ARISTOTLE Project and Consortium
Since 1st October 2019 the EDANYA group is providing, in collaboration with the INGV, the Tsunami Service of the Aristotle project. Initially we entered the ARISTOTLE2-ENHSP consortium and, since 1st October 2020 we are part of the new ARISTOTLE-eENHSP Consortium. On October 1, 2019, the University of Malaga became the first Spanish partner of the ARISTOTLE-ENHSP consortium, a project funded by the EC DG-ECHO (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations of the European Commission). The objective of this project is to provide 24*7 scientific advice on various hazards and natural disasters to the Emergency Response Coordination Center (ERCC). The role of UMA in ARISTOTLE project is the implementation, in collaboration with the Italian INGV, of the Tsunami Service. The objective of this service is to provide an early estimate of the magnitude of a tsunami event anywhere in the world and in the shortest possible time. |
Link to ARISTOTLE-eENSHP web page Link to the initial pilot ARISTOTLE project web page
ARISTOTLE-eENHSP (All Risk Integrated System TOwards Trans-hoListic Early-warning - enhanced European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership.
- Reference: ECHO/2020/OP/0001.
- Funding institution: EC - DG ECHO (European Community)
- Directorate General: European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
- Duration from: 1/10/2020 to 30/09/2023
- Funding: 3M€ / UMA Service 235,000€
ARISTOTLE is a long-term operational, research, and cooperation project financed by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO). The objective of the current project is to continue strengthening the monitoring and analysis functions of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) and its Situational Awareness Sector (SAS) by delivering unique multi-hazard advice service at global level and on a 24/7 operational basis.
What EDANYA group does in ARISTOTLE?
The EDANYA group of the UMA provides to the project its experience and numerical code Tsunami-HySEA in order to implement, in collaboration with the Italian INGV, the Tsunami Service of Aristotle.
What is ARISTOTLE's Tsunami Service?
The objective of the Aristotle's Tsunami Service is to provide an early estimate of the magnitude of a tsunami event anywhere in the world and in the shortest possible time.
Read some news in Spanish (3rd October 2019)
UMA News - Malaga Hoy - 20minutos
Current partnership