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If mu -- sic __ _ be __ the __ food __ of __ love, Sing on, sing on, sing on, sing on till I __ am __ fill'd, __ am fill'd __ with __ joy; For then __ my list' -- ning soul you move, for then __ my list' -- ning soul you __ move With ple -- sures __ that __ can ne -- ver __ cloy, Your eyes, __ your mien, __ your tongue __ de -- clare __ That you __ are mu -- sic __ ev' -- ry -- where, your where. } textocantusb=\lyricmode{ \set stanza ="2." _ Plea -- sures in -- vade __ both __ eye __ and __ ear, So fierce, so fierce, so fierce, so fierce the trans -- _ _ ports are __ they __ wound, And all __ my sen -- ses feast -- ed are, and all __ my sen -- ses feast -- ed __ are, Tho' yet __ the __ treat __ is on -- ly __ sound. Sure I __ must pe -- rish by __ your charms, __ Un -- les __ you save __ me __ in __ your __ arms, Sure arms. } textoaltus=\lyricmode{ \set stanza ="1." If mu -- sic __ _ be __ the food of love, Sing on, sing on, sing on till I am fill'd, am fill'd with joy; My list' -- ning soul __ you __ move, for then __ my list' -- ning soul you move With ple -- sures that can ne -- ver __ cloy, Your eyes, your mien, your tongue de -- clare That you are mu -- sic ev' -- ry -- where, your where. } textoaltusb=\lyricmode{ \set stanza ="2." _ Plea -- sures in -- vade __ both eye and ear, So fierce, so fierce, so fierce the trans -- ports are, so fierce they wound, My sen -- ses feast -- ed __ are, and all __ my sen -- ses feast -- ed are, Tho' yet the treat is on -- ly __ sound. Sure I must pe -- rish by your charms, Un -- les you save __ me in __ your arms, Sure arms. } textotenor=\lyricmode{ \set stanza ="1." If mu -- sic be the food of love, Sing on, sing on, sing, sing on till __ I am fill'd, am fill'd with joy; For then __ my list' -- ning soul __ you __ move, for then __ my list' -- ning soul you move With ple -- sures that can ne -- ver cloy, Your eyes, your mien, your tongue de -- clare That you are mu -- sic ev' -- ry -- where, your where. } textotenorb=\lyricmode{ \set stanza ="2." _ Plea -- " sures in" -- vade both eye and ear, So fierce, so fierce, so, so fierce the __ trans -- ports are, so fierce they wound, And all __ my sen -- ses feast -- ed __ are, and all __ my sen -- ses feast -- ed are, Tho' yet the treat is on -- ly sound. Sure I must pe -- rish by your charms, Un -- les you save __ me in __ your arms, Sure arms. } textobassus=\lyricmode{ \set stanza ="1." " " If _ mu -- sic be the food __ of __ love, __ Sing __ on, sing on, sing on till I am fill'd, am fill'd with joy; For then my soul you move, for then my soul you move With ple -- sures that can ne -- ver cloy, Your eyes, your mien, your tongue de -- clare That __ you are mu -- sic ev' -- ry -- where, __ your where. } textobassusb=\lyricmode{ \set stanza ="2." Plea -- sures in -- vade both eye and ear, __ So __ fierce, __ so __ fierce, so fierce, so fierce the trans -- ports are, so fierce they wound, My sen -- ses feast -- ed are, my sen -- ses feast -- ed are, Tho' yet the treat is on -- ly sound. Sure I must pe -- rish by your charms, Un -- les you save me in __ your arms, __ Sure arms. } \score { \new ChoirStaff<< \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v1" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Soprano " \clef "treble" \cantus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\textocantus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\textocantusb } >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v2" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Alto " \clef "treble" \altus} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v2" {\textoaltus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v2" {\textoaltusb } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v3" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor " \clef "G_8" \tenor } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v3" {\textotenor } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v3" {\textotenorb } >> \new Staff <<\global \new Voice="v4" { \set Staff.instrumentName="Bajo " \clef "bass" \bassus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassus } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v4" {\textobassusb } >> >> \layout{ \context {\Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #UP \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 1)) \override LyricText.font-size = #1.2 \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = #0.5 } \context {\Score tempoHideNote = ##t \override BarNumber.padding = #2 } \context {\Voice melismaBusyProperties = #'(#'slurMelismaBusy #'tieMelismaBusy #'beamMelismaBusy) autoBeaming = ##f } \context {\Staff %\RemoveEmptyStaves %\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 11) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 1)) \consists Ambitus_engraver \override LigatureBracket.padding = #1 } } %\midi { \mtempo } } \paper{ evenHeaderMarkup=\markup \fill-line { \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string \htitle \hcomposer } oddHeaderMarkup= \markup \fill-line { \on-the-fly #not-first-page \hcomposer \on-the-fly #not-first-page \htitle \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } %system-count=20 %page-count = 8 systems-per-page = 3 ragged-last-bottom = ##f indent=1.8\cm system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 20) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 5)) top-system-spacing = % header #'((basic-distance . 8) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 0)) last-bottom-spacing = % footer #'((basic-distance . 12) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 0)) }