\version "2.11.45" #(set-default-paper-size "a4") #(set-global-staff-size 16.8) #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) ss=\once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t \header { title=\markup{\bigger \bigger \bigger \bigger "The Lord bless you and keep you" } subsubtitle=\markup{\column{ "El Señor te bendiga y te guarde" " " " " " " " " " " }} dedication=\markup{\column{"in memoriam Edward T. Chapman" " "}} composer="John Rutter (1945-)" poet="Números 6, 24-26" %opus="(-)" copyright=\markup{ \fill-line {"Edited by Nancho Alvarez" \typewriter "http://tomasluisdevictoria.org"} } % tagline="" } global={\key ges \major \time 4/4 \skip 1*45 \bar "|." } cantus=\relative c''{ \dynamicUp \set hairpinToBarline = ##t \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #-12 s4*0^\markup{\bigger "Andante espressivo" ( \smaller \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4" #1 "= 72 )"} R1 r2 r4 r8 bes^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " dolce e legato"} bes2 bes4 aes8 bes aes4 ges2 ~ ges8 ges ges4 f8 ges aes4\< ges des'4.\! ces8\> bes\! aes4\< aes8 ees'4.\! des8\> ces\! bes des ces ces4 bes2 ges8 aes bes4 bes2 bes8 aes8 \break bes2. r8 bes^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " dolce sempre"} bes2 bes4 aes8 bes aes4 ges2 ~ ges8 ges ges4 f8 ges aes4\< ges des'4.\! ces8 bes aes4^\mp aes8\< \set hairpinToBarline = ##f ees'4.\! des8 ces bes des ces ces4 bes2\> ges8\! aes bes4 bes2 bes8 aes bes2. r8 bes^\markup{\dynamic mp \italic " cresc."} bes4 bes c c ees2.^\mf d8 c d4. g,8 g4 a b4 b2\> ~ b8\! r8 R1*4 r4 ees^\mp bes ees, des'4( c2.)^\markup{\italic " dim."} ~ c4 r r2 R1 r4 ces^\pp ges ces, ces'( bes2.)\< ~ bes4\! bes^\p ges ees \once \override TextScript #'padding = #3 aes1(^\markup{\bold "poco rit."} \once \override TextScript #'padding = #3 bes4)^\markup{\bold "a tempo"} ~ bes8 r r2 R1 ees2.^\mf( des8[ ees] des4) ces2.\< aes'2.^\f( ges8[ aes] ges4) f2\> ees8[^\mf( f] ees4) des ges2\> ~ ges^\mp des2 ~ \once \override TextScript #'padding = #3 des4^\markup{\bold "rall."} des2\> ges,4\! aes2.(^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " dim."} ~ \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #-12 aes8[^\markup{\bold "molto rall."} bes]) bes1^\pp^\fermata } altus=\relative c''{ \dynamicUp R1*9 r2 r4 r8 bes^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " dolce sempre"} bes2 bes4 aes8 bes aes4 ges2 ~ ges8 ges \set hairpinToBarline = ##t ges4 f8 ges aes4\< ges aes4.\! ees8 ees ees4^\mp aes8\< \set hairpinToBarline = ##f aes4.\! aes8 ges ges ges ges ges4.( f8)\> ees4 ees8\! ees ees4 ees2 ees8 ees d2. r8 bes'^\markup{\dynamic mp \italic " cresc."} bes4 bes bes aes g2.^\mf g8 g g4. fis8 e4 fis8[ e] e4 dis2\> ~ dis8\! r R1*8 r4 ces'^\pp ges ces, ces'( bes2.)\< ~ bes4\! bes^\p ges ees ees2.( f4 ges4) ~ ges8 r r2 R1 ees2.^\mf ees4 ~ ees ees4.(\< f8 ges4) aes2^\f des4 ges, ~ ges8 ees[ f ges] aes2\> ~ aes4^\mf bes8[\>( aes] ges4 aes\!) bes^\mp ges( aes bes ces bes aes)\> ges ~ ges\! ees(^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " dim."} f2) ges1^\pp^\fermata } tenor=\relative c'{ \dynamicUp R1*9 r2 r4 r8 bes^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " dolce sempre"} bes2 bes4 aes8 bes aes4 ges2 ~ ges8 bes ees4 ees8 ees \set hairpinToBarline = ##t des4\< des ees4.\! ees8 ces ces4^\mp ces8\< \set hairpinToBarline = ##f aes4.\! aes8 ces ces ges ges ges[ aes] bes2\> bes8\! bes bes4 bes2 ges8 ees f2. r4 R1*3 r2 r4 r8 b^\markup{\dynamic mp \italic " cresc."} b4 b cis cis e2. ees8 des! ees4. aes,8 aes4 ees'8[ f] ees4 d2.\> ~ d4\! r r2 R1 r4 des^\p aes des, ces'?( bes2.)^\markup{\italic " dim."} ~ bes4 ces^\pp ges ces, ces'( bes2.)\< ~ bes4\! des,^\p ees ges ces1 bes2.(^\mp aes8[ bes] aes4) ges2.\< ~ ges4\! r r2 r2 ees'^\mf\< ~ ees4^\f( des4. ges,8) ces4 ~ ces8 aes( des2\>) aes4^\mf ~ aes8 f[( ges\> aes] bes4 ces\!) des^\mp bes( ces des \set hairpinToBarline = ##t ces des ces\>) bes des\!(^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " dim."} ces aes des) 1^\fermata^\pp } bassus=\relative c'{ \dynamicUp R1*9 r2 r4 r8 bes^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " dolce sempre"} bes2 bes4 aes8 bes aes4 ges2 ~ ges8 ges \set hairpinToBarline = ##t ces4 ces8 ces bes4\< bes aes4.