Red de Grupos de Investigación y Sociedades Científicas

University of Malaga (Spain), September 18th-20th, 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017: Aula «María Zambrano» of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
15:30 Opening:
• Javier Calle, Vice-dean of international relations at the Faculty of Philosophy
• María del Carmen Paredes, President of the Spanish Society of Studies on Hegel.
Juan A. García, Universidad de Málaga, Director of the Research Group on German Idealism.
16:00 Sections for contributed papers:
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Aulas 6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 21.
17:30 Pause / Coffee
17:45 Anette Sell, Hegel Archiv, University of Ruhr, Alemania,
Die Wahrheit des lebendigen Organismus. Hegels und Schellings naturphilosophische Auffassungen des organischen Lebens
18:30 Pause / Coffee
19:00 Maurizio Pagano, Universitá del Piamonte Orientale «Amadeo Avogadro»,
La presenza della verità nell'esperienza dello spirito
19:45 Discussion

Tuesday, September 19: Aula «María Zambrano» of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
09:30 Sections for contributed papers:
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras: Aulas 3, 5, 6, 8, ,13, 16.
11:30 Pause / Coffee
11:45 Jean François Kervegan, University of la Sorbona, París,
La liberté du concept
12:30 Pause / Coffee
13:00 Philipp Schwab, University of Fribourg, Alemania,
Identity of Spirit and Nature: Schelling and Hegel on the True Standpoint of Philosophy in 1801
13:45 Discussion
14:15 Pause
17:00 Juan José Padial, University of Málaga, España,
El alma del mundo: ¿Principio supremo de la naturaleza o su verdad? Hegel y Schelling acerca de la articulación entre naturaleza y espíritu.
17:45 Pause-Café
18:00 Gabriel Amengual, University of las Islas Baleares, España,
Reconocimiento y solidaridad
18:45 Discussion
19:15 Pause / Coffee
19:30 Presentation of the
Studia Hegeliana. Journal of the Spanish Society of Hegelian Studies
Meeting of the Spanish Society of Hegelian Studies

Wednesday, September 20: Aula «María Zambrano» of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
09:30 Juan A. García, Alejandro Rojas Jiménez, Universidad de Málaga, España, Hegel y Schelling ante la nada.
10:15 Pause-Café
10:30 Ignacio Falgueras Salinas, University of Málaga, España,
Del círculo mágico a las edades del mundo
11:15 Pause-Café
11:45 Wilhelm Jacobs, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Was kann Philosophie erzählen?.
12:30 Discussion
13:15 Sections for contributed papers:
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Aulas: 1, 15, 22.
14:30 Closing Ceremony