CV-Fátima Pérez
María Fátima Pérez Jiménez
Tel: 952132337 E-mail:
Ph.D. in Law from the University of Málaga.
Expert in Criminology. University of Málaga. Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology in Málaga.
Associate professor holder of a Ph.D.
Criminality and juvenile victimization. Official data on crime. Secondary victimization. Tourism and security.
- Pérez Jiménez, F., Becerra Muñoz, J., & Aguilar Conde, A. (2018). How Underage Offenders Perceive the Law They are Applied: a Procedural Approach. Revista Española De Investigación Criminológica, 16, 1-26. Available in Spanish on
- Pérez Jiménez, F.: Underage Offenders: Empirical Study on the Criminal Response. L. Pg. 1-509. Series “Criminología y Educación social”. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia, 2006. ISBN:84-8456-364-2 (Spanish)
- García España, E. y Pérez Jiménez, F.: Evolution of Criminality in Spain and in the Region of Andalusia: Analysis and Interpretation of the Official Statistics. L. Pg. 1-174. Ed. Fundación El Monte – IAIC. Málaga, 2004. ISBN: 84-8455-134-2 (Spanish)
- García España, E. y Pérez Jiménez, F.: Public Safety and Police Activity L. Pg. 1-179. Ed. Fundación El Monte – IAIC. Málaga, 2005. ISBN:84-8455-177-6 (Spanish)
- García España, E. y Pérez Jiménez, F.: Analysing Criminality in the Region of Andalusia L. Pg. 1-130. Centro de Estudios Andaluces. Consejería de la Presidencia. Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla, 2005. ISBN:84-689-2997-2 (Spanish)
- García España, E., Pérez Jiménez, F. y Benítez Jiménez, M.J.: Criminality According to Victims: An Integral Approach Based on the Victimization Survey. L. Pg.1-224. Ed. Fundación El Monte – IAIC. Málaga, 2006. ISBN:84-8455-207-1 (Spanish)
- Pérez Jiménez, F.: “The Other Prisons (I): Juvenile Detention Facilities” in Prison in Spain: A Criminological Approach. CL. Pg. 331-364. Series: Estudios de Derecho penal y Criminología. Ed. Comares. Granada, 2007. ISBN:978-84-9836-291-6 (Spanish)
- García España, E., Pérez Jiménez, F. y Benítez Jiménez, M.J.: Criminality in Córdoba, Huelva and Seville. A Survey on Victimization. L. Pg. 1-249. Ed. Cajasol Obra Social – IAIC. Málaga, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-8455-254-3 (Spanish)
- García España, E., Pérez Jiménez, F. y Benítez Jiménez, M.J.: Criminality in the Capitals of Andalusia. L. Pg. 1-255. Ed. Cajasol Obra Social – IAIC. Málaga, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-8455-294-9 (Spanish)
- García Pérez, O., Díez Ripollés, J.L., Pérez Jiménez, F. y García Ruiz, S.: Juvenile Delinquency Before the Courts for Minors. L. Pg. 1-269. Series “Criminología y Educación social”. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-9876-004-0 (Spanish)
- Díez Ripollés, J.L., García España, E., Pérez Jiménez, F., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. y Cerezo Domínguez, A.I.: Surveying the Victims in Spain. L. Pg. 1-205. Ed. Cajasol Obra Social – IAIC. Málaga, 2009. ISBN:978-84-8455-305-2 (Spanish)
- Pérez Jiménez, F.: “Profile of the Underage Offender and the Crimes Committed” in Discussing Criminal Law for Minors. I Spanish Congress on Juvenile Justice. CL. Pg. 225-240. Series: Ensayos penales. Ed. Dykinson-Universidad de Jaén. Granada, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-9849-916-2 (Spanish)
- García España, E., Díez Ripollés, J.L., Pérez Jiménez, F., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. “Evolution of Criminality in Spain: Longitudinal Analysis with Victimization Surveys” in Breakthroughs in Criminological Research. CL. Pg.: 59-90. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia, 2011. ISBN: 978-84-9004-203-8 (Spanish)
