
Alfonso Garcia Cerezo

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    Prof. Dr. Alfonso J. García Cerezo

    Catedrático de Universidad

    Tel: 951952331     E-mail: ajgarcia(@)

    Despacho: 2.120



From 1983 to 1993 he worked in the field of intelligent control collaborating with professors A. Ollero and Javier Aracil. In this period, some relevant papers are presented with an important impact on the field of application in fuzzy logic control and the analysis of these controllers, especially stability analysis. Since 1992 he begins to work in the field of mobile robotics, and especially in field robotics, highlighting his work on the AURORA robot, a service robot in greenhouses, with Prof. Ollero. Since 1993, as head of the “INGENIERÍA DE SISTEMAS Y AUTOMÁTICA Research Group, TEP119” (Junta de Andalucía) and particularly with  ROBOTICS & MECATRONICS GROUP, he has worked in the field of Search and Rescue Robotics, being responsible for the development of more than 8 different platforms robotics that include exploration robots (AURIGA- and AURIGA-, QUADRIGA), manipulator robots for exploration and rescue such as ALACRANE, RAMBLER or J8, and Drones with manipulation capacity such as UTAV. Most of them designed and built entirely by the group.

His activity in the field of search and rescue robotics is well known in the field of the Civil Security and Defense sector. As member of the CHAIR OF SECURITY,  EMERGENCIES AND DISASTERS of the University of Malaga, he has received a Distinction for your research work in 2015 by the Excma. Diputación de Málaga, He has received also a recognition for your contribution to the creation of the European Reference Center in the Area of ​​Safety, Emergencies and Disasters at the University of Malaga with  a new Distinction of the Excma. Diputación de Málaga in 2016.

It also helps the creation of the SURGICAL ROBOTICS TEAM, which received from the Junta de Andalucía the Distinction to the UMA RESEARCH TEAM "ROBOT SURGICAL in 2007, and currently, to the LABORATORY OF SPACE ROBOTICS. It has also been a promoter of the UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH IN MECHATRONICS ENGINEERING AND CYBERPHYSICAL SYSTEMS, which welcomes more than 100 researchers from more than 10 research groups (Systems and Automation Engineering, Electronics, Computer Architecture, Languages ​​and Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Psychology, Medicine and Sciences Health, etc.). As a result of this activity, he has been the principal investigator of 86 Research Projects, Contracts with Companies and Infraestructure Grants, with which he has obtained more than 4 million euros for the University of Malaga in the last 10 years. He also has 15 patents for invention. He is the author of more than 230 publications, with more than 3265 citations and an h-index of 32. He has been advisor of 18 doctoral theses. Currently, is the advisor or supervisor of 9 doctoral students. He obtain also 6 “sexenios”  for your research activities and another “sexenio”  for knowledge transfer & innovation activities by the Spanish CNEAI.

He has been coordinator of doctoral programs since 1993. Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Mechatronics Engineering from 2006 to 2016, obtaining in the different ministerial calls the corresponding Mention of Quality / Mention of Excellence. Coordinator of the Master in Mechatronic Engineering from 2010 to 2015. Coordinator of the SUMMER SCHOOL OF MECATRONICS from 2007 to 2010 (University of Malaga - T.U. Dresden). Co-coordinator of the SUMMER SCHOOL OF MECATRÓNICA -ERASMUS IP in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 editions. Coordinator of the CEA-GTROB from 2008 to 2011 (Robotics Thematic Group of the Spanish Automation Committee (CEA)). Deputy Director of the Chair of Security, Emergencies and Disasters at the University of Malaga. International projection: in addition to the contacts already obtained as a result of the investigation, from 2019 to the present he was part of it together with prof. Fernandez-Lozano of the Programming Committee of the European Robotic Forum, the main European robotics event, organized by EUROBOTICS, and for which we were responsible for the ERF2020 edition held in Malaga in March 2020.





Sistemas de Control Inteligente (Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Mecatrónica, ETSII).

