Resume María José Benítez Jiménez
Surname: BENÍTEZ-JIMÉNEZ First Name: María José
Adress: Department of Criminal Law, Law School. Campus de Teatinos. University of Malaga 29071-Malaga, Spain.
Nationality: Spanish
Telephone number: +34. 952 134 314 / 137 235
Degree in Law from the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
PhD in Law from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, dated 01-25-2003.
Master in Criminology, taught at the Law School of Albacete of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, (IV Promotion, 1996-1998).
Senior Lecturer. Associate Professor of Criminal Law. Department of Public Law. Malaga University.
Victimology; intrafamily violence; drug addiction; citizen security; public policies, torture and degrading treatment and violence in sport.
PUBLICATIONS (in Spanish):
B = Book A = Scientific Review Article C = Book Chapter/s E = Editor
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2023). Executions in the city of Malaga from the 16th to the 19th century en De Vicente Martínez, R./ Vizuete, C./ García Moreno, B. (Edits) Geography of cruelty. Places of execution 2, pp. 179-207 (CL). Edit. Tirant Lo Blanch. ISBN: 978-841169-569-5.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2023). “National and international reports on torture and degrading treatment: recommendations to Spain (2021-22)”, en Muñoz Sánchez/ García Pérez/ Cerezo Domínguez/ García España (Dirs), Legal-criminal, criminological and criminal political studies, Libro homenaje al Profesor José Luis Díez Ripollés, pp. 1707-1721 (CL). Edit. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN: 978841169-092-8.
- C. Grijalva Eternod, A./ Fernández Molina, E./ Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2023). Public attitudes toward the courts: The effect of contact, en Fernández/ Bartolomé (Coords), Citizens and the penal system: exploring the accessibility of criminal justice in Spain, pp. 19-39 (CL). Edit. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN 978-84-1130-953-0
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2023). Education and exogenous violence, en Ríos Corbacho, J.M. (Dir.)/ Rodríguez Montserrat, M. (Coord.) Exogenous violence in sport. Prevention and intervention measures, pp. 387-417 (CL). Edit. Tecnos. ISBN: 978-84-309-8707-8.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2022). Key cases of the European Court of Human Rights on torture and degrading treatment (2016-2021), en Álvarez/ Avilés (coords) y Fernández/ Fernández (Dirs), Challenges of the rule of law in matters of immigration and terrorism, pp. 259-278 (CL). Edit. Iustel. ISBN: 978-84-9890-423-9.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2022). Profile of plaintiffs in the ECtHR in matters of torture and degrading treatment in Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy (2009-2019), en De la Cuesta/ Pérez (Dirs) A committed victim policy, pp. 65-78. (CL). Edit. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN: 978-84-1113-528-3.
- C. Fernández Molina, E./ Morales Prado, C./ Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2022): How do victims experience the criminal process?, en Revista de Victimología/ Journal of Victimology, nº 13 (113-138).ISSN 2385-779X. DOI 10.12827/RVJV.13.05.
- A. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2021) Spanish and British cases on torture and degrading treatment before the ECHR in the last decade, Revista Electrónica de Estudios Penales y de la Seguridad (REEPS), ISSN-E 2531-1565, nº extra 7.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2021). “Proposal for the implementation of the tangible and plural prosocial dynamic (TPPD) El Espejo de color in the shool sports environment” en Alencar de Castro, E. (Org.) Educação e Diversidade: o papel da escolar na gestão da diversidade e na promoção da integraçao. pp. 99 – 105. Edit. Artemis. ISBN 978-65-87396-32-3 DOI 10.37572/EdArt_250421323.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J./ Quiroga, L. (2020) “Study on the prevention of violent behavior in soccer”, en Villagrasa, C. (Coord.) For the rights of Children and Adolescents, Edit. Wolters Kluwer, Madrid, pp. 228-243. ISBN 978-84-15651-98-7.
- C/E. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2019) “Children and adolescents victims of violence in Honduras”, en Vera, D.J./ Benítez, M.J. (Dir) Fernández, C.R. (Coord.) Child protection and juvenile justice. Special reference to Honduras, pp. 335-349. Edit. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN 978-84-1336-562-6.
- Benítez Jiménez, M.J. et al (2019) “Proposal for the implementation of the Dynamic The mirror of colour for the prevention of antisocial behavior in school sports”, en Ruiz-Juan/ González Jurado/ Calvo Lluch (Coords.) XIII Congreso internacional FEADEF on school sports, Proceedings of the Congress, pp. 494-500. ISBN 978-84-938335-1-0.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2019) “Spanish cases of torture and degrading treatment before the European Court of Human Rights from 2012 to 2018”, en Prata Roque/ Sánchez Hernández (Coords), Palma/ García Pérez (Dir), The influence of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on Internal Law, pp. 83-116. ISBN 978-84-1313-763-6.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J./ Fernández-Pacheco Alises, G./ Cuervo García, A.L. (2019) “Mixed methods, case studies”, en Barberet, R./ Bartolomé, R./ Fernández, E.. (Coord.) Research Methods in Criminology, Edit. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia. pp. 249 - 266. ISBN 978-84-1313-620-2.
- Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2019) “Relaxation practices with students.”, en Martínez Coll (Coord) IV Congreso on line internacional EUMED sobre la educación del siglo XXI, pp. 182-188. Proceedings of the Congress. ISBN-13: 978-84-17583-44-6.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2018) “Cyberbullying in High School”, en Jiménez Hernández et al (Coords). Culture of peace and good treatment to childhood. Colección Participación e incidencia política 11 Edit CIPI, pp. 581 - 590. ISBN 978-84-09-05740-5.
- Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2018) “Ciberbuylling in High School II”, en Martínez Coll (Coord) III Congreso on line internacional EUMED sobre la educación del siglo XXI, pp. 70 - 77. Proceedings of the Congress. ISBN 13: 978-84-17211-78-3.
- A. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2018) Jurisprudencial Analysis of Torture in Spain and in the European Human Rights System. World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Law and Political Sciences vol. 11 nº 12, pp. 1500 - 1503. (In English).
- B. Díez Ripollés, J.L., Cerezo Domínguez, A.I., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2017) Criminal Policy against Intimate Partner Violence (2004-2014). Effectiveness, Efficacy and Efficiency”). Valencia. Edit. Tirant lo Blanch.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2017): "Violence in sport: a pilot study on basketball", in Robles Garzón, J.A. (dir.) Legal reflections on current problems, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, (pages 4-23). ISBN 978-84-9152-318-5.
- A. Castro, P. / Cerezo Domínguez, A.I./ Benítez-Jiménez, M.J. (2015). Design of an objective procedure for the evaluation and qualification of the subject of Final Degree Work in the degree in Criminology of the University of Malaga. Revista jurídica de investigación e innovación educativa (REJIE) 12.
- A. Arenas, L. / Cerezo, A.I./ Benítez, MJ. (2013): "Discursive analysis of the agents involved in gender violence", in Revista española de investigación Criminológica (REIC), nº 11: p. 1-23.
- A. Garcia España, E., García Pérez, O., Benítez Jiménez, M.J., Pérez Jiménez, F. (2011): "Minors recidivists and non-recidivists in the Andalusian juvenile justice system" in Alternativas. Cuadernos de Trabajo social, nº 18: p. 35-55.
- C. García España, E., Díez Ripollés, J.L., Pérez Jiménez, F., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2011) “Evolution of Criminality in Spain: Longitudinal Analysis with Victimization Surveys” in Breakthroughs in Criminological Research. Pg.: 59-90. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia. ISBN 978-84-9004-203-8.
- A. García España, E., Díez Ripollés, J.L., Pérez Jiménez, F., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. and Cerezo Domínguez, A.I. (2010): "Evolution of crime in Spain: Longitudinal analysis with victimization surveys" in Revista española de investigación Criminológica (REIC), nº 8, article 2: p. 1-27.
- A. García España, E., Díez Ripollés, J.L., Pérez Jiménez, F., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. and Cerezo Domínguez, A.I. (2010): "Crime trends through two decades of social changes in Spain" in Crime, Law and Social Change. Vol. 54, nº 5, p.359-380 (in English)
- B. Díez Ripollés, J.L., García España, E., Pérez Jiménez, F., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. and Cerezo Domínguez, A.I. (2009): Surveys of victims in Spain. Pg. 1-205. Ed. Cajasol Obra Social - IAIC. Malaga, Spain. ISBN 978-84-8455-305-2.
- C/E. Benítez Jiménez, M.J./ Rechea Alberola, C. (2008): "Victimization surveys of students of Castilla-La Mancha: a pilot study", in Rechea, Gutiérrez, Benítez (Coords) Criminology Studies III, Pg. 233-259. Ed. UCLM. ISBN 978-84-8427-620-3.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2008): "Criminology and violence against a muller no fogar", in Sánchez Bello, A. / Iglesias Galdo, A. (Coords) Treatment of gender violence from equality policies, p. 121-144. Ed. University A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain. ISBN 978-84-9749-295-9.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2008): "The habitual violence in the family: article 173.2 of the Criminal Code", in Villacampa Estiarte, C. (Coord.) Gender violence and criminal justice system, Pg. 163-216. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, Spain. ISBN 978-84-9876-378-2.
- B. García España, E., Pérez Jiménez, F. y Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2008): Crime in the Andalusian provincial capitals La delincuencia en las capitales andaluzas. Pg. 1-255. Ed. Cajasol Obra Social – IAIC. Málaga, España. ISBN 978-84-8455-294-9.
