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The two centres housed in the building have very different origins and setups. The Andalusian Centre for Information Technology Research (known by its Spanish acronym CAITI) comprises the groups belonging to The Software Engineering Research Group (GISUM in Spanish) of the Department of Computer Science and Programming Languages, itself part of the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineeering. The University of Málaga approved the creation of The Institute of Technology and Software Engineering (ITIS in Spanish) based in this building. ITIS is made up of members of CAITI and other researchers from the Department of Computer Science and Programming Languages. The groups housed at Ada Bryon are: CAOSDERTISKHAOSMORSENICSPROTEUSSCENIC 


The  Centre for Research in Tourism, Architecture and Territory (known by its Spanish acronym CITAT) is structured around the enterprises and research groups from the UMA who are working in research fields related to the objectives of the centre. These belong to distinct educational centres and departments:  CEHIUMA, ETC-SIA, GSoilLab and iHTT .

The building also houses Technology Based Enterprises (EBTs in Spanish) created as spin-offs by members of the research groups at Ada Byron, in accordance with the established collaboration agreements with the UMA. The objective of these enterprises is to foment technology transfer through the transformation of research results into products and services for the society. At present there are two enterprises: S2Labs and SoftCrits


A brief description of all the groups and the other research frameworks can be found under the heading Investigation.













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