
Jorge Macías Sánchez

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Industrial Math & Contracts

Project Indra-Perú. The design of demonstrators for the "Risk Mapping Engine"

Project name: Indra-Peru
Type of contract: subcontracted services - competitive call
Reference: - Ref. OTRI 8.06/33.6716
Financing administration: Indra
Participating entities: INDRA/UMA and others
Duration from: 01/11/2023 to: 31/03/2024 
PI UMA: Jorge Macías Sánchez
Number of participating researchers: 3 (UMA) - 5 (INDRA)

Hybrid Tsunami Forecast Code and Model Consolidation Inundation and Forecasting of Tsunamis

Project name: Adaptation of the HySEA numerical model for compatibility with the SIFT system of the Pacific Tsunami Warning System
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference:  (Contract num: 1305M322PNRMA0574) - Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.54.6517
Financing administration: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Participating entities: NCTR (NOAA)/UMA
Duration from: 01/10/2022 to: 30/09/2023
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Manuel J. Castro (UMA) - Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 7 (UMA)

Training course on the Tsunami-HySEA code and technical support on its use for the generation of tsunami inundation maps in Puerto Rico

Project name: Curso de formación en el código Tsunami-HySEA y apoyo y asesoramiento técnico en su utilización para la generación de mapas de inundación por tsunamis en Puerto Rico
Reference: OTRI 8.06/33.6430
Financing administration: Seismic Network (Puerto Rico, EE.UU.)
Participating entities: UMA/PRSN
Duration from: 1/11/2022 to: 31/08/2023
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 2 (UMA)

Hazard assessment of a potential dam breach of the Kyiv cistern reservoir, Ukraine

Project name: EMSN-125: Hazard assessment of a potential dam breach of the Kyiv cistern reservoir, Ukraine
Type of contract: subcontracted services - competitive call
Reference: EMSN-125 - Framework Service Contract No. 937978 IPR 2019 - Ref. OTRI 8.06/33.6309
Financing administration: Joint Research Center (JRC) - EC
Participating entities: INDRA/UMA/Cotesa
Duration from: 01/04/2022 to: 31/05/2022 
PI UMA: Jorge Macías Sánchez
Number of participating researchers: 3 (UMA) - 3 (INDRA)

Tsunami hazard assessment in the Mediterranean coast of Andalucía - Averroes fault

Project name: Estimación de la peligrosidad por tsunamis en la costa mediterránea andaluza - Falla de Averroes
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: OTRI 8.06/33.6074
Financing administration: Consejería de la Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior Junta de Andalucía
Participating entities: Funding administration/UMA
Duration from: 01/11/2021 to: 31/01/2022 
PI: Jorge Macías Sánchez
Number of participating researchers: 2

Tsunami hazard assessment in the Mediterranean coast of Andalucía - Numerical simulations of very high spatial resolution for inundation

Project name: Estimación de la peligrosidad por tsunamis en la costa mediterránea andaluza - Simulaciones numéricas de muy alta resolución en toda la franja costera
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: OTRI 8.06/33.5782
Financing administration: TRAGSATEC
Participating entities: TRAGCTEC/UMA/Junta de Andalucía
Duration from: 01/01/2021 to: 31/05/2021 
PI: Jorge Macías Sánchez
Number of participating researchers: 2

Tsunami hazard assessment in the Atlantic coast of Andalucía (Huelva and Cadiz, Spain) - Numerical simulations of very high spatial resolution for inundation

Project name: Estimación de la peligrosidad por tsunami en la costa atlántica andaluza (Huelva y Cádiz) - Simulaciones numéricas de muy alta resolución en toda la franja costera
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: OTRI 8.06/33.5734
Financing administration: Consejería de la Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior Junta de Andalucía
Participating entities: Funding administration/UMA
Duration from: 01/11/2020 to: 31/01/2021 
PI: Jorge Macías Sánchez
Number of participating researchers: 2

