Capítulos de libro
RODRIGUEZ V., A. REUL, J.M. BLANCO, B. BAUTISTA, J. LUCENA, M. MUÑOZ, R. PALOMINO, C. RODRIGUEZ and J. RODRIGUEZ (2010). Análisis y modelado de la estructura de tamaños del plancton en lagunas de alta montaña del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada. En: Proyectos de investigación en Parques Nacionales 2006-2009, p. 253-262
BAUTISTA, B., V. RODRÍGUEZ and F. JÍMENEZ-GÓMEZ. 1994. Trophic interactions in the microbial food web at a coastal station in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) in winter. (I). Microplankton grazing impact on nanoplankton and free bacteria. En: J. RODRIGUEZ and W. K. W. LI (ed.): The Size Structure and Metabolism of the Pelagic Ecosystem. Scientia Marina 58(1-2): 143-152.
FIGUEROA, F. L., F. JIMÉNEZ-GÓMEZ, M. L. VILLARIÑO, J. RODRÍGUEZ and F. G. FIGUEIRAS. 1994. Underwater light field and phytoplankton distribution during a daily cycle in the RÍa of Vigo (NW Spain). En: J. RODRÍGUEZ and W. K. W. LI (ed.): The Size Structure and Metabolism of the Pelagic Ecosystem. Scientia Marina 58(1-2): 119-130.
GUERRERO, F. and V. RODRÍGUEZ. 1994. Secondary production of acongeneric species assemblage of Acartia (Copepoda: Calanoida): a calculation based on the size frequency distribution. En: J. RODRIGUEZ and W. K. W. LI (ed.): The Size Structure and Metabolism of the Pelagic Ecosystem. Scientia Marina 58(1-2): 161-167.
JIMÉNEZ-GÓMEZ, F., V. RODRÍGUEZ and B. BAUTISTA. 1994. Trophic interactions in the microbial food web at a coastal station in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) in winter. (II). Size selective flagellate feeding on bacteria and its implication on the microbial loop size-structure. En: J. RODRIGUEZ and W. K. W. LI (ed.): The Size Structure and Metabolism of the Pelagic Ecosystem. Scientia Marina 58(1-2): 153-159.
QUIÑONES, R. A., J. M. BLANCO, F. ECHEVARRÍA, M. L. FERNÁNDEZ-PUELLES, J. GILABERT, V. RODRÍGUEZ and L. VALDÉS. 1994. Metabolic size spectra at a frontal station in the Alboran Sea. En: J. RODRIGUEZ and W. K. W. LI (ed.): The Size Structure and Metabolism of the Pelagic Ecosystem. Scientia Marina 58(1-2): 53-58.
RODRÍGUEZ, J. 1994. Some comments on the size-based structural analysis of the pelagic ecosystem. En: J. RODRIGUEZ and W. K. W. LI (ed.): The Size Structure and Metabolism of the Pelagic Ecosystem. Scientia Marina 58(1-2): 1-10.
RODRÍGUEZ, V., B. BAUTISTA, J.M. BLANCO, F. L. FIGUEROA, N. CANO and J. RUÍZ. 1994. Hydrological structure, optical characteristics and size distribution of pigments and particles at a frontal station in the Alboran Sea. En: J. RODRIGUEZ and W. K. W. LI (ed.): The Size Structure and Metabolism of the Pelagic Ecosystem. Scientia Marina 58(1-2): 31-41.
RUÍZ, J. and J. RODRÍGUEZ. 1994. Problems in the quantitative analysis of submicron particles in marine waters. En: J. RODRIGUEZ and W. K. W. LI (ed.): The Size Structure and Metabolism of the Pelagic Ecosystem. Scientia Marina 58(1-2): 81-86.
TETT, P., G. JACKSON, F. JOOS, P. NIVAL, J. RODRÍGUEZ and U. WOLF. 1993. Modelling particle fluxes. En: G.T. EVANS and M.J.R. FASHAM (ed.): Towards a Model of Ocean Biogeochemical Processes. NATO ASI Series I 10: 227-236. Springer-Verlag. Berlin Heidelberg.
RUÍZ, J., F. GUERRERO, V. RODRÍGUEZ and J. RODRÍGUEZ. 1992. Chlorophyll-a and the size-biomass spectrum of phytoplankton: analysis of fluctuations in eutrophic coastal waters. En: G. COLOMBO, I. FERRARI, V. U. CECCHERELLI and R. ROSSI (ed.): Marine Eutrophication and Population Dynamics. Proceedings of the 25th European Marine Biological Symposium 59-62. Olsen & Olsen. Fredensborg.
GILABERT, J., J. RODRÍGUEZ and F. JIMÉNEZ-GÓMEZ. 1990. The planktonic size-abundance spectrum in an oligotrophic, hypersaline coastal lagoon, the Mar Menor, Murcia, Spain. En: M. BARNES and R. N. GIBSON (ed.): Trophic Relationships in the Marine Environment. Proceedings of the 24th European Marine Biological Symposium 18-27. Aberdeen University Press. Aberdeen.
JIMÉNEZ, F., J. RODRÍGUEZ, F. JIMÉNEZ-GÓMEZ and B. BAUTISTA. 1989. Bottlenecks in the propagation of a fluctuation up the planktonic size spectrum in Mediterranean coastal waters. En: J. D. ROS (ed.): Topics in Marine Biology. Scientia Marina 53 (2-3): 269-275.
RODRIGUEZ, J. 1980. Echinoderms of the Southern Mediterranean coast of Spain. En Echinoderms, Present and Past (M. Jangoux ed.)127-131