- Muñoz Sánchez, J., Cerezo Domínguez, A.I., García España, E. y Pérez Jiménez, F.: Therapeutic Treatment for Drug Addicts as an Alternative to Prison. L. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2014. ISBN: 9788490861295 (Spanish)
- García España, E. y Pérez Jiménez, F.: “Recent Evolution of Criminality in Andalusia” in Revista electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología, issue 06-04, pg. 04:1-04:30. España, 2004. ISSN 1695-0194. (Spanish)
- Bernuz Benéitez, M.J., Fernández Molina, E. y Pérez Jiménez, F.: “Institutional Treatment of Minors Who Commit Crimes Before the Age of 14” in Revista española de investigación criminológica, issue 4, article 5, pg. 1-25. España, 2006. ISSN: 1696-9219. (Spanish)
- Bernuz Benéitez, M.J., Fernández Molina, E. y Pérez Jiménez, F.: “Probation as an Individualizing Measure in Juvenile Justice” in Revista española de investigación criminológica, issue 7, article 6, pg. 1-27. España, 2009. ISSN: 1696-9219. (Spanish)
- Bernuz Benéitez, M.J., Fernández Molina, E. y Pérez Jiménez, F.: “Educating and Monitoring: Communal Intervention in Juvenile Justice” in Revista electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología, issue 11-12, pg.12:1-12:28. España, 2009. ISSN 1695-0194. (Spanish)
- García España, E., Díez Ripollés, J.L., Pérez Jiménez, F., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. y Cerezo Domínguez, A.I.: “Evolution of Criminality in Spain: Longitudinal Analysis with Victimization Surveys” in Revista española de investigación criminológica, issue 8, article 2, pg. 1-27. España, 2010. ISSN: 1696-9219. (Spanish)
- García España, E., Díez Ripollés, J.L., Pérez Jiménez, F., Benítez Jiménez, M.J. y Cerezo Domínguez, A.I.: “Crime Trends through Two Decades of Social Changes in Spain” in Crime, Law and Social Change. Vol. 54, nº 5, pg.359-380. Ed. Springer Netherlands. Holanda, 2010. Online ISSN 1573-0751. Print ISSN 0925-4994. Http:// (English)
- Pérez Jiménez, F.: “Underage Offenders in the Judiciary” in Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología. 3ª época, issue 4, pg. 401-417. Ed. UNED, 2010. ISSN: 1132-9955. (Spanish)
- García España, E., García Pérez, O.; Benítez Jiménez, M.J. y Pérez Jiménez, F.: “Persistent and Not Persistent Underage Offenders in the Juvenile Justice System of Andalusia” in Alternativas. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, issue 18. Ed. Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Trabajo social. España, 2011. ISSN 1133-0473 (Spanish).
- Pérez Jiménez, F.: “Latin America: A New Guide on Crime Statistics for Spain?” in Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología. 3ª época, issue 5. Ed. Marcial Pons-UNED, 2011. ISSN: 1132-9955. (Spanish)
“Moroccan Underage Immigrants in Need” funded by the Directorate-General for European Issues and External Cooperation. Presidency of the Board of the Junta de Andalucía. Participating entity: Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology in Málaga. University of Málaga. 01/01/2001 – 31/12/2001. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Shared dedication.
Research contract: “The Crime Observatory” created thanks to the collaboration and technical support agreement between the Institute of Criminology in Málaga and Fundación El Monte/Cajasol Obra Social. September 2003 - December 2009. Lead investigators: José Luis Díez Ripollés y Elisa García España. Collaborating researcher. Shared dedication.
Research contract: Recidivism among Underage Offenders in the Region of Castilla y León” carried out thanks to the collaboration and technical support agreement between the Institute of Criminology in Málaga and the Office of Social Affairs of the Junta de Castilla y León. September 2008 - December 2009 Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Shared dedication.