Tsunami preparedness risk assessment in the Andalusian West Coast, Spain

Project name: EMSN-078: Tsunami preparedness risk assessment in Andalusian West Coast, Spain Framework Service Contract No. 937978 IPR 2019
Type of contract: subcontracted services - competitive call
Reference: EMSN-078 - Framework Service Contract No. 937978 IPR 2019 - Ref. OTRI 8.06/33.5688
Financing administration: Joint Research Center (JRC) - EC
Participating entities: INDRA/UMA
Duration from: 01/07/2020 to: 30/09/2020 
 PI UMA: Jorge Macías Sánchez
Number of participating researchers: 2 (UMA) - 3 (INDRA)

Hybrid Tsunami Forecast Code and Model Consolidation Inundation and Forecasting of Tsunamis

Project name: Hybrid Tsunami Forecast Code and Model Consolidation Inundation and Forecasting of Tsunamis
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: NRMAH000-17-01299 (Contract num: 133MJ19PNRMA0107) - Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.xxxx
Financing administration: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Participating entities: NCTR (NOAA)/UMA
Duration from: 01/09/2019 to: 31/08/2020
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Manuel J. Castro (UMA) - Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 7 (UMA)

Community Tsunami Inundation and Evacuation Maps for Selected ICG/CARIBE EWS Member States

Project nameCommunity Tsunami Inundation and Evacuation Maps for Selected ICG/CARIBE EWS Member States
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: OTRI 8.06/5.33.5417
Financing administration: UNESCO / DG-ECHO.
Participating entities: IHC/UMA
Duration from: 01/06/2019 to: 01/03/2020
 Coordinator: Mauricio González (IHC).  PI UMA: Jorge Macías Sánchez
Number of participating researchers: 2 (UMA) - 3 (IHC)

Adaptation and acquisition of Tsunami-HySEA tsunami propagation simulation software      

Project name: Adaptation and acquisition of Tsunami-HySEA tsunami propagation software
OTRI 8.06/00.34.67
Financing administration: Seismic Network (Puerto Rico, EE.UU.)
Participating entities: UMA/PRSN
Duration from: 1/05/2019 to: 31/12/2019
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 2 (UMA)

Execution of high performance calculations for the simulation of the dynamics in the Gulf of Cádiz through a multilayer model 

Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/33.5229
Financing administration: IEO, Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz
Participating entities: UMA/IEO
Duration from: 01/01/2019 to: 31/07/2019
Responsible researcher:  Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)

Study of samples of marine floating aggregates in the coast of the province of Malaga: study of their mineralogical, algal and bacterial nature

Project name: Estudio de muestras de agregados flotantes marinos en el litoral de la provincia de Málaga: estudio de su naturaleza mineralógica, algal y bacteriana 
Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/53.4855
Financing administration: Axaragua, EMASA, Aguas de Torremolinos, ACOSOL, HIDRALIA
Participating entities: UMA/Costas/empresas financiadoras
Duration from: 03/07/2018 to: 02/07/2019
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Francisco Ignacio Franco Duro (UMA)
EDANYA contact: Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA) - Dr. D. Manuel J. Castro (UMA)

Technical assistance for the development of a Tsunami Early Warning System produced by landslides for the Dipartamento Protezione Civile (DPC) of Italy

Project name: Technical assistance for the development and development of the Tsunami Early Warning System produced by landslides for the Dipartlage of Protezione Civile (DPC) of Italy 
Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/53.5078
Financing administration: INGV Pisa - DPC Italia
Participating entities: UMA/INGV Pisa/DPC Italia
Duration from: 01/02/2018 to: 30/09/2018
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA) - Dr. D. Manuel J. Castro (UMA)
Number of participating researchers:  4 (UMA)

Continuation of the research contract between NOAA (USA) and the UMA (Grupo EDANYA) for the modification of the Tsunami-HySEA model developed by the EDANYA group of the UMA for its integration in the SIFT system (Short-term Inundation and Forecasting of Tsunamis) according to NOAA requirements

