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Qui car -- ne quon -- dam con -- te -- gi di -- gna -- tus es pro per -- di -- tis nos mem -- bra con -- fer ef -- fi -- ci tu -- i be -- a -- ti cor -- po -- ris. } textoaltus=\lyricmode{ O na -- ta lux __ _ _ de lu -- mi -- ne, __ _ _ Ie -- su re -- dem -- ptor sæ -- cu -- li di -- gna -- re cle -- mens sup -- pli -- cum lau -- des pre -- ces -- _ _ que su -- me -- re. Qui car -- ne quon -- dam con -- te -- gi di -- gna -- tus es __ _ _ pro __ _ per -- di -- tis nos mem -- bra con -- fer ef -- fi -- ci tu -- i be -- a -- ti _ cor -- po -- ris. } textoaltusdos=\lyricmode{ O na -- ta lux __ _ _ de lu -- mi -- ne, __ _ _ _ Ie -- su re -- dem -- ptor sæ -- cu -- li di -- gna -- re cle -- mens sup -- pli -- cum __ _ _ lau -- des pre -- ces -- que su -- me -- re. Qui car -- ne quon -- dam __ _ _ con -- _ te -- gi di -- gna -- tus es pro per -- di -- tis nos mem -- bra con -- fer ef -- fi -- ci tu -- i be -- a -- ti __ _ cor -- _ po -- ris. } textotenor=\lyricmode{ O na -- ta lux __ _ _ de lu -- mi -- ne Ie -- su re -- dem -- ptor sæ -- cu -- _ li di -- gna -- re cle -- mens _ sup -- pli -- cum __ _ _ lau -- des pre -- ces -- que su -- me -- re. Qui car -- ne quon -- dam _ con -- te -- gi __ _ _ di -- _ gna -- tus es pro per -- di -- tis nos mem -- bra con -- fer ef -- fi -- ci tu -- i be -- a -- ti cor -- _ po -- ris. } textobassus=\lyricmode{ O na -- ta lux de lu -- mi -- ne, Ie -- su re -- dem -- ptor sæ -- cu -- li di -- gna -- re cle -- mens sup -- pli -- _ cum lau -- des pre -- ces -- _ _ que su -- me -- re. Qui car -- ne quon -- dam con -- _ te -- gi di -- gna -- tus es pro per -- di -- tis nos mem -- bra con -- fer ef -- fi -- ci tu -- i be -- a -- ti cor -- _ po -- ris. } incipitcantus=\markup{ \score{ { \set Staff.instrumentName="Superius " \override NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural \override Rest #'style = #'neomensural \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural \cadenzaOn \clef "petrucci-g" \key bes \major \time 3/2 d''2 } \layout { \context {\Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } \context {\Voice \remove Ligature_bracket_engraver \consists Mensural_ligature_engraver } line-width=\incipitwidth indent = 0 } } } incipitaltus=\markup{ \score{ { \set Staff.instrumentName="Discantus " \override NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural \override Rest #'style = #'neomensural \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural \cadenzaOn \clef "petrucci-c2" \key bes \major \time 3/2 g'2 } \layout { \context {\Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } \context {\Voice \remove Ligature_bracket_engraver \consists Mensural_ligature_engraver } line-width=\incipitwidth indent = 0 } } } incipitaltusdos=\markup{ \score{ { \set Staff.instrumentName="Contratenor " \override NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural \override Rest #'style = #'neomensural \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural \cadenzaOn \clef "petrucci-c3" \key bes \major \time 3/2 bes2 } \layout { \context {\Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } \context {\Voice \remove Ligature_bracket_engraver \consists Mensural_ligature_engraver } line-width=\incipitwidth indent = 0 } } } incipittenor=\markup{ \score{ { \set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor " \override NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural \override Rest #'style = #'neomensural \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural \cadenzaOn \clef "petrucci-c4" \key bes \major \time 3/2 g } \layout { \context {\Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } \context {\Voice \remove Ligature_bracket_engraver \consists Mensural_ligature_engraver } line-width=\incipitwidth indent = 0 } } } incipitbassus=\markup{ \score{ { \set Staff.instrumentName="Bassus " \override NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural \override Rest #'style = #'neomensural \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural \cadenzaOn \clef "petrucci-f4" \key bes \major \time 3/2 g2 } \layout { \context {\Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } \context {\Voice \remove Ligature_bracket_engraver \consists Mensural_ligature_engraver } line-width=\incipitwidth indent = 0 } } } \score { \new ChoirStaff<< \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v1" { \set Staff.instrumentName=\incipitcantus \clef "treble" \cantus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\textocantus } >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v2" { \set Staff.instrumentName=\incipitaltus \clef "treble" \altus} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v2" {\textoaltus } >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v5" { \set Staff.instrumentName=\incipitaltusdos \clef "treble" \altusdos } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v5" {\textoaltusdos } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v3" { \set Staff.instrumentName=\incipittenor \clef "G_8" \tenor } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v3" {\textotenor } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName=\incipitbassus \clef "bass" \bassus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassus} >> >> \layout{ \context {\Lyrics %\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0 . 0) %\override LyricText #'font-size = #2 \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-distance = #0.33 } \context {\Score \override BarNumber #'padding = #2 } \context {\Voice melismaBusyProperties = #'() } %\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } \context {\Staff \consists Ambitus_engraver \override LigatureBracket #'padding = #1 } } %\midi {} } \paper{ evenHeaderMarkup=\markup \fill-line { \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string "O nata lux" "Tallis" } oddHeaderMarkup= \markup \fill-line { \on-the-fly #not-first-page "Tallis" \on-the-fly #not-first-page "O nata lux" \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } %system-count=8 %system-count=8 %line-width=19.0\cm ragged-last-bottom = ##f indent=3.3\cm between-system-padding = 0 head-separation=1\mm foot-separation=2\mm }