\version "1.4.12" \include "paper13.ly" italicas=\property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'font-shape = #'italic rectas=\property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'font-shape = #'upright \header{ composer="F. Mendelssohn (1809--1847)" opus="Adap.: W. H. Cummings (1831--1915)" title="HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SING" subtitle="de la cantata Festgesang" footer="Editado con LilyPond" tagline="Copia: Nancho Alvarez" poet = "Charles Wesley (1707--1788)" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5 global=\notes{\key g \major \time 4/4 \partial 2 \skip 1*20 \bar "|." } discantus=\notes{ d''4 d'' | d''4. d''8 g''4 fis''8 e'' | d''4 c'' b' d'' | e''8 fis'' g''4 d'' d'' | %5 b'2 d''4 d'' | d''4. d''8 g''4 fis''8 g'' | e''4 a' d'' g'' | fis''4. d''8 d''4 cis'' | d''2 d''4 d'' | %10 d'' g'' d'' d''8 b' | d''4 a' d'' d'' | d'' g'' d'' b'8 c'' | d''2 e''4 e'' | g'' f''8 d'' c'' d'' e''4 | %15 e'' c'' d'' e''8 d'' | g''4. d''8 d''4 c'' | b'8 c'' d''4 e''8 d'' e'' f'' | g''4 f''8 d'' c'' d'' e''4 | e''8 d'' c'' b' a'4 fis'' | %20 g''4. g'8 b' c'' d''4 | g''2 } cantus=\notes{ d'4 g' | g'4. fis'8 g'4 b' | b'( )a' d'' d'' | d''4. c''8 b'4 a' | %5 b'2 d'4 g' | g'4. fis'8 g'4 b' | b'( )a' d'' a' | a'4. fis'8 fis'4 e' | d'2 d''4 d'' | %10 d'' g' c'' b' | b'( )a' d'' d'' | d'' g' c'' b' | b'( )a' e'' e'' | e'' d'' c'' b' | %15 c''2 c''4 b'8 c'' | d''4. g'8 g'4 a' | b'2 e''4. e''8 | e''4 d'' c'' b' | c''2 a'4 b'8 c'' | %20 d''4. g'8 g'4 a' | g'2 } altus=\notes{ d'4 d' | d' d' d' g' | g'( )fis' g' fis' | e' a' g' fis' | %5 g'2 d'4 d' | d'4. c'8 b4 g' | g'2 a'4 e' | fis'4. d'8 d'4 cis' | d'2 d'4 d' | %10 d' g' a' g' | g'( )fis' d' d' | d' g' a' g' | g'( )fis' c'' c'' | c'' b' a' gis' | %15 a'2 a'4 fis' | g'4. d'8 d'4 fis' | g'2 c''4. c''8 | c''4 b' a' gis' | a'2 d'4 fis' | %20 g'4. d'8 d'4 fis' | d'2 } tenor=\notes{ b4 b | b4. a8 g4 d' | d'2 d'4 d' | e' e' d' d' | %5 d'2 b4 b | b4. a8 g4 d' | e'2 d'4 e' | a4. a8 b4 g | fis2 d'4 d' | %10 d' d' d' d' | d'2 d'4 d' | d' d' d' d' | b2 c'4 c' | e' f' c' e' | %15 c'2 d'4 d' | d'4. b8 b4 d' | d'2 e'4. e'8 | e'4 d' c' b | c'2 d'4 d' | %20 d'4. b8 b4 c' | b2 } bassus=\notes{ g4 g | g d b, g, | d2 b,4 b, | c c d d | %5 g2 g4 g | g4. d8 e4 d | cis4.( )a,8 b,4 cis | d fis, g, a, | d2 d'4 d' | %10 d' b fis g | d2 d'4 d' | d' b fis g | d2 c4 c | c d e e | %15 a2 d'4 c' | b4. g8 d4 d | g2 c'4. c'8 | c'4 b a gis | a g! fis c' | %20 b g d d | g2 } textocantus=\lyrics{ < { Hark! the he -- rald an -- gels sing, _ ``Glo -- ry to the new -- born King! Peace on earth and mer -- cy mild, _ God and sin -- ners re -- con -- ciled'' Joy -- ful all ye na -- tions ri -- se, join the tri -- umph of the skies, _ with the_an -- ge -- lic host pro -- claim: ``Christ is _ born in Beth -- le -- hem'' Hark! the he -- rald an -- gels sing ``Glo -- ry _ to the new -- born King''. } \context Lyrics \lyrics{ Christ by high -- est heav'n a -- do -- red, Christ the e -- ver -- last -- ing Lord! Late in time be -- hold him come, _ off -- spring of a Vir -- gin's womb. Veiled in flesh the God -- head see, _ hail the_in -- car -- nate De -- i -- ty! _ pleased as man with man to dwell, Je -- sus, _ our Em -- man -- u -- el. } > } textoaltus=\lyrics{ < { Hark! the