
Jose Miguel Morales

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  • Prof. José Miguel Morales Asencio

    BSN, BSc, PhD. Full Professor

    Tel: 951952833     E-mail:   Twitter: @jmmasencio

    Office: 2.9



I am a professor at the Department of Nursing from 2010, where I held the post of Head of the Department from 2010 to 2018. Currently, I am Associate Dean for Research & Postgraduate Studies, and Coordinator of the PhD Programme on Health Sciences.

Previously, I was a senior lecturer at the Andalusian School of Public Health, and Head of the Effectiveness & Research Unit of the District of Primary Health Care of Málaga, and clinical nurse at the University Hospital Virgen de la Victoria, where I also had management duties as Head of the Nursing Critical Care Department and Deputy Nursing Director. I am invited professor of several Universities (Almería, Huelva, Baleares, Autónoma de Madrid, Cádiz), and Visiting Professor at University of Hertfordshire (UK).




Posgraduate Studies:


Principal investigator of the research group CTS-970 "Cronicidad, Dependencia, Cuidados y Servicios de Salud", belonging to the Institute for Biomedical Research of Málaga (IBIMA). I am a member of the European Academy of Nursing Sciences.

Research Topics:

  • Health Care models and case management and APN for people with chronic diseases and long-term care.
  • Gender and health inequalities in people with chronic diseases, long-term care and their caregivers.
  • Research transfer and knowledge management in Health Care for people with chronic diseases, long-term care and vulnerability.
  • Risk management and clinical safety for people with chronic diseases, long-term care and vulnerability.




  • 2023-2025: Validation and evaluation of the Cui-DAR Cudeca Plan in people in the last days of life versus conventional care. Asociación Española contra el Cáncer. PRYES235081MORA. 133.412€
  • 2020-2023: Development of a clinical prediction rule for adverse events in patients with multimorbidity admitted to acute hospitalization and the emergency department. PREDI-CUIDD-HU study. PI 0107/2020. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. Fund: 55.535 €. 
  • 2020-2022: Quality of Life, Physical and Mental Health, and Economic Evaluation of Family Caregivers of children with compex chronic conditions. INFAPRINT Study. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. AP-0243-2020. 63.000€
  • 2021-2024: Peripheral Tissue Perfusion and Oxygenation in areas at risk of impaired skin integrity subjected to treatment with Hyperoxygenated Fatty Acids vs Olive Oil. ISCIII PI21/01197. 37.510€.


