1. Becas de master y doctorado. Periodo solicitud 20-10-2020 ~ 9-11-20202.

 2. Becas Hanmun de chino clásico. Periodo solicitud 1-11-2020 ~ 30-11-2020

[Difusión de becas externas a la UMA]


La Academia de Estudios Coreanos, ha anunciado el procedimiento de selección de estudiantes internacionales para el semestre de primavera de 2021. Aquellos que aspiren a ampliar y profundizar sus conocimientos sobre Corea mediante la incorporación a un programa de maestría o doctorado son bienvenidos a solicitarlo. A continuación, se difunde la información enviada por la Academia:


Why Study at the Graduate School of Korean Studies, the Academy of Korean Studies?

As an educational institute established and funded by the Korean government with the aim of promoting Korean studies, we provide international students with excellent educational and living environments as follows:


○    Tuition fees are fully waived for the whole coursework period for all international students.

○    66.7% of international students benefit from the Government Grant, a monthly stipend of $650 for a year, renewable upon evaluation.

○    A 5:1 student-faculty ratio enables close one-to-one guidance by professors.

○    Korean language courses are offered free of charge to assist international students with academic writing, presentations, and discussions.

○    Various programs such as tutoring, writing clinic, cultural activities and airfare subsidy for presentation abroad, etc. support students’ academic performance.


Currently, approximately 300 students including about 150 international students from 30 different countries are enrolled in our Master’s or doctoral degree program in the fields of humanities and social sciences pertinent to Korea.

The Program


○    Coursework period is 2 years for a Master’s degree program and 3 years for a doctoral degree program.

○    An academic year consists of two semesters and courses are provided for 15 weeks per semester. A spring semester begins in March, and a fall semester in September.

○    Most courses are taught in Korean, while courses in Korean Culture and Society major are provided in in English.

○    Students earn 3 credits per each course. In order to graduate, students of a Master’s degree program should complete 24 credits, and a doctoral degree program 36 credits, other than mandatory Korean language courses which are non-credit. Both Master’s degree and doctoral degree students should write a thesis.

Entry Requirement


○    A keen interest in Korean studies, coupled with an undergraduate degree (for a Master’s degree program) or a graduate degree (for a doctoral degree program)

○    English language proficiency equivalent to or higher than TOEFL iBT 80, IELTS Academic Module 6.5, or TEPS 301 for applicants for Korean Culture and Society major

○    Korean language proficiency equivalent to or higher than TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) level 4 for applicants except for Korean Culture and Society major

Application Deadline

We recruit twice a year. Application for 2021 spring semester will be open from 20 October to 9 November 2020. Applications for 2020 fall semester will be sought in March 2021.

How to Apply

To apply, visit gradaks.recruiter.co.kr and complete the online application form. A soft copy or a scanned copy of the following documents should be uploaded on the application website:

○    Personal Statement

○    Research Plan

○    A graduation certificate and official transcripts

○    A score report of TOFEL iBT, IELTS Academic Module, or TEPS (if applicable)

○    A TOPIK certificate (if applicable)

In addition, a letter of recommendation should be sent by registered mail or by email.


Selection Process

Document screening is held for applicants who meet all the application requirement. Then for selected candidates, a video interview is scheduled to be conducted on 11 December 2020.



○    Korean History

○    Diplomatics and Bibliography

○    Philosophy

○    Korean Linguistics · Korean Literature

○    Anthropology · Folklore

○    Religious Studies

○    Musicology

○    Art History

○    Cultural Informatics · Human Geography

○    Political Science

○    Sociology

○    Education

○    Korean Culture and Society (Only available for Master’s degree program)


Seongnam City - South Korea  


- Application guidelines in English:


- Application guidelines in Korean:



Contact Us

If you have any queries about the program or the application process, please contact us at admission_intl@aks.ac.kr or +82-31-730-8183.




La Beca Hanmun (chino clásico) de AKS está diseñada para la próxima generación de académicos en estudios coreanos que buscan mejorar su alfabetización en Hanmun (chino clásico) mientras se encuentran en la Academia de Estudios Coreanos. A continuación, se difunde la información recibida por la Academia

2021 한국학중앙연구원 한문 연수 펠로십 모집

한국학중앙연구원에서는 해외 차세대 한국학자들의 한문역량 제고를 통한 한국학 연구의 균형적 발전을 도모하고자 한문 연수 펠로십을 운영하고 있습니다. 2021년 한국학의 본산인 한국학중앙연구원에서 한문 프로그램을 수강할 참가자를 모집하오니 관심 있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.


▣ AKS 한문 연수 펠로십(AKS Hanmun Fellowship)


1. 내 용: 한문 강좌, 암송, 자유 연구, 답사 등(한국어로 진행)

2. 기 간: 제3회-2021. 3. 2. ~ 6. 21., 제4회-2021. 9. 1. ~ 12. 20.

3. 장 소: 한국학중앙연구원

4. 지원자격: 해외 대학(원)에서 한국학을 전공하는 학부생 및 석·박사 과정생(한국 국적자 제외, 수료생 가능, 졸업생 불가능)

5. 제출서류

- 소정양식 지원서 1부: 첨부파일 다운로드

- 재학(또는 수료)증명서 1부

- 추천서 1부(한문이 학업에 필요한 이유를 기재한 지도교수 추천서)

- 한국어능력시험(TOPIK)에 응시한 적이 있는 경우 해당 성적표 사본 1부

※ 모든 서류는 한국어 또는 영어로 제출해야 하며, 그렇지 않을 경우 한국어 또는 영어로 공증 받은 번역본을 반드시 첨부하여야 함.

6. 접수기간: 2020. 11. 1. ~ 2020. 11. 30.

7. 접수방법: 제출서류들을 하나의 pdf파일로 이메일 접수(akshanmun@aks.ac.kr)

8. 결과통보: 2020. 12. 16.(개별 이메일 통보)

9. 지원사항

- 왕복항공료(이코노미 기준) 및 월 체제비(100만원) 지급

- 원내 게스트하우스 무료 제공

10. 기타사항

- 연수 기간 종료 15일 전까지 결과보고서 제출

- 타 기관에서 지원금을 받는 경우 지원비 중복 수령 불가

11. 문의: 한국학중앙연구원 국제교류처 해외한국학지원실(akshanmun@aks.ac.kr)