- C. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2007): "Penitentiary population: evolution, volume and demographic characteristics" in Cerezo Domínguez and García España (Coords.) Prison in Spain: A criminological perspective. p. 41-73. Collection: Criminal Law and Criminology Studies. Ed. Comares. Granada, Spain. ISBN 978-84-9836-291-6.
- A. García España, E., Pérez Jiménez, F., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2007): “Crime in Córdoba, Huelva and Seville according to the victims” en Boletín Criminológico, nº 101, pg.1-4. ISSN 1137-2427 -
- B. García España, E., Pérez Jiménez, F. y Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2007): Crime in Córdoba, Huelva and Seville. A victimization survey. Pg. 1-249. Ed. Cajasol Obra Social – IAIC. Málaga, España. ISBN 978-84-8455-254-3.
- A. García España, E., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. y Pérez Jiménez, F. (2006): “A victimization survey in Málaga” en Boletín Criminológico, nº 90, pg.1-4. España, ISSN 137-2427 -
- B. García España, E., Pérez Jiménez, F. y Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2006): Crime according to victims: An integrated approach based on a victimization survey. pp.1-224. Ed. Fundación El Monte – IAIC. Málaga, España. ISBN 84-8455-207-1.
- A. Rechea Alberola, C./ Fernández Molina, E./ Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2005): “The vision of security in the press”, en Boletín del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Seguridad Interior, IUISI, pg.1-26.
- A. Rechea Alberola, C./ Benítez Jiménez, M.J./ Fernández Molina, E.2004: “The citizen security trend. An assessment of Sociological Research Center (CIS) surveys”, en Boletín del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Seguridad Interior, IUISI, pg.1-17.
- A. Rechea Alberola, C./ Benítez Jiménez, M.J./ Fernández Molina, E. (2004): “Crime in Spain. An analysis of official data, en Boletín del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Seguridad Interior, IUISI, pp.1-14.
- B. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (2004): Violence against women in the family environment (social and legislative changes): p.1-363. Ed. Edisofer (JJCC-CLM), Madrid. ISBN 84-89493-99-5.
- A. Benítez Jiménez, M.J./ Rechea Alberola, C. (2003): “The change of social and legal attitude towards ill-treatment” en Boletín Criminológico, nº 68, pg.1-4. ISSN 1137-2427 -
- B. Benítez Jiménez, M. J. (2001): Domestic violence in Albacete II. L. Pg. 1-62. Ed. UCLM y Ayuntamiento de Albacete. ISBN 84-600-9663-7
- C. Rechea Alberola, C./ Benítez Jiménez, M. J. (2000): “Domestic violence: study methods” en Rodríguez Yagüe, C. y Valmaña Ochaíta, S. (Coords.) Women as victims: legal and criminological aspects Intra-family violence. CL. Pgs. 169-179 Ed. UCLM, Cuenca. ISBN 84-8427-029-7.
- B. Rechea Alberola, C./ Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (1999): Domestic violence in Albacete II. L. Pgs. 1-59. Ed. UCLM y Ayuntamiento de Albacete. ISBN 84-600-9548-7
- A. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (1999): “Study of an announced regulation: the ill treatment crime”, en Anuario de Derecho Penal y Ciencias Penales, vol. LII, pg. 403-449.
- A. Benítez Jiménez, M.J. (1998): “Domestic violence: The battered woman”, en Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial, vol. VII (Applied Criminology II), pgs. 273-293. Consejo General del Poder Judicial, España. (R).
“Criminality in digital contexts of deviant leisure: possible alternatives against a dehumanized consumer economy” (ProyExcel_00621 Junta de Andalucía). Lead investigator: Myriam Herrera Moreno. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication. December 2022-2024.
“Criminal justice for all II. Toolbox to improve the accessibility of the penal system” (SBPLY/21/180501/000057), Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. Lead investigator: Esther Fernández Molina. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication. September 2022-2025.
“European Court of Human Rights, European Union and Domestic Law” (PGC2018-097607-B-I00) MINECO/MICIU. Lead investigator: Octavio García Pérez. Collaborating researcher. January 1 2019-2022.
“Cyberstalking in the relationships of young couples” (UMA18-FEDERJA-035). Program FEDER Andalucía. Lead investigator: Cerezo Domínguez, A. I. (University of Málaga). Collaborating researcher. Full dedication November 15, 2019--2021.
“European Court of Human Rights, Union European and internal law” (PGC2018-097607-B-I00). MINECO. Lead investigator Pérez García, Octavio (University of Málaga). Collaborating researcher. Full dedication January 1, 2019--2021.
