European Research Projects
Projects in progress
NEAM-COMMITMENT - NEAM Collaboration fOr iMproved tsunaMi rIsk miTigation and manageMENT
- Grant agreement: Nº 101193486
- Funding institution: European Commission - UE (UCPM-2024-KAPP-PV)
- Participanting institutions: EAA, INGV, FIHC, ISPRA, GEM, UMA, CdL, AA, GSCP, MARDE, DPC, MI, IGN
- Duration from: 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2027
- Funding: 7.683.241,25€
- Coordinator: Marinos Charalmpakis (NOA) - PI UMA: Jorge Macías Sánchez
GANANA - EU-INDIA Partnership for Scientific High-Performance Computing
- Grant agreement: Nº 101196247
- Funding institution: European Commission - HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2023-INCO-06
- Participanting institutions: KTH, UU, FIAS, BSC, CSIC, UMA, CINECA, CMCC, EVIDEN, CSC
- Duration from: 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2027
- Funding: 4,999,522.50€
- Coordinator: (KTH) - PI UMA: Jorge Macías Sánchez
ChEESE-2P - Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth - Second phase
- Reference (Project ID): 101093038
- Funding institution: UE (HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2021-COE-01
- Duration from: 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2026
- Funding: 7.690.590€ / 390.103,75€ UMA node
- Coordinator: Arnau Folch (BSC) - PI UMA: Jorge Macías Sánchez
Web page:
GEO-INQUIRE - Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated Research
- Reference (Project ID): 101058518
- Financing entity: UE (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERC-01-07 )
- Duration from: 01/10/2022 to 31/09/2026
- Coordinator: Dr. D. Fabrice Cotton (GFZ) - PI (UMA): Jorge Macías Sánchez
- Funding: 14,2M € total / 254.412,50 € UMA node
DT-GEO - A Digital twin for Geophysical Extremes
- Reference (Project ID): 101058129
- Financing entity: UE (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-TECH-01)
- Duration from: 01/09/2022 to 31/08/2025
- Coordinators: Dr. D. Arnau Folch/ Dr. D. Ramón Carbonell (CSIC) - PI (UMA): Jorge Macías Sánchez
- Funding: 11,9M € total / 275.625 € UMA node
eFlows4HPC - Enabling dynamic and Intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPC ecosystem
- Reference (Project ID): 955558
- Financing entity: UE (H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2019-1)
- Duration from: 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2023
- Coordinator: Rosa Badia (BSC-CNS) - PI (UMA): Jorge Macías Sánchez/Carlos Sánchez Linares
- Funding: 7,6M € total / 322.295 € UMA node.
ARISTOTLE-eENHSP - All Risk Integrated System TOwards Trans-hoListic Early-warning - enhanced European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership.
- Reference: ECHO/2020/OP/0001.
- Funding institution: EC - DG ECHO (European Community)
- Directorate General: European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
- Duration from: 1/10/2020 to 30/09/2024
- Funding: 3M€ / UMA Service 235,000€
- Coordinator: Alberto Michellini (INGV) - PI (UMA): Jorge Macías Sánchez
COST Innovators Grant (CIG) - Sustaining AGITHAR - Building a Global Tsunami Model Association
- Reference: IG18109
- Funding institution: UE (COST Action) - COST Innovators Grant (CIG)
- Duration from: 14/09/223 to 30/10/2024
- Funding: 125.000€
- Coordinator: Jörn Behrens (proposer), Univ. de Hamburgo.
- Coordinator (UMA): Jorge Macías Sánchez (secondary proposer).
Links: -
Projects already concluded
AGITHAR COST Action - Accelerating Global science In Tsunami HAzard and Risk analysis
- Reference: OC-2018-1-22678
- Funding institution: UE (COST Action)
- Duration from: 18/03/2019 to 17/03/2023
- Funding: 450.000€
- Coordinator: Jörn Behrens (proposer), Univ. de Hamburgo.
- Coordinator (UMA): Jorge Macías Sánchez (secondary proposer).
Links: -
ChEESE - Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth
- Grant agreement: Nº 823844
- Funding institution: European Commission - Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme
- Participanting institutions: BSC - INGV - Vedurstofa Islands - U. Stuttgart - CINECA - Tech. U. Munchen - L-M U. Munchen - U. Málaga - SNGI - IPGP - CNRS - BULL SAS
- Duration from: 01/11/2018 to 28/02/2022
- Funding: 7.683.241,25€
- Coordinator: Arnau Folch (BSC) - PI UMA: Jorge Macías Sánchez
Web page:
ARISTOTLE2-ENHSP - All Risk Integrated System TOwards Trans-hoListic Early-warning - European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership.
- Reference: ECHO/SER/2018/783059
- Funding institution: EC - DG ECHO (European Community - Directorate General - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
- Duration from: 1/10/2019 to 30/09/2020
- Funding: 80.000€
- Coordinator: Alberto Michellini (INGV) - PI (UMA): Jorge Macías Sánchez
Web page:
ModCompShock - Modelling and Computation of Shocks and Interfaces
- Funding institution: ERC (red ITN)
- Duration from: 01/10/2015 to 30/09/2019
- Funding: 3,918,484.14€ (371,809.44€ UMA node)
- Coordinator: Charalambos Makridakis (U. Sussex) - PI (UMA): Carlos Parés Madroñal