  1. 2020-2021: Prevention of COVID19 infection with hydroxychloroquine in institutionalized older people and nursing home staff. An cluster, randomized controlled stepped-wedge  trial. PREVICHARM Study. Principal researcher: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. PI 20/00565.  Fund: 1.024.199€
  2. 2018-2021...: Effectiveness of a Hydrophobic Dressing for Microorganisms' Colonization and Infection Control of Vascular Ulcers (CUCO-UV). Fund: 138.050€
  3. 2015-2020: Effectiveness of a Diabetic Education Programme based on adapted interventions in the Andalusian Public Health Care System: Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. PI-0005-2015. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. Fund: 22.000€.
  4. 2015-2020: Peripheral tissue perfusion and oxygenation in areas at risk of impaired skin integrity exposed to pressure patterns. POTER-DIC Study. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.  Fund: 61.500€
  5. 2015-2017: Assessment of the eating pattern in people with dementia in the residential environment by nurses and professional caregivers through the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia Scale (Edfed-Q). PI 0004-2015. 25.000€
  6. 2014-2017: Effectiveness of a Diabetic Education Programme based on adapted interventions in the Andalusian Public Health Care System. (EDEP-Ti study). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. PI14/01127. 7502€.
  7. 2013-2016: Validation of the falls risk assessment instrument STRATIFY  in hospitalized acute and institutionalized patients. STRATIFY-Hi Project”. PI 152/2013. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. 36.070 €.
  8. 2013-2016: Paid and unpaid work, quality of life and physical and mental health of female family caregivers of people with complex chronic conditions. TALISMAN Study.PI-0223-2013. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. 45.116,36€.
  9. 2012-2015: Andalusian Registry of people who receive case management at the community for the longitudinal follow-up of people with chronic complex conditions. RANGE-COM Study. Exp: 0268/2012. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. 36.070 €.
  10. 2010-2013: Effect of the Act on Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for dependent persons on their family caregivers. (EMPADEC Study). Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. PI-0511/2010 and Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI10/01921 81.690 €.
  11. 2010-2013: Models of Advance Practice Nursing for older people and its description through the Nursing Intervention Classification. (MIDE-PACIE Study). Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. PI-0703/2010. 37.623,43 €
  12. 2008-2011: Design of a case management model for people with chronic disease (Heart Failure and COPD). Phase I: modelling and identification of the main components of the intervention through their actors: patients and professionals (DELTA-icE-PRO Study). Exp: 222/2008. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía. 39.283 €. 
  13. 2008-2010: Description and comparison of home care services and social health in Europe and 4 regions (EURHOMAP Study) PI08/90522. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 37.510 €.
  14. 2006-2008: Validation of NOC indicators as diagnostic markers of human responses through the NANDA Taxonomy (Vincci) Study. Exp.: 0123/2006. Consejería de Salud. Junta de Andalucía. 11.925 €.
  15. 2006-2008: Implementing a Risk Management Programme in a District of Primary Health Care  (PROGRES-AP Study). PI06/90309. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 29.647€.
  16. 2006- 2008: Characteristics of Home Care Nursing practice in Andalucia. Exp 0022/06. Consejería de Salud. Junta de Andalucía. 9.200€.   
  17. 2004-2006: Effectiveness of multifaceted interventions for the rational use of drugs in diabetes mellitus type 2. Exp 74035.  Convenio Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Consejería de Salud Junta de Andalucia (BOE 10-01-04). 30.000€. 
  18. 2003-2006: Effectiveness of a new model of Home Care in Andalucia. (ENMAD nStudy). PI031161. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 55.545€.
  19. 2003-2005: Validation of a telephone screening instrument for people who need home care after hospital discharge. Exp 162/03. Consejería de Salud. Junta de Andalucía. 5.000€
  20. 2000-2002: Continuity of critical patient care. Exp 5/00. Consejería de Salud. Junta de Andalucía. 5.000 €






Since 2000, I created and update this website as a teaching resource for evidence-based practice for my students at the Andalusian School of Public Health and University of Málaga. You can use it free...if you spread the virus of effectiveness to your colleagues.


