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Monday 2nd December. Venue: Aula Magna, School of Law. UMA


8:45            Registration and Reception

9:15          Welcome message: Angela Hoffmeyer, Edward Kruk (ICSP),Vice-President Susana Cabrera Yeto (UMA) , Dean of Law School, Juan José Hinojosa Torralva (UMA), José Manuel Ruiz-Rico Ruiz, Director of the Department of Civil Law (UMA), Esperanza Gonzalez Pozos, Social Services Director Provincial Council (Diputada de Servicios Sociales de la Diputación de Málaga), Hector Danny Uy. Vice-president for Legal of the University of the Philippines (UP) and Ryan Jeremiah Quan, Program Officer, Graduate Legal Studies Institute, Ateneo de Manila University School of Law.

9:30-10:00   Inaugural Speech

José Mari Tirol. “The Philippines. Protecting tomorrow’s hope today: The Philippine legal perspective, from the tender age presumption to the shared parenting”. Dean of the School of Law of the University of San Agustín. Iloilo. The Philippines.


10:00-12:00          Academic Session: First Panel: Best interest of the child and shared parenting 

Martin Widrig. “The use of child’s best interests standard.” Associate Professor of Family Law. University of Friburg. Switzerland.

Almudena Moreno Mínguez. Associate Professor of Sociology. Universidad de Valladolid; Marta Ortega Gaspar.Lecturer in Sociology. Universidad de Málaga; and Ana María López Narbona. Lecturer in Sociology. Universidad de Málaga. “Family structure, parental practices and child subjective well-being in post-divorce situations: The case of shared parenting.”


11:00-12:00          Presentation of papers


12:00-12:30          Coffee-break


12:30-14:30          Academic Session: Second Panel: Socioeconomic profile of shared parenting 


Gerardo Meil Landwerlin. "Socioeconomic profile of parents with shared custody in Spain." Professor of Sociology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Spain.


Raúl Ruiz Callado. "Shared custody as a social construction in changing process." Raúl Ruiz Callado. Associate Professor of Sociology, Universidad de Alicante Universidad de Alicante. Spain


Rafael Alcázar Ruiz. "Social factors assessments in cases of shared custody disputed." Lecturer in Sociology. Universidad de Alicante. Spain.



13:30-14:30          Presentation of papers


14:30-16:00          Lunch


16:00-18:00 Academic Session: Third Panel: Shared parenting as preventive of parental alienation, and Sociology.


Edward Kruk. Shared parenting as preventative of parental alienation.” Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of British Columbia. Canada. 


Josef A. Mohr. “Parental alienation and shared parenting in litigation and consultation.” Certified Family Law Attorney. Munich, Germany


Diego Becerril Ruiz, Associate Professor of Sociology, Universidad de Granada and Jose Jimenez Cabello, Associate Professor of Sociology "Legislation, divorce and shared parenting". Universidad de Granada. Spain


17:00-18:00          Presentation of papers


Tuesday 3rd December. Venue: Aula Magna, School of Law. UMA


10:00- 12:00         Academic Session: Fourth Panel: Recent evolution of shared parenting in a comparative scenario


Lluis Flaquer . "Shared parenting after separation and divorce in Europe." Emeritus Professor of Sociology.Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.


José Manuel de Torres Perea. “Evolution or recent regulations on shared parenting in Western countries.” Associate professor of Civil Law. Universidad de Málaga. Spain.


Juergen Rudolph. “Shared parenting in the Cochem Court Practice” German judge.  Cochem. Germany.


Ryan Jeremiah Quan, “A Philippine Perspective on Shared Parenting and the Best Interest of the Child” Program Officer, Graduate Legal Studies Institute, Ateneo de Manila University School of Law.



11:00-12:00          Presentation of papers


12:00-12:30          Coffee break


12:30-14:30 Academic Session. Fifth Panel: Alternative Dispute Resolution on shared parenting and Joint Parenting Plan

Hildegund Sünderhauf. “Mediation and shared parenting”, Family Law Professor. Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg. Germany


Yolanda de Lucchi López-Tapia. Associate Professor on Procedural Law. Universidad de Málaga. Spain; and Mariela Checa Caruana. Technical Psychologist of the Service of Psychological Attention of the UMA, Psychologist. President of Assossiation “Filio”  “Other ADR on shared parenting”.


Belén Casado Casado. “Joint Parenting Plan and Shared Parenting”. “Plan de Parentalidad en relación con la guarda conjunta”. Lecturer in Civil Law. University of Málaga



13:30-14:30 Presentation of papers 


14:30-16:00 Lunch


16:00-18:00          Academic Session: Sixth Panel: Spanish perspective


Kepa Ayerra Michelena. "Reflexiones en torno a la evolución, estado actual y concepto de la guarda conjunta." “Reflections on Shared Parenting. Evolution, current state and concept”. Board member of the Asociación de Abogados de Derecho de familiaAttorney. Lecturer in Civil Law. Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao. Spain.


María Luisa Moreno-Torres. “Maintenance guidelines in case of shared parenting.” “Derecho de alimentos en el supuesto de guarda conjunta”. Professor of Civil Law. University of Málaga.


José María del Río Belmonte, “Social workers in the context of the shared parenting” Trabajadores sociales en el ámbito de la custodia compartida”. Director of the legal Departament of the Diputación Provincial de Málaga.


José Pascual Ortuño Muñoz. “Judicial Problems on shared parenting”. “Problemas judiciales custodia judicial”Magistrado de la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona. Jugde at the Provincial Court of Barcelona.


17:00-18:00 Presentation of papers 


18:00 Closing Session

Roberto García Alfonso "Shared Parenting in daily praxis” . Director de la sección de familia del Colegio de Abogados de Málaga. Director of the Family Department of the Malaga Bar Association. 

Venue: Aula Magna. Facultad de Derecho, Bulevar Louis Pasteur, Campus de Teatinos, Universidad de Málaga.

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