
Coupling hidrodynamics and biology

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  • 1D stratified 2-layer model coupled with biological processes

NPZ and BFM biological models forced by wind or tidal currents including solar light effects.



1. NPZ model for tidal simulations in the Strait of Gibraltar.

2. A BFM for tidal simulations in the Strait of Gibraltar.


  • 2D stratified 2-layer systems coupled with biological processes

We are currently working on the implementation of this kind of models.



Numerical simulations comming soon.


NPZ: for Nitrogen-Phytoplankton-Zooplanktoon

BFM: for Biogeochemical Flux Model

 Transport, erosion and sedimentation models

 Dam-breaking and flooding

 Numerical Simulations

Comming soon the Coupling with Biology playlist in our YouTube channel! 

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