\! \set hairpinToBarline = ##f aes8 ges ges4^\mp ges8\< f4.\! f8 ees ees ees ees <}>> des4 des8\! des c2 ces4 ces8 ces bes2. r4 R1*3 r2 r4 r8 b'^\markup{\dynamic mp \italic " cresc."} b4 b b a gis2.^\mf gis8 gis aes?4. aes8 aes4 aes4 aes bes2.\> ~ bes4\! r r2 R1*3 r4 ces^\pp ges ces, ces'( bes2.)\< ~ bes4\! des,^\p ees ges ges4( f ees des) bes'2.^\mp( aes8[ bes] aes4) ges2.\< ~ ges4\! ges2^\markup{\italic "cresc."} ges4 ~ ges4 aes2^\mf\< ges4 f2^\f( ees des ces)\> <}>> ees2 des1^\mp \set hairpinToBarline = ##t < s}>> des1)\!^\markup{\dynamic p \italic " dim."} 1^\fermata^\pp } textocantus=\lyricmode{ The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine up -- on you, to shine up -- on you and be gra -- cious, and be gra -- cious un -- to you. The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine up -- on you, to shine up -- on you and be gra -- cious, and be gra -- cious un -- to you: The Lord lift up the light of his coun -- te -- nance up -- on you, and give you peace, __ and give you peace, __ and give you peace. __ A -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men. } textoaltus=\lyricmode{ The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine up -- on you, to shine up -- on you and be gra -- cious, and be gra -- cious un -- to you: The Lord lift up the light of his coun -- te -- nance up -- on you, and give you peace, __ and give you peace. __ A -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men. } textotenor=\lyricmode{ The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine up -- on you, to shine up -- on you and be gra -- cious, and be gra -- cious un -- to you: The Lord lift up the light of his coun -- te -- nance up -- on you, and give you peace, __ and give you peace, __ and give you peace. A -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men. } textobassus=\lyricmode{ The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine up -- on you, to shine up -- on you and be gra -- cious, and be gra -- cious un -- to you: The Lord lift up the light of his coun -- te -- nance up -- on you, and give you peace, __ and give you peace. __ A -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men, a -- men. } \score { \new ChoirStaff<< \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v1" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Soprano " \set Staff.shortInstrumentName="S " \clef "treble" \cantus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\textocantus } >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v2" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Alto " \set Staff.shortInstrumentName="A " \clef "treble" \altus} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v2" {\textoaltus } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v3" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor " \set Staff.shortInstrumentName="T " \clef "G_8" \tenor } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v3" {\textotenor } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Bajo " \set Staff.shortInstrumentName="B " \clef "bass" \bassus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassus} >> >> \layout{ %\context {\Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0 . 0) } \context {\Score \override BarNumber #'padding = #2 } \context {\Lyrics %\override LyricText #'font-size = #2 \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-distance = #0.33 } \context {\Voice %melismaBusyProperties = #'() autoBeaming = ##f } \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } \context {\Staff extraNatural = ##f \consists Ambitus_engraver } } %\midi {} } \paper{ evenHeaderMarkup=\markup \fill-line { \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string "The Lord bless you and keep you" "Rutter" } oddHeaderMarkup= \markup \fill-line { \on-the-fly #not-first-page "Rutter" \on-the-fly #not-first-page "The Lord bless you and keep you" \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } %system-count=8 line-width=19.0\cm between-system-padding = 0 ragged-last-bottom = ##f head-separation = 6\mm foot-separation = 12\mm }