
Research agreements

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Collaboration Agreement between the Geological Survey of Israel (GSI) and EDANYA Research Group of the University of Málaga.

Project title: Numerical Simulation of Tsunamis: Early Warning, Urgent Computing and Hazard assessment
Financing entity:  GSI (Israel)/UMA 
Participating entities: GSI (Israel)/UMA
Duration from: 01/06/2023 to: 31/05/2027
Responsible researcher:
Ran Novitski Nof (GSI) / Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)

Memorandum de Entendimiento entre el servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile y el grupo de investigación EDANYA de la Universidad de Málaga.

Project title:  Memorandum de Entendimiento entre el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile y el grupo de investigación EDANYA de la Universidad de Málaga.
Financing entity:  SHOA (Chile)/UMA 
Participating entities: SHOA (Chile)/UMA
Duration from: 07/04/2022 to: 06/04/2026 
Responsible researcher:
Faust Bravo (SHOA) / Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA).

Convenio Específico de Colaboración entre la Escuela Superior del Litoral (ESPOL) y la Universidad de Málaga.

Project title: Memorandum de Entendimiento entre el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile y el grupo de investigación EDANYA de la Universidad de Málaga.
Financing entity: ESPOL (Nicaragua)/UMA
Participating entities: ESPOL (Nicaragua)/UMA
Duration from: 15/11/2021 to: 14/11/2025
Responsible researcher: 
Jonathan Marcelo Cedeño Ovideo (ESPOL) / Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA).

Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Malta and the EDANYA Research Group - Universidad de Málaga (Spain).

Project title:  Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Malta and the EDANYA Research Group (UMA).
Financing entity:  University of Malta/UMA 
Participating entities: University of Malta/UMA
Duration from: 16/02/2020 to: 15/12/2024 
Responsible researcher:  
Pauline Galea (UM) / Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)

Convenio entre el IGME, O.A., M.P. y la UMA para la creación de una Unidad Asociada denominada Investigación en Geociencias Aplicadas

Project title: Convenio entre el IGME, O.A., M.P. y la UMA para la creación de una Unidad Asociada denominada Investigación en Geociencas Aplicadas (INGEA)
Financing entity: IGME/UMA 
Participating entities: IGME/UMA
Duration from: 29/10/2020 to: 28/10/2024 
Responsible researcher: 
Miguel Llorente Isidro (IGME) / Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)

Convenio de colaboración entre Intituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) y la Universidad de Málaga (UMA) para el desarrollo y mantenimiento de la Red Nacional de Alerta de Tsunamis.

Project title: Convenio de colaboración entre Intituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) y la Universidad de Málaga (UMA) para el desarrollo y mantenimiento de la Red Nacional de Alerta de Tsunamis
Financing entity: IGN/UMA 
Participating entities: IGN/UMA
Duration from: 18/02/2020 to: 17/02/2024 
Responsible researcher:
Juan Vicente Cantavella Nadal (IGN) / Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)

Cooperation Agreement between the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the University of Malaga (UMA) within the framework of the GreenSlide project.

Project title: Cooperation Agreement between the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the University of Malaga (UMA) within the framework of the GreenSlide project
Financing entity: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
Participating entities: GEUS/UMA
Duration from: 03/09/2019 to: 02/03/2020
Responsible researcher: 
Jorn Bo Jensen (GEUS) / Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA) 

Extension of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) between the Federico de Santa María Technical University (UTFSM) and the University of Málaga (UMA) - Grupo EDANYA.

Project title: Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) between the Federico de Santa María Technical University (UTFSM) and the University of Málaga (UMA) - Grupo EDANYA
Financing entity: UTFSM/UMA 
Participating entities: UTFSM/UMA 
Duration from: 24/07/2019 to: 23/07/2021 
Responsible researcher:
Patricio Catalán (UTFSM) / Jorge Macías (UMA)

Framework Service contract for Copernicus Emergency Management Service Risk & Recovery Mapping - Contract Notice 2018S 155-354604

Project title: Framework Service contract for Copernicus Emergency Management Service Risk & Recovering Mapping - Framework service contract No. 937978 IPR 2019
Financing entity: Joint Research Center (JRC, EC)
Participating entities: INDRA/UMA 
Duration from: 01/01/2019 to: 31/12/2023 
Responsible researcher:
Ángel Utanda (INDRA) / Jorge Macías (UMA)

Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) between the Federico de Santa María Technical University (UTFSM) and the University of Málaga (UMA) - Grupo EDANYA.

Project title: Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) between the Federico de Santa María Technical University (UTFSM) and the University of Málaga (UMA) - Grupo EDANYA
Financing entity: UTFSM/UMA 
Participating entities: UTFSM/UMA 
Duration from: 24/07/2017 to: 23/07/2019 
Responsible researcher:
Patricio Catalán (UTFSM) / Jorge Macías (UMA) 

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between NOAA and UMA “Scientific and technical collaboration in Oceanographic Research”.

Project title: Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between NOAA and UMA “Scientific and technical collaboration in Oceanographic Research” 
 Financing entity: NOAA/UMA 
 Participating entities: NOAA/UMA 
Duration from: 27/07/2016 to: 26/07/2021 
Responsible researcher:

Collaboration Agreement UMA-JRC. N33880.

Project title: Collaboration Agreement UMA-JRC. N33880 
Reference: N33880  
Financing entity: JRC/UMA  
Participating entities: JRC/UMA  
Duration from: 15/05/2015 to: 30/04/2020  
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Alessandro Annunziato (JRC) / Dr. D. Manuel J. Castro Díaz (UMA)  

Collaboration agreement between the IGN and the UMA for the development and maintenance of the National Tsunami Warning Network.

Project title: Collaboration Agreement between the IGN and the UMA for the development and maintenance of the National Tsunami Warning Network
Financing entity: Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) / Universidad de Málaga (UMA)
Participating entities: IGN/UMA
Duration from: 18/02/2015 to: 17/02/2020
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Juan Vicente Cantavella Nadal (IGN) / Prof. Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA).
Number of participating researchers: 8

Collaboration framework agreement to promote the valorization of the results of the research carried out within the research groups belonging to the University and active in the field of Mathematics Applied to Industry.

Project title: Collaboration framework agreement to promote the valorization of the results of the research carried out within the research groups belonging to the University and active in the field of Mathematics Applied to Industry 
OTRI Reference: 8.07/5.33.4069
Financing entity: Asociación Red Española de Matemátetica e Industria (math-in)
Participating entities: miembros MATH-IN
Signature date: 19/09/2013
Responsible researcher: Carlos Parés Madroñal (UMA)

Framework agreement for technological collaboration between REPSOL S.A. and the Spanish Network Association Mathematics-Industry (MATH-IN) - (framework to regulate the collaboration in conducting research and scientific consulting services in the field of Industrial Mathematics).

Project title: Framework agreement for technological collaboration between REPSOL S.A. and the Spanish Network Association Mathematics-Industry (MATH-IN) - (framework to regulate the collaboration in conducting research and scientific consulting services in the field of Industrial Mathematics)
OTRI Reference: 8.07/5.33.4034
Financing entity: REPSOL S.A.
Participating entities: Repsol, MATH-IN
Duration from: 01/04/2013 to: 31/03/2016
Responsible researcher: Representation of REPSOL (3), representation of math-in (3)

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between INGV and UMA on Tsunami Research.

Project title: Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between INGV and UMA on Tsunami
Financing entity: UMA/INGV
Participating entities: UMA/INGV
Duration from: 22/08/2012 to: -
Responsible researcher: Prof. Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA) / Dr. Stefano Lorito (INGV).

Landslide generated tsunamis flood risk assestment for the Tenochtitlan Island, capital of the Aztec Empire.

Project title: Landslide generated tsunamis flood risk assestment for the Tenochtitlan Island, capital of the Aztec Empire
Financing entity: Universidad de Boulder, Colorado
Participating entities: Universidad de Málaga/Universidad de Boulder, Colorado.
Duration from: 01/05/2012 to: 31/10/2012
Responsible researcher: Prof. Dr. D. Jorge Macías (UMA) - Prof. Dr. D. Gerardo Gutiérrez (UBC).

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