Automatica (Grado en Tecnologías Industriales, ETSII).

Control de Sistemas Ferroviarios (Grado en Electrónica, Robótica y Mecatrónica, ETSII).



Robótica Móvil. Robótica de Exploración y Rescate. Biomecatrónica. Sistemas de Control Inteligente,





Diploma de Honor del Premio Tribuna del Inventor Innovador, patrocinado por la Asociacion Nacional de industrias Electronicas, ANIEL, y MUNDO ELECTRONICO (Octubre, 1984).

Premio a la labor investigadora al EQUIPO DE INVESTIGACION UMA "ROBOT QUIRURGICO" de la JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA. (Febrero, 2007).

Diploma de la DIPUTACION DE MALAGA a la Cátedra de Seguridad, Emergencias y Catástrofes por su contribución a la investigación en esta materia (Febrero, 2015)

Diploma de la DIPUTACION DE MALAGA por su contribución a la creación del Centro Europeo de Referencia en el Área de Seguridad, Emergencias y Desastres de la Universidad de Málaga (2016)




C.1. Publications  

  1. Morales-Rodriguez, Jesús; Vázquez-Martín, Ricardo; Mandow-Andaluz, Antonio; Morilla-cabello, David ; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso. “The UMA-SAR Dataset: Multimodal data collection from a ground vehicle during outdoor disaster response training exercises”. The International Journal of Robotics Research.2021 Vol. 40 Núm: 6-7 Pags 835-847. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1.
  2. 2.    Gandarias, Juan Manuel; Wang, Yongjing; Stilli, Agostino; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso Jose; Gomez-De Gabriel, Jesus Manuel; Wurdemann, Helge “Open-Loop Position Control in Collaborative, Modular Variable-Stiffness-Link (VSL) Robots” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2020.Vol.5 Num. 2. 1772-1779. Índice de impacto (ISI): 3.608. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,555. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. 
  3. Fernandez-Lozano, Juan Jesus; Gomez-Ruiz, Jose Antonio; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso Jose. “Integration of a Mobile Node into a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Urban Environments Sensors” 2019.  Vol 19 Núm: 1 pp 215_1 - 215_20. JCR: Q1. Position INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATIONS 10/58, Q1, FI: 2.677.
  4. Sánchez Ibáñez, J. Ricardo, Pérez del Pulgar Mancebo, Carlos J.; Azkarate, Martin; Gerdes, Levin; García Cerezo, Alfonso. “Dynamic path planning for reconfigurable rovers using a multi-layered grid”. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2019. Factor de impacto:3.526 15/88 Q1 ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 69/265 Q2 ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC
  5. Gandarias Palacios, Juan Manuel; Gómez De Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; Garcia Cerezo, Alfonso José. ” Human and object recognition with a high-resolution tactile sensor. 2017 IEEE Sensors Journal, 13/61 T1/Q1. Imp. Fact 3.076
  6. Gandarias Palacios, J. M.; Gómez-de-Gabriel, J. M.; García-Cerezo, A. J. (2018). “Enhancing Perception with Tactile Object Recognition in Adaptive Grippers for Human–Robot Interaction”. SENSORS, 18. JCR: Q1. Position INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATIONS 10/58, Q1, FI: 2.677.
  7. Plaza-Leiva, Victoria; Gomez-Ruiz, Jose Antonio; Mandow-Andaluz, Antonio; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso José. 2017. “Voxel-Based Neighborhood for Spatial Shape Pattern Classification of Lidar Point Clouds with Supervised Learning”. Sensors. 17: 594_1-594_17. Position INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATIONS 10/58, Q1, FI: 2.677.
  8. Fernandez De Cañete-Rodriguez, Francisco Javier; Del Saz-Orozco-Huang, Pablo; Baratti, R; Mulas, M; Ruano, A.; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso José. 2016. “Soft-sensing estimation of plant effluent concentrations in a biological wastewater treatment plant using an optimal neural network”. Expert systems with applications. 63: 8-19. Position COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 18/133, Q1, FI: 3.982.
  9. Serón-Barba, Javier; Martinez-Rodriguez, Jorge Luis; Mandow-Andaluz, Antonio; Reina-Terol, Antonio Jesus; Morales-Rodriguez, Jesús; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso José. “Automation of the Arm-Aided Climbing Maneuver for Tracked Mobile Manipulators”. 2014. IEEETransactions on Industrial Electronics. 61: 3638-3647. Position AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS. 1/58, Q1, FI: 6.498.
  10. Morales-Rodriguez, Jesús; Martinez-Rodriguez, Jorge Luis; Mandow-Andaluz, Antonio; Garcia-Cerezo, Alfonso Jose. “Steering the Last Trailer as a Virtual Tractor for Reversing Vehicles with Passive On- and Off-Axle Hitches”. 2013. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 60: 5729-5736. Position INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATIONS. 1/57, Q1, FI: 6.500.


