
Jesús Manuel García Lafuente FAII

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  • Jesús Manuel García Lafuente

    Catedrático de Universidad

    Tel: 952132721     E-mail:

    Despacho: 1.2.41 (ETSI. Informática y Telecomunicación)




Catedrático de Universidad.





  Oferta I+D+I Universidad de Málaga


  • Proyecto “Mapa de flujos de energía en el Estrecho de Gibraltar para su aprovechamiento como fuente de energía renovable (FLEGER)”. Consejería de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto P08-RNM-3738 de Excelencia). Puesto: Investigador Principal Años: 2009:2012.

  • Proyecto “Flujo Mediterráneo en Gibraltar, influencia en la ventilación de Aguas Mediterráneas y primera evolución y acoplamiento con Aguas Centrales en el Golfo de Cádiz: (INGRES-3)” Plan Nacional de Investigación CTM2010-21229-C02-01/MAR. Puesto: Investigador Principal. Años: 2010-2013.

  • Proyecto “Modelización y caracterización del sistema circulatorio de la Bahía de Algeciras para el establecimiento de directrices de actuación ante situaciones de emergencia. (MOCBASE)”. Consejería de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto P12-RNM-1540 de Excelencia). Puesto: Investigador Principal Años: 2014-2017.




SOTO-NAVARRO, J., CRIADO-ALDEANUEVA, F., SANCHEZ-GARRIDO, J.C. y GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J. (2012). Recent  thermohaline  trends of the Atlantic waters inflowing to the Mediterranean sea. Geophys. Res. Letters, 39, L01604,


CRIADO-ALDEANUEVA, F., SOTO NAVARRO, J y GARCIA LAFUENTE, J. (2012) Seasonal and interannual variability of surface heat and freshwater fluxes in the Mediterranean Sea: budgets and exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar. International Journal of Climatology, 32, 2, 286-302. 

NARANJO, C., GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J., SANCHEZ-GARRIDO, J.C., SANCHEZ-ROMAN, A. y DELGADO, J., (2012). The Western Alboran Gyre helps ventilate the Western Mediterranean Deep Water through the Strait of Gibraltar.  Deep-Sea Research, Part I., 63, 157-163,


SÁNCHEZ-ROMÁN, A., GARCÍA-LAFUENTE, J., DELGADO, J., SANCHEZ-GARRIDO, J.C. y NARANJO, C. (2012) Spatial and temporal variability of tidal flow in the Strait of Gibraltar. Journal Marine Systems, 98,9-17, 

HUERTAS, E., RIOS, A., GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J., NAVARRO, G. MAKAOUI, A., SANCHEZ-ROMAN, A., RODRIGUEZ-GALVEZ, S., ORBI, A., RUIZ, J. y PEREZ, F. (2012) Atlantic forcing of the Mediterranean oligotrophy. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26, GB2022, 

GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J., DELGADO, J., NAVARRO, G., CALERO, C., DIEZ-MINGUITO, M., RUIZ, J., SÁNCHEZ-GARRIDO, J.C. (2012) About the tidal oscillations of temperature in a tidally-driven estuary: The case of Guadalquivir estuary, southwest Spain, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 111, 60-66,


DELGADO, J., GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J., NARANJO, C. (2012) Two decades of mesoscale phenomena on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar, Scientia Marina, 76S1, 95-102,


SCHROEDER, K., GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J., JOSEY, S., ARTALE, V., BUONGIORNO-NARDELLI, B., CARRILLO, A., GACIC, M., GASPARINI, G.P., HERRMANN, M., LIONELLO, P., LUDVIG, W., MILLOT, C., ÖSZOY, E., PISACANE, G., SANCHEZ-GARRIDO, J.C., SANNINO, G.M., SANTORELI, R., SOMOT, S., STRUGLIA, M., STANEV, E., TAUPIER-LETAGE, I., TSIMPLIS, M.N., VARGAS-YAÑEZ, M., ZERVAKIS, V., ZODIATIS, G. 2012. Chapter 3: Circulation of the Mediterranean Sea and its Variability. In: The Climate of the Mediterranean Region: from the Past to the Future. Ed. P. Lionello. Elsevier, London, 187-256, ISBN: 978-0-12-398466-1.


GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J., BRUQUE POZAS, E., SANCHEZ-GARRIDO, J.C., SANNINO, G., SAMMARTINO, S. (2013) The interface mixing layer and the tidal dynamics at the eastern part of the Strait of Gibraltar, Journal of Marine Systems, 117-118, 31-42,


SCHROEDER, K., MILLOT, C., BENGARA, L., BEN ISMAIL, S., BENSI, M., BORGHINI, M., BUDILLON, G., CARDIN, V., COPPOLA, L., CURTIL, C., DRAGO, A., EL MOUMNI, B., FONT, J., FUDA, J.L., GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J., GASPARINI, G.P., KONTOYIANNIS, H, LEFEVRE, D., PUIG, P., RAIMBAULT, P., ROUGIER, G., SALAT, J., SAMMARI, C., SANCHEZ-GARRIDO, J.C., SANCHEZ-ROMAN, A., SPARNOCCHIA, S., TAMBURINI, C., TAUPIER-LETAGE, I., THEOCHARIS A., VARGAS-YAÑEZ, M., VETRANO, A. (2013) Long-term monitoring program of the hydrological variability in the Mediterranean Sea: a first overview of the HYDROCHANGES network. Ocean Sciences, 9, 301-324,


SANCHEZ-GARRIDO, J.C., GARCIA –LAFUENTE, J., ALVAREZ FANJUL, E., GARCIA-SOTILLO,M. DE LOS SANTOS, F.J. (2013) What does cause the collapse of the Western Alboran Gyre? Results of an operational ocean model, Progress in Oceanography, 116, 142-153.


Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., Artale, V., Borzelli-Eusebi, G.L., Brenner, S., Civitarese, G., Crise, A., Font, J., Gacic, M., Kress, N., Marullo, S., Ozsoy, E., Ribera d'Alcalà, M., Roether, W., Schroeder, K., Sofianos, S., Tanhua, T., Theocharis, A., Alvarez, M., Ashkenazy, M., Bergamasco, A., Cardin, V., Carniel, S., D'Ortenzio, F., Garcia-Ladona, E., García-Lafuente, J., Gogou, A., Gregoire, M., Hainbucher, D., Kontoyannis, H., Kovacevic, V., Krasakapoulou, E., Krokos, G., Incarbona, A., Mazzocchi, M.G., Orlic, M., Pascual, A., Poulain, P.M., Rubino, A., Siokou-Frangou, J., Souvermezoglou, E., Sprovieri, M., Tintoré, J., Triantafyllou G. (2014). Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: a review of unresolved issues and directions for future research, Ocean Sciences, 281-322,


SAMMARTINO, S. GARCIA LAFUENTE, J., SANCHEZ GARRIDO, J.C., DE LOS SANTOS, F.J., ALVAREZ FANJUL, E., NARANJO, C., BRUNO, M., CALERO, C. (2014). A numerical model analysis of the tidal flows in the Bay of Algeciras, Strait of Gibraltar, Continental Shelf Research,72, 34-46.


BOUTOV, D., PELIZ, A., MIRANDA, P.M.A., SOARES, P.M.M., CARDOSO, R.M., PRIETO, L., RUIZ, J., GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J. (2014). Inter-annual Variability and Long Term Predictability of Exchanges through the Strait of Gibraltar, Global and Planetary Change, 114, 23-37.

Sanchez GARRIDO, J.C., GARCÍA-Lafuente, J., Sammartino, S., Naranjo, C., De los Santos, F., Álvarez-Fanjul, E. (2014). Meteorologically-driven circulation and flushing times of the Bay of Algeciras, Strait of Gibraltar, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 80, 1-2, 97-106,


CRIADO ALDEANUEVA, F., SOTO NAVARRO, J., GARCIA LAFUENTE, J. (2014). Large-scale atmospheric forcing influencing the long-term variability of Mediterranean heat and freshwater budgets: climatic indices. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, 650-663, doi:

Calero QUESADA, C., García Lafuente, J., Sánchez Garrido, J.C., Sammartino, S., Delgado, J. (2014). Energy of marine currents in the Strait of Gibraltar and its potential as a renewable energy resource, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 34, 98-109.


CRIADO ALDEANUEVA, F., SOTO NAVARRO, J. GARCIA-LAFUENTE, J. (2014). Climatic indices influencing the long-term variability of Mediterranean heat and freshwater fluxes: The North-Atlantic and the Mediterranean oscillations. Atmosphere-Ocean, 52:2, 103-114.


SOTO NAVARRO, J., SOMOT, S., SEVAULT, F., BEUVIER, J., CRIADO-ALDEANUEVA, F., GARCÍA-LAFUENTE, J., BERANGER, K., 2014. Evaluation of regional ocean circulation models for the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar: volume transport and thermohaline properties of the outflow, Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-014-2179-4

SAMMARTINO, S., SÁNCHEZ GARRIDO, J.C., DELGADO, J., NARANJO, C., CRIADO ALDEANUEVA, F., GARCÍA LAFUENTE, J. (2014). Experimental and numerical characterization of harbor oscillations in the port of Málaga, Spain, Ocean Engineering, 88, 110-119,


NARANJO, C., GARCIA LAFUENTE, J., SANNINO, G, SANCHEZ GARRIDO, J.C. (2014) How much do tides affect the circulation of the Mediterranean Sea? From local processes in the Strait of Gibraltar to basin-scale effects. Progress in Oceanography, en prensa,




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