cv inglés Elisa García España
Dra. Dña. Elisa García España
Titular teacher of University
Tel: 952132335 / 952132333 E-mail:
Surname: GARCIA-ESPAÑA Firs Name: Elisa
Adress: Department of Criminal Law, Law School. Campus de Teatinos. University of Malaga 29071-Malaga, Spain.
Nationality: Spanish
Telephone number: +34. 952.12 23 33
- University Degree in Law. University of Malaga (1990)
- Degree in Criminology. Andalousian Institute of Criminology.University of Cordoba (1993)
- Ph. D. in Criminal Law. Title of dissertation: “Immigration andCrime”. Date: 29/2/2000
- Associate Professor in Criminal Law from 2001. Law Faculty. University of Malaga.
- Professor-Research in the Andalousian Institute of Criminology from 1993. University of Malaga.
- Researching Grant from Spanish Government. November 1993/ November 1997. Criminal Law Department. Law Faculty. University of Malaga.
- Researching Grant in Max Planck Institut, Friburg, Germany for 3 months (September 1995/ December 1995) granted by Ministry of Education and Science.
- Post-doctoral Grant to research in the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Wales, U.K. for 7 months (June 2002/December 2002).
- Visiting Scholar in John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York for 10 months (September 2009/July 2010)
- Research for University of Malaga of Research Project: "Victimisation Surveys in Malaga" (PB91-0411) July 1992-July 1994. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education
- Researcher for University of Malaga: "Victimisation Risk, Urban Delinquency and Prevention" (PB95-0479) December 1996- December 1998. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education
- Researcher for University of Malaga: "Illicit Practices in the Public Administration: corruption". (PB98-1400) December 1999-December 2002. Budget: 18KEuro. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (DGYCIT)
- Researcher for University of Malaga: "Drugs and Delinquency". October 2001-October 2002. Budget: 72KEuros. Funding: Spanish General Council of Judicatory
- Research for University of Malaga: 2001. Andalusian Ministry of the Presidency. (“Abandoned Moroccan Minors”).
- Researcher for University of Malaga: "Comparative Research between Act 4/1992 and Act 5/2000 about Juvenile Criminal Responsibility. October 2002-December2003. Budget: 84KEuros. Funding: Spanish General Council of Judicatory
- Researcher for University of Malaga: "Illicit Practices in the Construction Industry: vulnerability to organized crime and corrupt agents in urban construction and planning” " (2001/FAL/168) February 2002-June 2003. Budget: 11KEuros. Funding: European Union. Falcone Program
- Researcher for University of Malaga: "Making Law Study in Criminal Law". 2003-2006. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology
- Researcher for University of Malaga: “Evaluation of therapeutic program for drug criminals in Andalusia and Basque Country”. January 2007-January 2010. Budget: 42K euros. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Public Health
- Researcher for University of Malaga: “Delinquency of settled immigrants in Spain” (SEJ 1489). January 2014-December 2017. Budget: 89K euros. Funding: Junta de Andalucía.
- Researcher for University of Malaga: “Measurement os Social Exclusion, as generated by Western Criminal Policies” (DER2015- 64846-P). January 2016-December 2018. Budget: 46K euros. Funding: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
