
Manzaneque Vázquez, Juan Manuel

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Grupo PAI (CTS-496): Psicobiología Aplicada y Psicosomática





- MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RODRIGUEZ FM, GARCIA GJ, LEYVA L, BLANCA MJ. (2009). Serum cytokines, mood and sleep after a qigong program: is qigong an effective psychobiological tool? Journal of Health Psychology, 14 (1):60-67. (DOI: 10.1177/1359105308097946)
- VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, MALDONADO EF, CARRANQUE G, RODRIGUEZ FM, BLANCA MJ, MORELL M. (2009). Sleep subjective quality and hormonal modulation in long-term yoga practitioners. Biological Psychology, 81 (3): 164-168. (DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2009.03.008).

- MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, GODOY YA, RAMOS NS, RODRIGUEZ FM, BLANCA MJ, FERNANDEZ A, ENGUIX A, IGLESIAS MR. (2010). Immunomodulatory effects in anxious and depressed patients after a Mindfulness Meditation Program. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17 (Suppl 1): S179.

- MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RAMOS NS, GODOY Y, RODRIGUEZ FM, BLANCA MJ, FERNANDEZ A, ENGUIX A. (2011). Psychobiological modulation in anxious and depressed patients after a mindfulness meditation program: a pilot study. Stress and Health, 27 (3): 216-222. (DOI: 10.1002/smi.1334)

- CARRANQUE GA, MALDONADO EF, VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, BLANCA MJ, SORIANO G, MORELL M. (2012). Hematological and biochemical modulation in regular yoga practitioners. Biomedical Research, 23 (2): 176-182.

- VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, RODRIGUEZ FM, VADILLO M, BENDAYAN R, BLANCA MJ, ALONSO A, FERNANDEZ-ARCAZ N. (2012). Modulatory action of qigong on adaptive immunity. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 19 (Suppl 1): S72-S73.

- MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RODRIGUEZ FM, VADILLO M, BENDAYAN R, BLANCA MJ, ALONSO A, FERNANDEZ-ARCAZ N. (2012). Effects of Taoist Qigong on immune cell counts: is this classical chinese exercise an effective immunomodulatory tool? International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 19 (Suppl 1): S72.

- RODRIGUEZ FM, MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, GODOY Y, RAMOS NS, BLANCA MJ, FERNANDEZ A, ENGUIX A. (2014). Valoración de parámetros inmunitarios en pacientes con síntomas de ansiedad y depresión tras un programa de meditación “mindfulness”: un estudio piloto, Ansiedad y Estrés (en prensa).


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