
Smart City International Conference 2016 - Malaga

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: 15/06/2016 00:00
: 17/06/2016 23:59

International Conference, June 15-17th 2016

        Málaga (Spain)

Call for Papers and Participation



Today’s landscape of research is really varied and specialized at the same time. Many daily advances appear relating telecoms, health, information technologies, transport, and a countless list of interesting domains. This conference makes a multidisciplinary unique event devoted to a hot topic: the revolution to occur in our cities.

Nowadays, cities evolve rapidly, as a response to the big number of people who already live or plan to live in them (up to 70% of world population in 2050). This provokes a growth of the demand of new services, as much as it creates new challenges to city managers and frustrates citizens who see their commodity, health, and economy negatively affected by the shortage of proper solutions.

There exists then a new domain of work, either for research, development, and innovation, consisting in addressing the very complex problems that appear in our cities. The "Smart City" term has recently born as a worldwide joint effort aiming at achieving a holistic (integral, coordinated, global) management of resources that hopefully will satisfy three main players: citizens, city managers, and the companies deemed to actually implement the solutions.

One capital issue in smart cities not to be underestimated is the holistic nature of all problems and solutions, way beyond the up-to-now too much focused studies in one part of it. Countless interactions exist between a problem, a service solving it, its users, its managers, and providers. Many horizontal implications exist (relation to other parts or services) as well as many vertical approaches for a solution can be offered (with possibly different quality of service).

This conference welcomes researchers, practitioners, companies, governmental and individual participation around the products and services that will shape our future digital cities. There is a clear goal here in presenting new results, either coming from research, development and innovation, to create an international pole of attraction for people (and knowledge) who will enhance their scientific and practical know-how on the many different niches of work in smart cities.

So, we encourage submissions in the following domains (not excluding others):



- Smart mobility, urban transport, multimodal approaches

- Electric vehicles

- Traffic lights, smart signals, lampposts

- Intelligent Transportation Systems

- Logistics and fleet management

- Smart manufacturing and production

- New mobility services, mobile apps, original ideas of low cost

- Energy, electricity grid, water future systems

- Smart buildings and homes, energy efficiency, and livability

- Environmental research, interconnection of systems for sustainability

- Drones, theory and applications

- Education and health in a smart city

- Government, crowd implication on it, digital improvements

- IT in the city of the future

- Artificial intelligence, advanced algorithms, machine learning

- Citizens, companies, municipal authorities: relations, technical visions

- Smart living, culture, entertainment in the city

- Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) and other self-organizing approaches

- New communication protocols, software, hardware

- Sensors and actuators for the city

- Internet of Things

- Big data and open data in smart cities

- Real world applications, real time services, offline city design

- Holistic approaches, integral design, and whole-city studies

- Social implications of smart cities





Authors of scientific papers should send their contributions to EASYCHAIR, according to the following dates:

- Article submissions deadline: March       1st 2016

- Notification of acceptance:   March      21st 2016

- Final version of articles:    April       6th 2016

- Conference celebration:       June  15th-17th 2016

We plan to publish in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, Springer) and this will be the format of articles in this conference. Make your submission (10 pages at most) at

All information on this conference is available and continuously updated at


SC 2016 organizers

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