  1. Factors associated with health-related quality of life in hip and knee arthroplasty. PhD student: Sergio Romeo López Alonso. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. 2008. Universidad de Málaga. Co-director. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum-laude. Date: 20-06-2008.
  2. Experiences and experiences of people with digestive stomas. PhD student: Candela Bonill de las Nieves. Director. Universidad de Málaga.  Calificación: Sobresaliente cum-laude. Date: 05-07-2011
  3. Quality of life of the participants in the "Older's people Classrrom" of the University of Malaga and use of health services. Universidad de Málaga. PhD student: Dolores Ruiz Diana. Director. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum-laude. Date: 07-07-2011
  4. Factors that determine evidence-based clinical practice in Hospital and Primary Care nurses. PhD student: Joan Ernest de Pedro Gómez. 2011. Universitat de les Illes Baleares. Co-director. Calificación: Date: 14-1-2011. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  5. Design and validation of a system for assessing the level of dependency of hospitalized patients. PhD student: Ana Mª Porcel Gálvez.  Programa de doctorado en  Actividad Física y Salud. Universidad de Granada. Co-director. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum-laude Date: 10-06-2011.
  6. Influence of ineffective management of the therapeutic regimen in chronic patients, on hospital readmissions and quality of life. A cohort study. PhD student: Luis Francisco Torres Pérez. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. 2011. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 12-10-2011.
  7. Advanced use of the Nursing Outcomes Classification to support nurses' diagnostic reasoning in patients with chronic conditions and their family caregivers. PhD student: Juan Carlos Morilla Herrera. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. 2011. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 12-10-2011.
  8. Effect of skin-to-skin contact with fathers of newborns by caesarean section on breastfeeding. PhD student: Cristóbal Rengel Díaz. Calificación: Apto cum laude. 2012. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 26-06-2012.
  9. Design and validation of a model of clinical competencies in the Costa del Sol Hospital. PhD student: Juan Carlos Toribio Montero. Calificación: Apto cum laude. 2012. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 25-06-2012.
  10. Practice settings, professional competence in specialized care nurses and health care outcomes. PhD student: José Carlos Canca Sánchez. Calificación: Apto cum laude. 2012. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 25-06-2012.
  11. Assessment of pressure ulcers through information and communication technologies. PhD student: Laura Morente Morente. Calificación: Apto cum laude. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 30-11-2012.
  12. Falls in acute hospitalized patients: prevalence, characteristics and systematic review of instruments for risk assessment. PhD student: Marta Aranda Gallardo. Calificación: Apto cum laude. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 17-04-2013.
  13. Effects of the chronicity of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus on the social representations of those affected, caregivers and health professionals. PhD student: Ángela Ortega López. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 22.11.2013
  14. Effectiveness of advanced practice nursing interventions in older people and their description through the nursing interventions classificationA systematic review and qualitative study. PhD student: Silvia García Mayor. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude Universidad de Málaga. Date: 27.06.14
  15. Dignified death and health care reality in the hospital environment. PhD student: Juana Mª Sepúlveda Sánchez. Director. Date: 07.11.2014. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude
  16. Effects of the complexity of the process of care in patients with heart failure and their family caregivers. A cohort study. PhD student: Eva Timonet Andreu. Date: 07.11.2014. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude
  17.  Factors associated with clinical safety culture in the Costa del Sol Health AgencyPhD student: Ana Mª Mora Banderas. Date: 28.11.2014. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  18. Equality, gender violence and health in students of the University of Malaga. PhD student: Remedios Fernández Amores. Date: 26.11.2014. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  19. Mental health, overload, quality of life and use of health services in family caregivers of applicants for the law to promote personal autonomy and care for people in a situation of long term care  PhD student: Magdalena Cuevas Fernández-Gallego. Date: 19.12.2014. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  20. Effectiveness of olive oil cream in the prevention of pressure ulcers in immobilized patients in primary care. Non-inferiority randomized clinical trial. PhD student: Inmaculada Lupiáñez Pérez. Date: 19.12.2014. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  21. Determining factors of absenteeism in external consultations of the Costa del Sol Health Agency. PhD student: Lourdes Jabalera Mesa. Date 06.07. 2015. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude.
  22. Evaluation of self-care barriers in type 2 diabetes mellitus (EBADE Study). PhD student: Jorge Caro Bautista. Date: 14.12.2015. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  23. Predictive value of stroke code activation by nursing triage in emergency services. PhD student: Miguel Ángel Canca Sánchez. Date: 18.12.2015. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude. 
  24. Factors associated with hospital admissions and abandonment in outpatient follow-up of people diagnosed with schizophrenia. PhD student: Daniel cuesta Lozano. Date: 29.01.2016. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  25. Validation of the Spanish version of the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia Scale for the assessment of the eating pattern in older people with dementia. PhD student: Carmen Saucedo Figueredo. Date: 19.07.2016. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  26. Design and validation of an instrument for the evaluation of competencies in advanced practice nurses (IECEPA). PhD student: Pedro Sastre Fullana. Universitat de les Illes Balears. Date: 30.09.2016. Universitat de Illes Balears. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  27. El significado del dolor en las quemaduras graves: visión de los profesionales y de los pacientes. PhD student: Mª Teresa Pérez Boluda. Date: 04.11.2016. Calificación: Sobresliente cum laude