“Criminal justice for all. A study of the operation and criminal justice accessibility” (SBPLY/17/180501/000271). Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. Lead investigator Fernández Molina (University of Castilla-La Mancha). Colaborating researcher. Shared dedication September 1, 2018 to July 31, 2021.
“The influence of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in the decisions of the Constitutional Court” (DER2015-67512). MINECO. Lead investigator Pérez García, Octavio (University of Málaga). Collaborating researcher. Full dedication January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019.
"Delinquency of immigrants settled in Spain" Project of excellence of the Junta de Andalucía P12-SEJ-1489. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher: full dedication. January 29, 2014 to January 29, 2018).
"The evolution of Western criminal policy in a world of progressive social exclusion" (DER2012-32070). Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication. October 1, 2012 to October 1, 2015.
"Securitarian Criminal Policies: Indicators, Bias, Tools and International Dissemination” funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. National call. Participating entity: University of Malaga. Principal investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication. January 2010 to December 2012.
“The costs of the punitive approach to reduce violence on the female partner" Project of excellence of the Junta de Andalucía. P08-SEJ-04161. Regional call. Participating entity: Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology, Málaga section. Malaga University. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication. January 2009 - December 2012.
"Citizen security as an inspiring criterion of criminal intervention" funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology. National call. Participating entity: University of Málaga. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication. January 2007 - January 2010.
"Evaluation of the Public and Private Coordination Room", funded by the CICYT (Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology) National call Participating entity: Faculty of Law of the University of Castilla-La Mancha Lead Investigator: Cristina Rechea Alberola. participants, collaborating researcher, shared dedication, duration: December 2004-December 2007.
Contracted as a support technician in the research project "The Security Criminal Policy: Indicators, Biases, Instruments and International Dissemination" funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (DER2009-08888). Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Date: from 01/10/2010 to 09/30/2011. 12 months. Full dedication.
Hired as research staff in charge of the research project of excellence of 2008 "The costs of the punitive approach to reduce violence on the female partner" Project of excellence of the Junta de Andalucía. P08-SEJ-04161. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Date: from 01/10/2009 to 01/10/2010, 12 months. Full dedication.
Research contract: "Observatory of crime in Andalusia", based on a collaboration and technical assistance agreement between the Malaga section of the IAIC and the El Monte / Cajasol Foundation. Obra Social. November 2005 - June 2009, 43 months. Lead investigators: José Luis Díez Ripollés and Elisa García Spain. Collaborating researcher. Shared dedication
Academic Secretary. IAIC. University of Málaga (May 2020--)
Coordinator of subject: Final Degree Work of the Degree in Criminology of the University of Málaga during the 2016-17 and 2017-18 courses.
Co-director of the University Master's Degree in Child Protection and Juvenile Justice at the University of Malaga (2016-17 and 2017-18)
Academic Coordinator in the Official Title of University Master in Criminality and Social Intervention of minors, from October 23, 2013 to October 2015.
Director of the Criminological Bulletin from September 2009 to April 2011.
Member of the evaluation committee of the Criminological Bulletin from May 2011 to the present (
Coordinator of the Criminological Bulletin from January 2008 to August 2009.
Coordinator of the Practicum of Criminality and Public Security Titles, Forensic Psychology and Private Detective of the Institute of Criminology of the University of Malaga (2009-2010).
Coordinator of the Master in Criminology of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Campus of Albacete, during the courses 2001-2002 and 2002-2003.
Secretary of the Expert Degree in Prevention and Treatment of Drug Addiction at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, which was taught during the 1996-1997 to 2000-2001 courses.
- Member of the Monitoring Committee of the Improvement Plan of the III University Expert in Criminality and Public Safety of the University of Málaga (2006--).
- Member of the "Criminal Law" research group (SEJ 116) from October (2007--).
- Member of thesis courts, Master's Thesis and Final Degree Projects.
- Project Coordinator: The costs of the punitive approach to reduce violence against the female partner P08-SEJ-04161 (2009-2012).
- Researcher in the report on maltreatment in Castilla-La Mancha of the Delegation of Government of Castilla-La Mancha (2006).
- Postdoctoral fellowship as a research assistant at the Center for Criminological and Sociolegal Research of the University of Manchester Law School from October 1, 2004 to March 1, 2005.
- Collaborator for the preparation of a report on intrafamily violence with the General Council of the Judiciary (March 2004).
- Expert Degree in Drug Addiction (2000) by the UCLM.
- Secretary of the II Meeting of Empirical Research in Criminology, held in Almagro in October 1997.
- Postdoctoral fellowship as a research assistant at the Center for Criminological and Sociolegal Research of the University of Manchester Law School from October 1, 2004 to March 1, 2005.
- Academic Visitor at the Centre for Criminology in Oxford University, from 1st July until 28th September 2019.