I. Books.
- Immigration and crime. Tirant lo Blanch, 2001. ISBN 84-8442-378-6
- Evolution of delinquency in Spain and Andalucia : Analisys and interpretation of the oficial statistics. Fundación El Monte and Instituto andaluz de Criminología, 2004. ISBN: 84-8455-134-2
- Drugs in delinquency: Tirant lo Blanch and Instituto andaluz de Criminología 2004. ISBN: 84-8442-961-X
- Analisys of delinquency in Andalucia: Colection Cuadernos de la Realidad Social. Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2005. ISBN
- Public security and policy intervention: Fundación El Monte and Intituto andaluz de Criminología, 2005. ISBN: 84-8455-177-6
- “Minorities, crime, and criminal justice in Spain”. Minorities and Crime: Diversity and Similarity across Europe and the United State. SAGE publications. Boston, 1997. ISBN: 0-7619-0334-8
- “Delinquency of immigrants in Spain”. Immigration and Criminal Law: Facts to debate. Tirant lo Blanch, 2001. ISBN: 84-8442-459-6
- “Foreigners in Spanish prison”. Immigration and Criminal Law: Facts to debate. Tirant lo Blanch, 2001. ISBN: 84-8442-459-6
- “Underage maroccan immigrants and the Public Administration answers” (Book Chapter in The others migrations: the underage immigrants of Marocan origin). AKAL, 2005. ISBN: 84-460-2310-5
- “Analysis of Victims in Official Criminal Statistics” (Book Chapter) Ana I. Cerezo, Elisa Garcia, Fátima Pérez Publisher: Tirant lo Blanch, 2005, ISBN 84-8456-327-8
- “Premio a la colaboración con la justicia: Especial consideración a la corrupción administrativa”. Publisher: Comares, 2005. ISBN: 84- 9836-018-8
- “La delincuencia según las víctimas: Un enfoque integrado a partir de una encuesta de victimización”. Elisa Garcia-Espana, Fatima Perez y Maria Jose Benitez. Publisher: IAIC-Fundación El Monte, 2006. ISBN: 84-8455-207-1
- “The Prison in Spain: a Criminology approach” Ana I. Cerezo, Elisa Garcia España (coord.) Publisher: Comares, 2007, ISBN 978-84- 9836-291-6
- “Encuestas de Victimización en España” Jose Luis Diez-Ripolles y Elisa Garcia-España (dirs.) Publisher: IAIC-Cajasol, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-8455-305-2
- Realidad y política penitenciarias 2011. IAIC-Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN:978-84-9004-578-7
- La Administración de Justicia según los datos. Especial referencia a la jurisdicción penal 2013. IAIC-Tirant lo Blanch.
- Discriminación racial en identificaciones policiales en España Tirant lo Blanch-IAIC, 2015.
II. Refereed journal publications.
- “The Moroccan Immigrant Women as a Victims of Crime in Málaga (Spain)”. Criminal Justice Review, 65, (467-493), 1998. ISSN: 0210- 4059
- “Minor and Policial Statistics”. Criminal Law and Criminology Review, 8. July, 2001. ISSN: 1132-9955
- “El impago de pensiones en la realidad judicial”. Criminology Bulletin, 27. March, 1997. ISSN: 0210-4059
- “Foreign Offenders in Official Statistics” Criminology Bulletin, 49. September, 2000. ISSN: 0210-4059
- “Crimes against the rights of foreign citizens”. Actualidad penal. 2002. ISSN: 0213-6562
- “Immigration and penitenciary laws and delinquency”. Revista de Derecho Migratorio y de Extranjería. 2003. ISSN: 1695- 3509
- “Forbiden negociation and activities for civil servant”. Jueces para la Democracia, 2003.
- “Oficial facts of delinquency in Spain”. Criminal Law and Criminology Review, 13. January, 2005. ISSN: 1132-9955
- “Recent evolution of delinquency in Andalucia”. Electronic review of Criminal Law and Criminology. June, 2004. On line.
- “Delinquency in Spain according to the facts known by the police”. Criminal Law and Criminology Review, 14. July,2004. ISSN: 1132- 9955
- “Detentions and victims according to the oficial statistics”. Criminal Law and Criminology Review, 15, January, 2005. ISSN: 1132-9955
- “Evolution of the known facts and detentions according to the oficial data”. Criminal Law and Criminology Review, 16. July, 2005. ISSN: 1132-9955
- “La nueva realidad de la criminalidad en el siglo XXI” Criminal Law and Criminology Review, 17. January, 2006. ISSN: 1132-9955
- “The Crime in Spain in the context of the social change in the last two decades”. Elisa Garcia-Espana and Jose Luis Diez-Ripolles (dirs.) Crime, Law, and Social Change, 54, 2010 (pp. 359-380). ISSN: 1573-0751
- “Aprender investigando” in Nuevas fórmulas docentes en el EEE Visión Libros Editorial, 2011. ISBN: 978-84-9008-115-0
- "Crime trends in Spain" en Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research, 2012. ISBN 978-94-007-0752-8
- Otras poblaciones presas: Mujeres y extranjeros in Revista de Derecho penal y Criminología, 2012
- ¿Los conocimientos criminológicos modulan las actitudes punitivas? In Estudios sobre mensajes periodísticos. No 19, 2013. Pp. 753-761.
