Red de Grupos de Investigación y Sociedades Científicas

Workshop Idealism and Pragmatism: A History

Workshop theme: Idealism and Pragmatism: A History
Date: 25th-26th Oct 2013
Venues: Friday at the Jessop West Exhibition Space and Saturday at the Humanities Research Institute,
University of Sheffield

The objective of this workshop is to look in detail at how the classical American pragmatists saw themselves in relation to idealism. We will also trace the continuing development of this connection through into the twentieth century, as reflected in the work of figures such as Sellars, Apel, Habermas, Putnam, Rorty and Brandom.


Friday 25th Oct
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-12.30 Paul Franks (Yale University) ‘The “Schelling-fashioned idealism” of C. S. Peirce’
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Dina Emundts (Universität Konstanz) ‘Hegel as a Pragmatist’
15.00-15.15 Coffee
15.15-16.45 Jeremy Dunham (University of Edinburgh) ‘Neo-Leibnizian Idealism in Nineteenth-Century France and its importance for American Pragmatism’
18.00 Workshop Dinner @ Efes Turkish and Mediterranean Restaurant – £13 per head
Saturday 26th Oct
09.30-11.00 Shannon Dea (University of Waterloo) ‘Peirce, Spinoza and Absolute Idealism’
11.00-11.15 Coffee
11.15-12.45 Kenneth Westphal (University of East Anglia) ‘“Of the Transcendental Power of Judgment as such” (KdrV B171–5): Hegel’s Pragmatic Critique and Transformation of Kant’s System of Principles’
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-15.15 Gabriele Gava (University of Frankfurt) ‘What is Wrong with Intuitions? An Assessment of a Peircean Criticism of Kant’
15.15-15.30 Coffee
15.30-17.00 Paul Redding (University of Sydney) ‘An Idealist Solution to a Pragmatist Problem’

REGISTRATION: Registration to attend the workshop is not required. However, there will be a buffet lunch and refreshments provided on both days for £9.50 per person per day which must be registered for in advance. You are welcome to bring your own lunch and drink if you prefer. There will also be a workshop dinner at a local restaurant on the Friday night (£13 a head.

To register for lunch and the workshop dinner please visit our online shop:

The deadline to register for lunch and/or dinner is 14th October.

This will be the first workshop of the 'Idealism and Pragmatism: Convergence or Contestation?' network. Details about the network, it's activities and research can be found on our website: