
27 September 2018

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InterDisciplinarity: Conceptual Explorations

21st International Conference on the History of Concepts

University of Málaga, 25–28 September 2018


Thursday, 27 September 2018 

Aulario IV

9:00 – 11:00

Conceptualising the Environment
Aula 7 – Chair: M. Isabel Holgado, University of Málaga

Matyás Křížkovský, Charles University, Prague
Conceptual History of ‘Nuclear Security’ in the Czech Ideological Environment: Nuclear Scientists and Ecological Activists (1950–2000)
Marcos Moraes Calazans, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Resilience and Systemic Thinking: The Scientific Concepts of the Mining Monopoly in the Fundão’s Dam Rupture Conflict in Brazil
Cristian Roiban, West University of Timișoara
‘Interdisciplinarity at Work’: Approaches of a Totalizing Concept

Philosophical Roads
Aula 8 – Chair: Javier Gil, University of Oviedo

Albert Rosell, Autonomous University of Madrid
Panofky’s ‘Synthetic Intuition’
Alexander L. Griffiths, University of Bologna
How Martin Heidegger Contended with the Janus-Faced Ontological Question
Laura Pricop, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania
Mill’s Utilitarianism as an Interdisciplinary Ethical Theory
Vladimir Glebkin, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Pascal’s Ennui and Heidegger’s Langeweile: A Difference between the Concepts and their Semantic Underpinnings
Gabriel Entin, CONICET-Centro de Historia Intelectual-UNQ/UNSAM
The Political Beyond Disciplines: The Uses of Rousseau’s Social Contract in Hispanic American Revolutions

11:00 – 11:30 Break
11:30 – 13:00

Left and Right: The Concept and Practice of the Main Contemporary Political Dichotomy
Aula 5 – Chair: Manuel Toscano, University of Málaga

João Cardoso Rosas, University of Minho
Making Sense of Left and Right: Multidisciplinary Approaches
Giuseppe Ballacci, University of Minho
Populism: Right-Wing, Left-Wing, or Distinctive Ideology?
Pedro Miguel Martins, University of Minho
Right and Left: A Conceptual Framework to be Submitted to Revision?

Book Launches

Gabriel Entin, ed., Rousseau en Iberoamérica. Lecturas e interpretaciones entre monarquía y revolución (Buenos Aires: SB, 2018), by Martin Burke (Aula 7)

Jussi Kurunmäki, Jeppe Nevers and Henk te Velde, eds., Democracy in Modern Europe: A Conceptual History (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2018), by Jussi Kurunmäki (Aula 8)

Aulario IV

15:00 – 17:00

Muslim Modernity: Concepts, Temporality and Emotions
Aula 5 – Chair: Margrit Pernau, Free University of Berlin

Wael Abu-ʿUksa, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Arabic Language of Modernity: Constructing an Emotional Experience, 1790–1860
Florian Zemmin, University of Bern
The Concept of Modernity in Islamic Modernism
Susanna Ferguson, Columbia University
Childraising for the Open Future: Tarbiya, Neuzeit, and the Colonial Conundrum
Daniel Kolland, Free University of Berlin
Translating, Interpreting and Applying ‘Evolution’ – Conceptual Struggles as Struggles of Modernity

Conceptual Transformations in Post-Napoleonic Europe
Aula 7 – Chair: Kirill Postoutenko, Bielefeld University

Heidi Hakkarainen, University of Turku
From Pedagogical to Political: The Concept of Humanism in Early Nineteenth-Century German-Speaking Newspapers and Periodicals
Koen Stapelbroek, Erasmus University Rotterdam & University of Helsinki
Liberalism in the Dutch Early Nineteenth-Century Press
Jussi Kurunmäki, Södertörn University, Stockholm & University of Helsinki
The Mediterranean Origins of ‘Liberalism’ in the North: Finland and Sweden in Comparison
Jani Marjanen, University of Helsinki
Revolutionary and Loyalist Patriotism in Finnish Newspapers, 1809–1840

Concepts of Belonging: Between Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism
Aula 8 – Chair: João Cardoso Rosas, University of Minho

Natalija Shikova, International Balkan University in Skopje, Macedonia & Aleksi Ylönen, United States International University, Nairobi, Kenya
Analyzing Internal and External Self-Determination: Examples from the Horn of Africa
Agustín Cosovschi, Humboldt University of Berlin
The Reinvention of Tradition: The Concept of Nationalism in Post-Yugoslav Social Sciences during the 1990s
Jan Smolenski, NSSR, The New School, New York
Critical Political Theory and Reading History Against the Grain: Bottom-Up Federalism as the Path not Taken
Marin Beroš, Institute of Social Sciences ‘Ivo Pilar’, Zagreb
Cosmopolitanism – Evolution from an Ethical Notion to a Political Concept

17:00 – 17:30 Break
17:30 – 19:00 History of Concepts Group General Assembly (Aula 5)

21:00    Conference Dinner

El Balneario Baños del Carmen Restaurant, Calle Bolivia 26.
Bus line 11, both from campus or downtown. It is necessary to register.
Please visit the conference website.

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