -- na's self might to these woods re -- sort. } globalk={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key d \major \time 4/4 \skip 1*22 \bar "|." } bassusk=\relative c'{ R1*10 r2 \notaspequenas \cueClef "treble" % el original es octava baja r8 d^\markup{"Alto"} fis a d4 r4 \notasnormales r8 d,,8 fis a d8 d a4 r8 d a4 r8 d, e e a,2 r8 a cis e a4 r8 a d,8 e fis d g g4 g8 e8 d e cis fis g fis e d16[( cis d b] fis'8) fis, b4 r8 b' g2 r8 g, b d g4 r8 e a4 r8 d a4 r8 d a4 r8 d b8 g a a, d2 } textobassusk=\lyricmode{ \letrapequena Haste, haste to town \letranormal Haste, haste to town, haste, haste, haste, haste, haste, haste to town, haste, haste to town, this o -- pen field no shel -- ter, this o -- pen field no shel -- ter from the storm __ can yield, \mt #3.5 haste, haste, haste, haste to town, haste, haste, \mt #3.5 haste, haste, haste, haste, \mt #3.5 haste, haste, haste, haste to town. } globall={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key bes \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \skip 4 \skip 1*3/4*95 \bar "|." } bassusl=\relative c'{ r4 R1*3/4*60 \cueClef "G_8" \notaspequenas d8 c4. d4 ees4. f8 g8[ f] d4. c8 bes4 bes2 \notasnormales bes8 bes bes2 d8 c bes4 bes bes8 f bes2 bes8 a g2 f8 ees d2 bes4 f'4. f8 f,4 bes4 bes bes8 c d4. ees8 f4 a,4 bes c f4 f f8 f fis4 g8[ fis] e[ d] g4. g8 f4 ees4 ees d c2 c'4 c4 b b c b bes a!4 a aes g g f ees d c c c bes d4. c8 d4 g,2 g'4 d4 d bes ees4 ees4 d c4. d8 ees4 f2 f4 bes8 f4. f4 bes8 f4. bes4 ees,4. ees8 bes4 f'4. f8 f,4 bes2. } textobassusl=\lyricmode{ \letrapequena ne -- ver in -- tend -- ing to vi -- sit them more \letranormal Come a -- way, fel -- low sai -- lors, come a -- way, come a -- way, come a -- way, Your an -- chors be weigh -- ing, Time and tide will ad -- mit no de -- lay -- ing, Take a boo -- zy short leave of your nymphs on the shore, And si -- lence their mourn -- ing With vows of re -- turn -- ing, But nev -- er in -- tend -- ing to vi -- sit them more, no nev -- er in -- tend -- ing to vi -- sit them more, no nev -- er, no nev -- er, in -- tend -- ing to vi -- sit them more. } globalm={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key bes \major \time 2/2 \partial 4 \skip 4 \skip 1*29 \skip 2. \bar "|." } bassusm=\relative c'{ bes4 % b8 y cambio de compas \set Score.currentBarNumber=#59 \once \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility=#all-visible bes4 bes bes f bes2 r4 bes bes bes g g d'4 d2 d4 b4 b g g c2 r4 bes aes4 f g4. g8 c,4 c2 c'8[ bes] a[ g] f[ ees] d2 r8 bes[ c d] ees2 r8 c8[ d ees] f4 f d4 d g g c,2 r4 a4 bes g c4. c8 f4 f2 f4 bes4 bes bes f bes2 r4 bes bes bes g g d'4 d2 d4 b b g g c2 r4 bes aes f g4. g8 c,4 c2 c'8[ bes] a8[ g] f[ ees] d2 r8 bes8[ c d] ees2 r8 c8[ d ees] f4 f d4 d g g c,2 r4 c4 d4 ees f4 f, bes4 bes2 } textobassusm=\lyricmode{ De -- struc -- tion's our de -- light, De -- light our great -- est sor -- row, E -- li -- za dyes to -- night, % to Night And Car -- thage flames to -- mor -- row. Ho ho ho ho ho __ ho ho __ ho! E -- li -- za dyes to -- night, And Car -- thage flames to -- mor -- row. De -- struc -- tion's our de -- light, De -- light our great -- est sor -- row, E -- li -- za dyes to -- night, And Car -- thage flames to -- mor -- row. Ho ho ho ho ho __ ho ho __ ho! E -- li -- za dyes to -- night, And Car -- thage flames to -- mor -- row. } globaln={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \key bes \major \time 4/4 \skip 1*13 \bar "|." } bassusn=\relative c'{ bes2 f4. f8 bes4 bes ees,4. ees8 f1 bes2 g c2 a4. a8 d4 fis, g g, d'1 R1 r4 d g fis bes4 a g8.[ a16] g4 c,4 g' d ees bes c d4. d8 g1 } textobassusn=\lyricmode{ Great minds a -- gainst them -- selves con -- spire, great minds, great minds a -- gainst them -- selves con -- spire, And shun the cure they most de -- sire, and shun the cure they most de -- sire. } globalo={ \compressFullBarRests \override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset = #0 \override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #1.5 \key bes \major \time 4/4 \skip 1 \repeat volta 2 {\skip 1*28 } \alternative {{\skip 1} {\skip 1}} \bar "|." } bassuso=\relative c''{ \notaspequenas \cueClef "treble" r4 \once \override TextScript.X-offset = #-1 d4^\markup{"Soprano"} c( bes a4) \notasnormales g,4 f( ees d) c bes g c8[ d] ees[ c] d4 r R1 r4 c'4 bes( a g) f ees d ees bes d2 ~ d2. g,4 d' d g,2 r4 r8 d' g8[ fis] g[ a] bes4 bes bes,8[ c] d[ bes] ees8[ d] c[ bes] a4 g d'2 r R1 g4( fis) bes4( a g) f e d % f! d( cis) f( e) d( a) d( a') d,( c bes) bes a4. a8 a4 a d4 r8 d g4 r c,4. c8 f4 r8 f d4 r ees ees f4. f8 bes,4 r8 bes ees8 ees r4 d8 d r4 c4. c8 d4 r8 d bes bes r4 c8 c r4 d4 g, d'4. d8 g,2 r2 g1 } textobassuso=\lyricmode{ \letrapequena With droop- \letranormal With droop -- ing wings ye Cu -- pids come, with droop -- ing wings ye Cu -- pids come, ye Cu -- pids come, % you And scat -- ter ro -- ses, scat -- ter ro -- ses on her tomb. Soft, % __ soft __ and gen -- tle, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft __ and gen -- tle as her heart, Keep here, here your watch, keep here, here, keep here your watch, and nev -- er, nev -- er, nev -- er part and nev -- er, nev -- er, nev -- er, nev -- er part. part. } \markup{\fontsize #4 "1. Overture" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #6 "Act I"} \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "2. Scena and Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassus } >> } % transpose } \markup{\fontsize #4 "3. Song" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "4. Recit"} \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "5. Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff <<\globalb \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusb } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusb } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "6. Recit" } \pageBreak \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "7. Duet and Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globalc \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusc } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusc } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #3 "Incidental music: The Baske" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "8. Recit" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "9. Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff <<\globald \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusd } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusd } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "10. Recit" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "11. Air" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #3 "Incidental music: A Dance Gittars Chacony" } \pageBreak \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "12. Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff <<\globale \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassuse } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassuse } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "13. The Triumphing Dance" } \pageBreak \markup{\fontsize #6 "Act II"} \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "14. Prelude for the Witches" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "15. [Witches'] Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globalf \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusf } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusf } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "16. Recit." } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "17. Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globalg \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusg } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusg } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "18. Recit." } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "19. Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globalh \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassush } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassush } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #2 "Incidental music: Drunken Saylors" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "20. Duet." } \pageBreak \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "21. Chorus" \fontsize #2 \italic " (In a Manner of an Echo)" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globali \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusi } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusi } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "22. Echo Dance of Furies" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #6 "Act II [scene 2]: The Grove"} \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "23. Ritornelle" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "24. Song and Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globalj \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusj } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusj } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #2 "Incidental music: Gitter Ground a Dance"} \pageBreak \markup{\fontsize #4 "25. Song" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #2 "Incidental music: A Dance to Entertain Æneas"} \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "26. Recit." } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "27. Song and Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globalk \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusk } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusk } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "28. Recit." } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #2 "Incidental music: The groves dance"} \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #6 "Act III"} \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "29. Prelude" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globall \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusl } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusl } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "30. The Sailor's Dance" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "31. Recit." } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "32. Song" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "33. Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globalm \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusm } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusm } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #2 "Incidental music: A Dance" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "34. The Witches' Dance" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "35. Recit." } \pageBreak \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "36. Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globaln \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassusn } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusn } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "37. Recit." } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "38. Song" } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #4 "39. Chorus" } \score {\transpose c' c'{ \new Staff << \globalo \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="B" \clef "bass" \bassuso } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassuso } >> } % transpose } \markup{\null \vspace #1 } \markup{\fontsize #2 "Incidental music: Cupids Dance" } \layout{ \context {\Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #UP \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 1)) \override LyricText.font-size = #1.1 \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = #0.5 } \context {\Score tempoHideNote = ##t %\override BarNumber.padding = #2 } \context {\Voice %melismaBusyProperties = #'() autoBeaming = ##f } \context {\Staff %\RemoveEmptyStaves \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 11) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 1)) %\consists Ambitus_engraver \override LigatureBracket.padding = #1 } } \paper{ evenHeaderMarkup=\markup \fill-line { \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string \htitle \hcomposer } oddHeaderMarkup= \markup \fill-line { \on-the-fly #not-first-page \hcomposer \on-the-fly #not-first-page \htitle \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } %system-count=8 %page-count = 8 ragged-last-bottom = ##f indent=0.5\cm system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 20) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 5)) top-system-spacing = % header #'((basic-distance . 14) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 0)) last-bottom-spacing = % footer #'((basic-distance . 10 ) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 0)) markup-system-spacing.padding = #1.5 top-markup-spacing.padding = #2.5 }