Project name: Continuation of the research contract between NOAA (USA) and the UMA (Grupo EDANYA) for the modification of the Tsunami-HySEA model developed by the EDANYA group of the UMA for its integration in the SIFT system (Short-term Inundation and Forecasting of Tsunamis) according to NOAA requirements 
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: NRMAH000-16-01473 (Contract n: WE-133R-17-SE1310) - Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.3917-4
Financing administration: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Participating entities: NCTR (NOAA)/UMA
Duration from: 01/09/2017 to: 31/08/2018
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Manuel J. Castro (UMA) - Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 4 (UMA)

Adaptation and acquisition of Tsunami-HySEA tsunami propagation simulation software

Project name: Adaptation and acquisition of Tsunami-HySEA tsunami propagation simulation software 
Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.4988
Financing administration: Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN)
Participating entities: UMA/IGN
Duration from: 1/09/2017 to: 31/12/2017
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 4 (UMA)

Technical assistance for the development of a Tsunami Early Warning System for landslides generated tsunamis at the Stromboli Island - Dipartamento Protezione Civile (DPC) of Italy

Project name: Technical assistance for the development and development of the Tsunami Early Warning System produced by landslides for the Dipartlage of Protezione Civile (DPC) of Italy 
Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.54.4976
Financing administration: INGV Pisa - DPC Italia
Participating entities: UMA/INGV Pisa/DPC Italia
Duration from: 01/09/2017 to: 31/12/2017
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)
Number of participating researchers:  4 (UMA)

Validation, adaptation and implementation of a tsunami detection software, developed by the Research Group, for the National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV) of Italy

Project name: Validation, adaptation and implementation of a tsunami detection software, developed by the Research Group, for the National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV) of Italy 
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: Ref. OTRI
Financing administration: INGV (Italia).
Participating entities: INGV/UMA
Duration from: 15/07/2017 to: 30/11/2017
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA)
Number of participating researchers:  4 (UMA)

Tsunami-HySEA modification to be included in SIFT (Short-term Inundation and Forecasting of Tsunamis) system

Project name: Tsunami-HySEA modification to be included in SIFT (Short-term Inundation and Forecasting of Tsunamis) system
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: NRMAH000-16-01473 (Contract num: WE-133R-16-SE-1418) - Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.3917-4
Financing administration: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Participating entities: NCTR (NOAA)/UMA
Duration from: 01/09/2016 to: 31/08/2017
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Manuel J. Castro (UMA) - Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 6 (UMA)

Technical assistance to support activities to strengthen public institutions: training and exchange of international researchers with short stays in research 

Project name: Technical assistance to support activities to strengthen public institutions: training and exchange of international researchers with short stays in research
Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.4664
Financing administration: IGME
Participating entities: UMA/IGME/SGN
Duration from: 01/10/2016 to: 3112/2016
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 4 (UMA)

Tsunami Inundation and Evacuation Maps for three munipalities of San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic under the project “Life-Saving Actions: Disaster preparedness and seismic and tsunami risk reduction in the south coast, Dominican Republic”

Project name: Tsunami Inundation and Evacuation Maps for three munipalities of San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic under the project “Life-Saving Actions: Disaster preparedness and seismic and tsunami risk reduction in the south coast, Dominican Republic”
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.4645
Financing administration: The Disaster Preparedness Programme of the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department (UNESCO)
Participating entities: IGME/SGN/UMA
Duration from: 28/01/2016 to: 27/08/2016
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Miguel Llorente Isidro (IGME) - Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 4 (UMA)

Numerical modeling of tsunamis affecting the coast of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 

Project name: Numerical modeling of tsunamis affecting the coast of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Type of contract:  Outsourcing by conducting technical study
Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.4569
Financing administration: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME)
Participating entities: IGME/UMA
Duration from: 10/12/2015 to: 9/03/2016
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Miguel Llorente Isidro (IGME) - Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 4 (UMA)

Further development of (Compute Unified Device Architecture) CUDA version of the current tsunami propagation code MOST (Method Of Splitting Tsunami) 

