11 de Abril de 2021
Researchers of the TRUST-BOT project have published the UMA-SAR Dataset, a collection of multimodal raw data captured from a manned all-terrain vehicle in the course of two realistic outdoor search and rescue (SAR) exercises for actual emergency responders conducted in Málaga (Spain) in 2018 and 2019. The sensor suite consisted of overlapping visible light (RGB) and thermal infrared (TIR) forward-looking monocular cameras, a Velodyne HDL-32 3D lidar, as well as an IMU and two GPS receivers as ground truth. ...
9 de Abril de 2021
The University Institute for Research in Mechatronics and Cyber-physical Systems of the University of Malaga (I3MSC), accredited by the Andalusian Government, is now a reality. In principle, the I3MSC is made up of 55 researchers, all PhDs, assigned to nine different scientific-technical areas of the Andalusian Development and Innovation Plan. These include the Robotics and Mechatronics group and the Artificial Perception and Intelligent Robotics group...
9 de Abril de 2021
The UMA Space Robotics Laboratory collaborates in the autonomy of the vehicles for the inspection of lava tubes
Lava tubes on the moon are of great scientific interest when it comes to finding suitable areas for long-term missions, so that water, protection or stable temperatures are located. To investigate their potential for future space exploration, robot teams must have the ability to enter these caves. And that is the goal of the 'CoRob-X' project, ...
17 de Febrero de 2020
UMA post-graduate students will serve as Volunteers in ERF 2020
17 de Febrero de 2020
The 2018 UMA Garage Team is made up of students from the UMA-Andalucia Tech Robotics & Mechatronics Engineering Degree: José Carlos García Moreno, Carlos Rosas Vergara, Ignacio Manuel González Segovia and Paula Ruiz Barroso, under the supervision of Prof. Jesús Morales Rodríguez and other members of the ISA Robotics and Mechatronics Group.
12 de Febrero de 2020
The UMA Robo Rescue Team, led by ISA professors Jesus Gómez-de-Gabriel and Antonio J. Muñoz, will be one of the nine international teams to participate in the Rescue Robot League at the Robocup German Open 2020, Messe Magdeburg, April 24-26, 2020.
Further information about this event: https://www.robocupgermanopen.de/en/
31 de Enero de 2020
The UMA Robotics and Mechatronics Group (www.uma.es/robotics-and-mechatronics/) will welcome visitors at stand #2 in the exhibition hall of the European Robotics Forum to be held ath the Trade Fairs and Congress Center, Málaga, Spain, 3-5 March 2020.
31 de Enero de 2020
El ERF 2020 se celeberará en Málaga.
24 de Octubre de 2019
Abierto el plazo (hasta el 07/11/2019) para un Contrato Predoctoral para la formación de doctores (convocatoria 2019), asociada al Proyecto del plan Nacional RTI2018-093421-B-100 del Grupo de Robótica y Mecatrónica de la Universidad de Málaga https://www.uma.es/robotics-and-mechatronics/ . Proyecto: “Hacia equipos resilientes de Manipuladores UGV y UAV para tareas robóticas de búsqueda y rescate (TRUST-ROB)”.
Convocatoria y solicitud del Contrato Predoctoral en:
http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffeb801432ea0/?vgnextoid=14d767e8fd8cd610VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD -
19 de Septiembre de 2018
Se ofrece una beca con cargo al contrato entre el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía y la Universidad de Málaga.
El objetivo de esta beca es el desarrollo de sistemas electrónicos y aplicaciones para incrementar la autonomía en la red de telescopios BOOTES:
La duración de la beca será de 5 meses comenzando el 1 de Noviembre de 2018.
La dedicación será a media jornada 4-5 horas/día
Requisitos: Estudiantes de Grado o Máster en titulaciones relacionadas con la electrónica y la informática.
Tareas a desarrollar: Diseño de sistemas electrónicos para el control de telescopios, desarrollo de algoritmos de planificación y/o desarrollo de drivers a bajo nivel para diferentes dispositivos e instrumentos.
Los interesados puedes contactar con Carlos Pérez del Pulgar: carlosperez@uma.es