he -- rald an -- gels sing, _ ``Glo -- ry to the new -- born King! Peace on earth and mer -- cy mild, God and sin -- ners re -- con -- ciled'' Joy -- ful all ye na -- tions ri -- se, join the tri -- umph of the skies, _ with the_an -- ge -- lic host pro -- claim: ``Christ is born in Beth -- le -- hem'' Hark! the he -- rald an -- gels sing ``Glo -- ry to the new -- born King''. } \context Lyrics \lyrics{ Christ by high -- est heav'n a -- do -- red, Christ the e -- ver -- last -- ing Lord! Late in time be -- hold him come, off -- spring of a Vir -- gin's womb. Veiled in flesh the God -- head see, _ hail the_in -- car -- nate De -- i -- ty! _ pleased as man with man to dwell, Je -- sus, our Em -- man -- u -- el. } > } textotenor=\lyrics{ < { Hark! the he -- rald an -- gels sing, ``Glo -- ry to the new -- born King! Peace on earth and mer -- cy mild, God and sin -- ners re -- con -- ciled'' Joy -- ful all ye na -- tions rise, join the tri -- umph of the skies, with the_an -- ge -- lic host pro -- claim: ``Christ is born in Beth -- le -- hem'' Hark! the he -- rald an -- gels sing ``Glo -- ry to the new -- born King''. } \context Lyrics \lyrics{ Christ by high -- est heav'n a -- dored, Christ the e -- ver -- last -- ing Lord! Late in time be -- hold him come, off -- spring of a Vir -- gin's womb. Veiled in flesh the God -- head see, hail the_in -- car -- nate De -- i -- ty! pleased as man with man to dwell, Je -- sus, our Em -- man -- u -- el. } > } textobassus=\lyrics{ < { Hark! the he -- rald an -- gels sing, ``Glo -- ry to the new -- born King! Peace on earth and mer -- cy mild, _ God and sin -- ners re -- con -- ciled'' Joy -- ful all ye na -- tions rise, join the tri -- umph of the skies, with the_an -- ge -- lic host pro -- claim: ``Christ is born in Beth -- le -- hem'' Hark! the he -- rald an -- gels sing _ ``Glo -- ry to the new -- born King''. } \context Lyrics \lyrics{ Christ by high -- est heav'n a -- dored, Christ the e -- ver -- last -- ing Lord! Late in time be -- hold him come, _ off -- spring of a Vir -- gin's womb. Veiled in flesh the God -- head see, hail the_in -- car -- nate De -- i -- ty! pleased as man with man to dwell, Je -- sus, our Em -- man -- u -- el. } > } \score{ < \context Staff = "v5"< \property Staff.instrument="Discantus " \global \clef treble \discantus > \context ChoirStaff < \addlyrics \context Staff = "v1"< \property Staff.instrument="Soprano " \global \clef treble \cantus > \context Lyrics="l1" \textocantus \addlyrics \context Staff = "v2"< \property Staff.instrument="Contralto " \global \clef treble \altus > \context Lyrics="l2" \textoaltus \addlyrics \context Staff = "v3"< \property Staff.VerticalExtent = #'(0 . 0) \property Staff.instrument="Tenor " \global \clef "G_8" \tenor > \context Lyrics="l3" \textotenor \addlyrics \context Staff ="v4"< \property Staff.instrument="Bajo " \global \clef bass \bassus > \context Lyrics="l4" \textobassus > > \paper { linewidth=19.4 \cm interscoreline= 0.0 \cm interscorelinefill= 1.0 textheight= 26.7 \cm pagenumber=no \translator { \LyricsContext LyricText \override #'font-relative-size = #2 } % \translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext } \translator { \ScoreContext BarNumber \override #'padding = #2 } } %\midi {\tempo 4 = 120} }