“The Tension Between Freedom and Security. A Socio-Legal Investigation” funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology. National call. Participating entity: University of Zaragoza. July 2005 - December 2006. Lead investigator: Mª José Bernuz Beneitez. Collaborating researcher. Shared dedication.
“Public Safety as a Driving Force for the Intervention of Penal Law” funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology. National call. Participating entity: University of Málaga. January 2007 - January 2010. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication.
“Video Surveillance in Public Areas: Effectiveness in the Reduction of Criminality”. Excellence Project of the Junta de Andalucía SEJ 01603. Regional call. Participating entity: Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology in Málaga. University of Málaga. 2007 – 2009. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication.
“Assessing the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Treatment for Drug Addict Offenders in the Regions of Andalusia and the Basque Country” funded by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. Government Representation Department for the National Plan on drugs. National call. Participating entity: Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology in Málaga. University of Málaga. 07/01/2007 – 07/01/2010. Lead investigator: Juan Muñoz Sánchez. Collaborating researcher. Shared dedication.
“The Cost of a Punitive Approach to Reducing Gender and Partner Violence” Excellence project by the Junta de Andalucía. P08-SEJ-04161. Regional call. Participating entity: Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology in Málaga. University of Málaga. 2009 – 2011. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication.
“Securitarian Criminal Policies: Indicators, Bias, Tools and International Dissemination” funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. National call. Participating entity: University of Málaga. January 2009 - January 2012. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication.
“The Evolution of Western Criminal Policy in a World with Increasing Social Exclusion” funded by the Ministry of Science and Competitiveness. National call. Participating entity: University of Málaga. January 2013 – December 2016. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication.
“Criminality among Immigrants in Spain” Excellence Project by the Junta de Andalucía. Regional call. Participating entity: Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology in Málaga. University of Málaga. 2014 – 2016. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication.
“Measuring Social Exclusion as a Result of Criminal Policy in Western Developed Countries (RIMES)”. DER2015-64846-P. National call. Period: January 2016 – December 2018. Lead investigator: José Luis Díez Ripollés. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication.
“Social Exclusion as a Criteria for Politico-Criminal Comparison: Implementing the tool RIMES (AP-RIMES)”. National call. Period: January 2019 – December 2022. Lead investigators: Ana Isabel Cerezo Domínguez and Elisa García España. Collaborating researcher. Full dedication.
- Head of the course “Director of Private Security” offered by the Institute of Criminology since 2017/2018.
- Head of the research team of the Crime Observatory (ODA) in the Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology since 2013/2014.
- Coordinator of the Master in Criminality and Social Intervention with Minors (University of Málaga) from October 2012 to July 2016.
- Academic Secretary at the Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology in Málaga from 1st September 2009 to 1st September 2017.
Participant in the Project for Teaching Innovation: “The Degree Final Project in Law School: a Tool for Students to Integrate their Skills and a Coordinated Work Experience for Teachers” PIE 15-75. Funding entity: University of Málaga.
Participant in the Project for Teaching Innovation: “Mindfulness in a University Context. Training More Conscious Professionals”, PIE 17-016. Funding entity: University of Málaga.
Participant in the Project for Teaching Innovation: “Mindfulness in a University Context. Training More Conscious Professionals”, PIE 19-097. Funding entity: University of Málaga.
Coordinator of the journal Boletín Criminológico edited by the Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology in Málaga from March 2006 to October 2007 (20 months).
Head of the journal Boletín Criminológico edited by the Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology in Málaga from November 2007 to August 2009 (22 months).
Member of the research group “Criminal Law” (SEJ 116) from 24th October 2007 until now.
Member of the evaluation committee of the journal Boletín Criminológico from May 2011 until now (
Treasurer of the Spanish Association for Criminological Research (SEIC) from September 2006 to April 2014.