  28. Biological and psychological factors associated with mortality in patients who start renal replacement therapy. PhD student: Ana Rebollo Rubio. Date: 05-04-2017. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude.
  29.  Validation of the instrument for assessing falls "STRATIFY" in acute hospitalized and institutionalized patients. PhD student: Margarita Enríquez de Luna Fernández. Date: 28-04-2017. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude
  30. Validation of scales for the evaluation of simulation-based clinical learning in the nursing degree. PhD student: Montserrat Román Cereto. Date: 21.05-2017. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude.
  31. Evaluation of adherence to recommendations and variability in the management of central venous catheters in intensive care nursing staff. PhD student: María Mercado de Jesús. Date: 24.05-2017. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. 
  32. Paid and unpaid work, quality of life, and physical and mental health of women who are family caregivers of people with long term chronic conditions. PhD student: Álvaro León Campos. Date: 21.06.2017. Calificación: 
  33. Sviluppo del registro andaluso dei pazienti beneficiari di servizi case management in ambito comunitario, per il monitoraggio longitudinale delle persone non autosufficienti affette da malattie croniche complesse. Studio osservazionale longitudinale multicentricoPhD student: Shakira Kaknani Uttumchandani. Date: 21.06.2017. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. 
  34. Influence of anthropometric factors on the prevalence of valgus foot in childhood. PhD student: Miguel Medina Alcántara. Date:.23.06.17 Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. 
  35. Cross-cultural adaptation to Spanish and validation of the Foot and Ankle Ability Measures questionnaire (FAAM). PhD student: Pablo Cervera Garvi. Date:.23.06.17 Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. 
  36. Variability of nursing clinical practice in the prevention of pressure ulcers. PhD student: Ana Belén Moya Suárez. Date: 27.06.17 Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. 
  37. Impact of falls on institutionalized elderly. PhD student: Mª José Vázquez Blanco. Date: 27.06.17. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude. 
  38. Prevalence, characteristics and evolution of advanced terminal illness situations in institutionalized elderly (PRECARE-SEAT-MIN Study). PhD student: José Manuel García Cabello. Date:.29.06.17 Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude.
  39. Films as an educational strategy in the acquisition of skills in nursing education. PhD student: Rosa Raga Chardi. Date: 30.06.2017. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude.
  40. Validation of the Spanish version of the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scales for the evaluation of preoperative anxiety. PhD student: Manuel Vergara Romero. Date: 07.07.2017. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude.
  41. Impact on the quality of life of a nursing intervention program in patients with chronic non-cancer pain. PhD student: Angelines Morales Fernández. Date: 07.07.2017 Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude
  42. Accidental extubations in pediatric intensive care: sequelae and impact on clinical safety. PhD student: José Miguel García Piñero. Date: 18.07.2017. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude.
  43. Design and psychometric validation of a vulnerability scale in prehospital emergencies. PhD student: Antonio Montero García.. Date: 19.07.2017. Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude.
  44. Modeling of therapeutic education in diabetes. Systematic review and qualitative analysis. PhD student: Francisca Villa Estrada. Date: 13.09.2017 Calificación: sobresaliente cum laude.
  45. The experience of the process of initiation to hemodialysis treatment and adaptation to changes in lifestyle. PhD student: Lissette González Oquendo. Date: 24.07.2018. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude. 
  46. Evaluation of the implementation of a clinical practice guideline for the management of depression in Primary Care. PhD student: Vanesa Nogueras Morillas. Date: 19.09.2018. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude. 
  47. Quality of life and use of health services in children with complex chronic diseases. PhD student: Bibiana Pérez Ardanaz. Date: 18.07.2019. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude. 
  48. Breaking silences in the intensive care unit. Phenomenology of communication with intubated people. Perspectives of users, family members and nursing professionals. PhD student: Catalina Perelló Campaner. Universitat de les Illes Balears. Date: 08-11-2019. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude
  49. Clinical safety and adverse events in clinical practices in undergraduate Nursing students at the University of Malaga. PhD student: Marina García Gámez. Date: 11-05-2020.Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  50. Risk factors for difficulty in peripheral venous cannulation in hospital care. A multicenter case-control study. PhD student: Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Calero. Universitat de les Illes Balears. Date: 28-01-2022.Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude.
  51. Use of out-of-hospital emergency and emergency services 061 by people with complex chronic disease. PhD student: Enrique Coca Boronat. Date: 06-05-2022.Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude
  52. Gradient of competencies in adavanced practice nurses, specialist nurses and clinical nurses. PhD student: Laura del Carmen Gutiérrez Rodríguez. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 07-07-2023.Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude
  53. Characterization of death in children and adolescents cared for by pediatric palliative care teams. PhD student: Mª José Peláez Cantero. Universidad de Málaga. Date: 15-04-2024. Mark: Sobresaliente cum laude
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