
Governing Structure

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InterDisciplinarity: Conceptual Explorations

21st International Conference on the History of Concepts

University of Málaga, 25–28 September 2018


The History of Concepts Group is incorporated as a non-profit entity in Finland, and is based in the Centre for Nordic Studies at the University of Helsinki.

The organizational and financial affairs of the HCG are the responsibility of four directors: Martin J. Burke (City University of New York); Jan Ifversen (Aarhus University); Jani Marjanen (University of Helsinki) and Margrit Pernau (Max Plank Institute for Human Development, Berlin). Professor Burke serves as Executive Secretary; Dr. Marjanen serves as Treasurer; Professor Ifversen and Dr. Pernau are directors-at-large.

The academic and intellectual affairs of the HCG are overseen by an international board of scholars who are engaged with various aspects of conceptual history. The current HCG Executive Board (elected for the term from 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2021) is comprised of the directors and the following members: Gabriel Entin (CONICET, Buenos Aries), Javier Fernández-Sebastián (University of the Basque Country), Helge Jordheim (University of Oslo), Jussi Kurunmäki (Södertörn University and the University of Helsinki), Rosario López (University of Málaga); José María Rosales (University of Málaga), Sinai Rusinek (The University of Haifa), Willibald Steinmetz (University of Bielefeld), Rieke Trimçev (University of Greifswald).

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