C.2. Congress

  1. Bañuls, Adrián; Antonio Mandow Andaluz; Jesús Morales Rodriguez; Ricardo Vázquez, Martín; Alfonso Jose Garcia Cerezo. “Object Detection from Thermal Infrared and Visible Light Cameras in Search and Rescue Scenes” IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics. Abu Dhabi, UAE, United Arab Emirates, 04/11/2020.
  2. Antonio Mandow Andaluz; Javier Serón Barba; Francisco Pastor Martín; Alfonso Jose Garcia Cerezo. "Experimental Validation of a Robotic Stretcher for Casualty Evacuation in a Man-Made Disaster Exercise".IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE. pp. 241-245. 04/11/2020.
  3. Zambrana-Lopez, Pablo; Fernández-Quijano, Javier; Juan Jesus Fernandez Lozano; Alfonso Jose Garcia Cerezo; Mayorga-Rubio, Pedro. "Fuzzy Logic Tuning of a PI Controller to Improve the Performance of a Wind Turbine on a Semi-submersible Platform under Different Wind Scenarios".21st IFAC World Congress. IFAC PapersOnLine. 53 - 2, pp. 12364 - 12371. 01/11/2020.
  4. Manuel Toscano Moreno; ANTONIO MANDOW ANDALUZ; MARIA ALCAZAR MARTINEZ SANCHEZ; ALFONSO JOSE GARCIA CEREZO. "Velocity-Based Heuristic Evaluation for Path Planning and Vehicle Routing for Victim Assistance in Disaster Scenarios". Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference. ROBOT 2019. Porto Polytechnic, ISEP, Porto, Portugal. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,Springer, Cham. 1093, 20/11/2019.
  5. Gandarias, Juan; Francisco Pastor Martín; Antonio José Muñoz Ramirez; Alfonso Jose Garcia Cerezo; Jesús Manuel Gómez De Gabriel. “Underactuated Gripper for Human Limbs Manipulation in Rescue Robotics”.  IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).  Macau, China. 04/11/2019.
  6. Antonio Mandow Andaluz; Jesús Morales Rodriguez; Jose Antonio Gomez Ruiz; Alfonso Jose Garcia Cerezo. "Optimizing Scan Homogeneity for Building Full-3D Lidars based on Rotating a Multi-Beam Velodyne Rangefinder". PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. pp. 4788 - 4793. 01/10/2018. ISBN 9781538680933
  7. Juan Jesus Fernandez Lozano; Antonio Mandow Andaluz; Jorge Luis Martinez Rodriguez; Jose Antonio Gomez Ruiz; Jesus Miranda Paez; Alfonso Jose Garcia Cerezo. "Integration of a Canine Agent in a Wireless Sensor Network for Information Gathering in Search and Rescue Missions". PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. pp. 5685 - 5690. 01/10/2018. ISBN 9781538680933
  8. Jesús Manuel Gómez De Gabriel; Juan Manuel Gandarias Palacios; Pérez-Maldonado, Francisco J.; García-Núñez, Francisco J.; Fernández-García, Emilio J.; Alfonso Jose Garcia Cerezo. “Methods for Autonomous Wristband Placement with a Search-and-Rescue Aerial Manipulator” 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 01/10/2018.
  9. Juan Manuel Gandarias Palacios; Francisco Pastor Martín; Antonio José Muñoz Ramirez; Alfonso Jose Garcia Cerezo; Jesús Manuel Gómez De Gabriel.  “Transfer Learning or Design a Custom CNN for Tactile Object Recognition”. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Madrid, España, 01/10/2018.
  10. 10. Jorge Luis Martinez Rodriguez; Jesús Morales Rodriguez; Antonio Mandow Andaluz; Alfonso Jose Garcia Cerezo. Inertia-based ICR Kinematic Model for Tracked Skid-Steer Robots”. International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics.  Shanghai, China, 11/10/2017.