- Delincuencia de inmigrantes y motivaciones delictivas. In InDret. Criminología y sistema de justicia penal. 2014.
- Minorities and Crime in Spain47th Annual meeting of The American Society of Criminology Boston, Massachusetts (USA)November 15-18, 1995.
- The Moroccan Immigrant Women in Malaga (Spain) as Victims of Crime9th International World Symposium on Victimology Amsterdam (The Netherlans)August, 25-30, 1997
- Illegal immigration, detention and deportation in Spain International Congress on Illegal AliensTilburg (The Netherland)November 25-28, 1997.
- Moroccan juveniles in situatios of high risk of vulnerability. European society of Criminology Congress.Amsterdam, August, 2004.
- Immigration of Unaccompanied Juveniles Societies of Criminology. 1st Key Issues Conference. Paris, 2004.
- Community safety: Empirical data points the way to a new approach of Criminal Justice Intervention.5th Annual Conference on the European Society of Criminology. Jagiellonian University. Cracow. PolandSeptember, 2005.
- Foreigners in Spanish prisonsI Stockholm Criminology Symposium. Stockholm, June 2006
- Crime Victimization Surveys in Europe7th Annual Conference of Crime Victimization Surveys in Europe. Bologna, Italy. September 2007.
- Resultados preliminaries sobre videovigilancia en las zonas publicas y su eficacia en la reducción de la delincuencia en EspañaJustice and Policing Diverse Societies Conference organized by John Jay College of Criminal Justice. San Juan de Puerto Rico, EE.UU. June, 2008.
- Intervención penitenciaria con presos extranjerosXV Congreso Mundial de la Sociedad Internacional de Criminología. Barcelona, 2008.
- Crime Victimization Surveys in Andalusia8th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology. Edimburgo, September 2008.
- Medidas alternativas a prisión en drogodependientesIII Congreso Internacional de Derecho penal del Colegio de Abogados. San Juan de Puerto Rico. Marzo 2010
- Social Change and Victimization Rate Trends in Spain10th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Liege, Belgium. September 2010.
- Prison Policy impact through expert analysis of oficial data 11th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Vilnius. Lituania, 2011.
- European Prison Systems Scribani Conference: Re-imaging imprisoment in Europe. Dublin, 2012.
- Our Prison Systems: A Cross-National Comparison Based on the Existing Data. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Chicago. EEUU, 2012.
- “Police Stops and Diversity in Spain” en 14o Annual Conference at the ESC. Praga, 10-13 septiembre, 2014.
- "Reforming police stops in Spain: Evidence from the evaluation of new pilot projects" en American Society of Criminology Conference. Noviembre, 2014.
- "Police stop and diversity in Spain" en European Society of Criminology Conference. Praga, 2014.
- “Criminological analysis of judicial opportunity principle of art. 57.7 of Spanish immigration law” en 15th Conferencia Europea de Criminología. Septiembre, 2015. Oporto, Portugal.
- “Illegitimacy in the time of legitimacy: A view of a South African University” en el International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference. December, 2015.
- Former Director of Criminology Bulletin of Institute of Criminology in Malaga from May 2000 to February 2004.
- Former Coordinator of Criminology Bulletin of Institute of Criminology in Malaga from June 1994 to August 1995.
- Former Director of the Spanish Delinquency Observatory from 2003.
- Former Secretary of Institute of Criminology, University of Malaga from July 2000 to February 2002 and from June 2004 to August 2009.
- Former Secretary of the Spanish Society of Criminal Research from October 2000 to April 2004.
- Associate Director of Criminology Institute in Malaga (
- Director of the Observatory of Criminal System toward Immigrants (
- Associate Dean of Faculty of Law from January 2012.
- Other academics activities:
- Member of the Spanish Group of Criminal Politics since 2010
- Reviewer of Spanish Society of Criminological Research Journal (REIC), Boletín Criminológico, Crime, Law and Social Change, Revista Mexicana de Psicología, Indret, Revista Social Indicators research, Revista Criminalidad, Escritos de Psicología, Revista de Estudios de Psicología, Revista Internacional de Sociología (RIS).
- Member of European Society of Criminology
- Member of Spanish Society of Criminal Research
- Member of the Society of Andalousian Victimology