Project name: Further development of (Compute Unified Device Architecture) CUDA version of the current tsunami propagation code MOST (Method Of Splitting Tsunami)
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: NRMAH000-13- (Contract n: WE133R15SE1487) - Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.3917-3
Financing administration: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Participating entities: NCTR (NOAA)/UMA
Duration from:  01/09/2015 to: 31/08/2016
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Manuel J. Castro (UMA) - Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA)
Number of participating researchers: 6 (UMA)

Organization of training course in the Tsunami-HySEA code 

Project name: Organization of training course in the Tsunami-HySEA code
Type of contract: direct contracting procedure
Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.4524
Financing administration: Dirección General Marítima (DIMAR), Colombia
Participating entities: UMA
Duration from:  14/12/2015 to: 18/12/2015
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Jorge Macías Sánchez (UMA)
Number of participating researchers:  4 (UMA)

Adaptation and development of the code of the HySEA tsunami detection model to the requirements of the National Center for Tsunami Detection (NTWC) of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) of Italy

Project name: Adaptation and development of the code of the HySEA tsunami detection model to the requirements of the National Center for Tsunami Detection (NTWC) of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) of Italy
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference:: Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.54.4410
Financing administration: INGV (Italia)
Participating entities: INGV/UMA
Duration from: 01/03/2015 to: 28/02/2016
Responsible researcher: Prof. Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (Univ. de Málaga).
Number of participating researchers: 4 (UMA)

Modelling landslide generated tsunamis. Development of a CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) version of the Current tsunami inundation code MOST 

Project name: Modelling landslide generated tsunamis. Development of a CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) version of the Current tsunami inundation code MOST
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: NRMAH000-13-01532 (Contract n: WE133R-13-SE-1701) - Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.3917-2
Financing administration: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Participating entities: NCTR (NOAA)/UMA
Duration from: 01/10/2013 to: 31/03/2015
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Diego Arcas (NOAA) - Prof. Dr. D. Manuel Jesús Castro Díaz (UMA) - Prof. Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA).
Number of participating researchers: 4 (UMA)

Validation, adaptation and implementation of a tsunami detection software, developed by the Research Group, for the National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV) of Italy, within the framework of a research agreement already signed between the UMA and the INGV.

Project name: Validation, adaptation and implementation of a tsunami detection software, developed by the Research Group, for the National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV) of Italy, within the framework of a research agreement already signed between the UMA and the INGV.          
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination 
Reference: Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.54.4082
Financing administration: INGV (Italia).
Participating entities: INGV/UMA
Duration from: 01/09/2013 to: 31/07/2014
Responsible researcher: Prof. Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (Univ. de Málaga).
Number of participating researchers: 4 (UMA)

Modelling landslide generated tsunamis. Development of a CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) version of the Current tsunami propagation code MOST 

Project name: Modelling landslide generated tsunamis. Development of a CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) version of the Current tsunami propagation code MOST
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination 
Reference: NRMAH000-12-03000 (Contract num: WE-133R-12-SE-2276) - Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.3917-1
Financing administration:  National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Participating entities: NCTR (NOAA)/UMA
Duration from: 01/10/2012 to: 30/09/2013
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Diego Arcas (NOAA) - Prof. Dr. D. Manuel Jesús Castro Díaz (UMA) - Prof. Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA).
Number of participating researchers: 4

Modelling landslide generated tsunamis. 

Project name: Modelling landslide generated tsunamis.
Type of contract: contract without public dissemination
Reference: NRMAH000-12-00026 (Order num: WE133R12SE0035) - Ref. OTRI 8.06/5.33.3917
Financing administration: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Participating entities: NCTR (NOAA)/UMA
Duration from: 01/12/2011 to: 30/11/2012
Responsible researcher: Dr. D. Diego Arcas (NOAA) - Prof. Dr. D. Manuel Jesús Castro Díaz (UMA) - Prof. Dr. D. José Manuel González Vida (UMA).
Number of participating researchers: 4

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