C.3. Research projects

  1. Towards Resilient UGV and UAV Manipulator Teams for Robotic Search and Rescue Tasks (TRUST-ROB) RTI2018-093421-B-100 01/01/2019-31/12/2021. Principal Investigator. 2019-2021. 272250.00 E UR.
  2. Cooperative Robots for Extreme Environments CoRob-X. (H2020 SPACE) Coordination: DFKI Bremen Germany. Investigator. (04/2021-03/2023).
  3. Sensor multimodal inteligente para identificación de características terramecánicas en vehículos autónomos rurales (IMSITER). P18-RT-991. Junta de Andalucia. Investigator. 102.268 EUR
  4. Garthim. Aprendizaje por refuerzo en remoto para robots móviles conectados a Internet. Investigator. 07/2019 a 07/2021. Feder-UMA.
  6. Autonomous DEcision making: ADE (H2020-SPACE-2018-SPACE-12-TEC-2018 821988). Investigator. Coordinador GMV. 2019-2021.
  7. ORPHEO. Optimización de la rentabilidad de plataformas híbridas de energía eólica y de las olas. (código RTC-2016-5712-3). MINECO. Principal Investigator. 2016-2018. 42602.00   EUR.
  8. RAMBLER: Hacia la autonomia en robots de exploracion de largo alcance en espacios naturales. CICYT. DPI2011- 22443. Principal Investigator. 2012-2014. 266.200,00 EUR.
  9. Sistema móvil de información aplicado a la movilidad urbana. Consejeria de Infraestructuras y Ordenacion del Territorio. Junta de Andalucia. Investigator. 2012-2014. 289454 EUR.
  10. GLORIA: Global Robotic Telescopes Intelligent Array For E- Science. Project funded by the European Union of the Seventh Framework Program (FP7 / 2007-2012) under grant agreement 283783. Investigator. 2011-2014. 428480.00 EUR.


C.4. Contracts, technological or transfer merits

  1. Proyecto Piloto 5G Vodafone Andalucía- Caso 2: Robótica de Emergencias. From 01/11/2019 to 31/11/2021. Principal investigators: A. García Cerezo y J. Fdez. Lozano. 650.000 €
  2. Path & Motion Planning for a Sample Fetching Rover ESA contract No: 4000118072/16/NL/LvH/gp2 Investigator 10/2016-12/2021
  3. Compra pública precomercial de tres proyectos de investigación de índole biomédica: Robot Quirúrgico. Investigator.2013-2015. 391222 €.
  4. "Vehículo logístico de alta movilidad y capacidad de conducción autónoma - Proyecto ATICA-", Feder-Interconecta. Principal Investigator. 2012-2014. 280000.00 €.
  5. INSROCA: Diseño y desarrollo de un robot para inspección de elementos a presión de calderas”. IBERDROLA 56/3712; Principal Investigator. 2011-2013. 180000,00 €.
  6. Sistema automático para el despliege de dispositivos en vehículos autónomos 6 Inventors. Application date: 27/09/2018. ES2750880A1. Global protection (PCT countries)
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