
Manzaneque Vázquez, Juan M.

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  • JMManzaneque

    Juan M. Manzaneque Vázquez

    Profesor Permanente Laboral

    Tel: 952133476     E-mail:

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Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas (1994) y Doctor en Psicología (1998) por la Universidad de Málaga. Comenzó su actividad docente e investigadora en el Área de Psicobiología de la Facultad de Psicología en 1995, y es Profesor Permanente de Psicobiología en la Universidad de Málaga desde 2004. Tiene reconocidos cuatro sexenios de investigación consecutivos (1996-2019) y cinco quinquenios docentes (1996-2020). Es corresponsable del Grupo de Investigación Psicobiología Aplicada y Psicosomática (CTS-496) de la Junta de Andalucía, y ha sido revisor de diversas revistas científicas tales como Psychoneuroendocrinology, Medical Science Monitor, Journal of Health Psychology y Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, entre otras, siendo Editor Académico de esta última.
Sus intereses investigadores se centran en la Medicina Conductual, siendo su principal objetivo estudiar el impacto que la conducta ejerce sobre parámetros biológicos y variables psicológicas de interés clínico. De forma particular, está interesado en el análisis de los beneficios psicobiológicos que conlleva la práctica de diferentes técnicas psicosomáticas orientales como la meditación, el qigong o el yoga, entre otras. Asimismo, investiga la aplicación de estos antiguos sistemas holísticos a distintos grupos de población, tanto por su eficacia como medicina preventiva como por la potencialidad que poseen estos métodos para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas.



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Psicobiología Aplicada y Psicosomática (grupo CTS-496)



-Premio a la mejor Comunicación en el IV Congreso de la Sociedad Andaluza de Medicina Psicosomática, celebrado en Málaga en octubre de 2003, con el trabajo titulado “CALIDAD SUBJETIVA DE SUEÑO Y NIVELES DE CORTISOL MATUTINOS EN UNA MUESTRA DE ESTUDIANTES VOLUNTARIOS SANOS”.

-Premio a la mejor Comunicación en el 10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, celebrado en Tokio (Japón) en agosto de 2008, con el trabajo titulado “ENDOCRINE MODULATORY EFFECTS AFTER A MINDFULNESS MEDITATION PROGRAM”. 



MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RODRIGUEZ-PEÑA FM, ALONSO A, BLANCA MJ. (2023). Immunomodulatory effects in healthy individuals following a 4-week Taoist qigong intervention: A comparative study. Medical Science Monitor, 29:e940450: 1-8. DOI: 10.12659/MSM.940450

VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, RODRIGUEZ FM, VADILLO M, NAVAJAS F, HEINIGER AI, PEREZ V, BLANCA MJ. (2019). Assessment of hormonal parameters and psychological well-being in healthy subjects after a Taoist qigong program: An exploratory study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60(1): 43-49.

VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, CARRANQUE GA, RODRIGUEZ-PEÑA FM, SANCHEZ-MONTES S, BLANCA MJ. (2018). Endocrine Modulation In Long-Term Karate Practitioners. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 1074801, 6 pages.

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, CARRANQUE GA, RODRIGUEZ-PEÑA FM, NAVAJAS F, BLANCA MJ. (2018). Immunological Modulation in Long-Term Karate practitioners. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 1654148, 6 pages.

VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, RODRIGUEZ FM, BENDAYAN R, FERNANDEZ N, ALONSO A. (2016). Acute Effects on the Counts of Innate and Adaptive Immune Response Cells After 1 Month of Taoist Qigong Practice. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(2): 198-203.

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RODRIGUEZ-PEÑA FM, CARRANQUE G, SANCHEZ-MONTES S, BLANCA MJ. (2016). Assessment of hormonal parameters in long-term Karate practitioners. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(Suppl.1): S93-S94.

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RODRIGUEZ-PEÑA FM, CARRANQUE G, SANCHEZ-MONTES S, BLANCA MJ. (2016). Immune modulation after long-term Karate practice. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(Suppl.1): S94.

RODRIGUEZ-PEÑA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, GODOY Y, RAMOS NS, BLANCA MJ, FERNANDEZ A, ENGUIX A. (2014). Valoración de parámetros inmunitarios en pacientes con síntomas de ansiedad y depresión tras un programa de meditación “mindfulness”: un estudio piloto. Ansiedad y Estrés, 20(1): 1-10.

CARRANQUE GA, MALDONADO EF, VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, BLANCA MJ, SORIANO G, MORELL M. (2012). Hematological and biochemical modulation in regular yoga practitioners. Biomedical Research, 23(2): 176-182.

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RODRIGUEZ FM, VADILLO M, BENDAYAN R, BLANCA MJ, ALONSO A, FERNANDEZ-ARCAZ N. (2012). Effects of Taoist Qigong on immune cell counts: is this classical Chinese exercise an effective immunomodulatory tool? International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19(Suppl.1): S72.

VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, RODRIGUEZ FM, VADILLO M, BENDAYAN R, BLANCA MJ, ALONSO A, FERNANDEZ-ARCAZ N. (2012). Modulatory action of qigong on adaptive immunity. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19(Suppl.1): S72-S73.

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RAMOS NS, GODOY Y, RODRIGUEZ FM, BLANCA MJ, FERNANDEZ A, ENGUIX A. (2011). Psychobiological modulation in anxious and depressed patients after a mindfulness meditation program: a pilot study. Stress and Health, 27(3): 216-222.

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, GODOY YA, RAMOS NS, RODRIGUEZ FM, BLANCA MJ, FERNANDEZ A, ENGUIX A, IGLESIAS MR. (2010). Immunomodulatory effects in anxious and depressed patients after a Mindfulness Meditation Program. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17(Suppl.1): S179. 

VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, MALDONADO EF, CARRANQUE G, RODRIGUEZ FM, BLANCA MJ, MORELL M. (2009). Sleep subjective quality and hormonal modulation in long-term yoga practitioners. Biological Psychology, 81(3): 164-168.

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RODRIGUEZ FM, GARCIA GJ, LEYVA L, BLANCA MJ. (2009). Serum cytokines, mood and sleep after a qigong program: is qigong an effective psychobiological tool? Journal of Health Psychology, 14(1):60-67.

VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, MALDONADO EF, CARRANQUE GA, CUBERO VM, BLANCA MJ, MORELL M. (2007). Biochemical changes after a qigong program: lipids, serum enzymes, urea and creatinine in healthy subjects. Medical Science Monitor, 13(12): CR560-566.

VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, RODRIGUEZ FM, GARCIA GJ, BLANCA MJ, SORIANO G, FERNANDEZ A, MORELL M. (2006). Psychobiological assessment after a qigong program: is qigong training of potential therapeutic use on perceived mood? International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 13(Supplement): 264-265.

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, RODRIGUEZ FM, GARCIA GJ, LEYVA L, BLANCA MJ, SORIANO G, RINCON M. (2006). Qigong on immune function: assessing its influence. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 13(Supplement): 166-167.

MALDONADO EF, VERA FM, MANZANEQUE JM, CARRANQUE GA, CUBERO VM, PEREZ I, MORELL M. (2005/2006). Efectos de la práctica de qigong sobre parámetros hormonales, síntomas de ansiedad, presión arterial y calidad subjectiva de sueño en estudiantes universitarios. Cuadernos de Medicina Psicosomática y Psiquiatría de Enlace, 76/77: 9-15 .

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, MALDONADO EF, CARRANQUE G, CUBERO VM, MORELL M, BLANCA MJ. (2004). Assessment of immunological parameters following a qigong training program. Medical Science Monitor, 10(6): CR264-270.

MALDONADO EF, MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, CARRANQUE G, CUBERO VM, MORELL M, PEREZ I. (2003). Effects of a qigong meditation program on plasmatic lipid concentrations, cardiovascular function, and anxiety levels. Journal of Psychophysiology, 17(1): 49.

MANZANEQUE JM, VERA FM, MALDONADO EF, CARRANQUE G, CUBERO VM, MORELL M, PEREZ I. (2003). Immune parameters assessment after a qigong meditation program. Journal of Psychophysiology, 17(1): 49-50.

MANZANEQUE JM, BRAIN PF, NAVARRO JF. (2002). Effect of low doses of clozapine on behaviour of isolated and group-housed male mice in the elevated plus-maze test. Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 26: 349-355.

NAVARRO JF, VELASCO R, MANZANEQUE JM. (2000). Acute and subchronic effects of pimozide on isolation-induced aggression in male mice. Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 24: 131-142.

NAVARRO JF, MANZANEQUE JM. (1999). Acute and subchronic effects of neuroleptics on body weight in isolated male mice. Medical Science Research, 27: 657-659.

MANZANEQUE JM, NAVARRO JF. (1999). Behavioural profile of amisulpride in agonistic encounters between male mice. Aggressive Behavior, 25(3): 225-232.

MANZANEQUE JM, NAVARRO JF. (1999). An ethopharmacological assessment of the effects of zuclopenthixol on agonistic interactions in male mice. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, 21(1): 11-15. 

NAVARRO JF, MANZANEQUE JM. (1998). Actualización de los Receptores Dopaminérgicos. Psiquiatría Biológica, 5(5): 205-209. 

NAVARRO JF, PEDRAZA C, MARTIN-LOPEZ M, MANZANEQUE JM, DAVILA G, MALDONADO E. (1998). Tiapride-induced catalepsy is potentiated by gammahydroxybutyric acid administration. Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 22: 835-844 .

MANZANEQUE JM, NAVARRO JF. (1998). Nuevos antipsicóticos atípicos: amisulpride. Psiquiatría Biológica, 5(4): 167-171.

NAVARRO JF, VERA F, MANZANEQUE JM, MARTIN-LOPEZ M, SANTIN L, PEDRAZA C. (1997). Tolerance to the cataleptic effect of L-Noarg after subchronic administration in female mice. Medical Science Research, 25: 625-626.

NAVARRO JF, MANZANEQUE JM, VERA F, MARTIN-LOPEZ M, SANTIN LJ. (1997). Amisulpride, a presynaptic D2/D3 dopamine receptor antagonist, induces catalepsy in mice. Medical Science Research, 25: 551-552.

NAVARRO JF, MANZANEQUE JM, MARTIN-LOPEZ M, VERA F. (1997). Effects of L-NOARG, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, on agonistic interactions between male mice. Medical Science Research, 25: 495-496.

NAVARRO JF, VERA F, MANZANEQUE JM. (1997). El modelo animal de catalepsia en psicofarmacología. IberPsicología, 2(2):3.

NAVARRO JF, MARTIN-LOPEZ M, MANZANEQUE JM, DAVILA G, MALDONADO E. (1997). Effect of tiapride, a D-2 selective antagonist, on catalepsy behaviour in mice. Medical Science Research, 25: 239-240. 

MANZANEQUE JM, NAVARRO JF. (1997). Tolerance to antiaggressive and motor activity of chlorpromazine after repeated administration to mice. Medical Science Research, 25: 283-285

NAVARRO JF, MANZANEQUE JM, MARTIN-LOPEZ M, VERA F. (1997). Daily versus intermittent haloperidol administration: effects on catalepsy of mice. Psicothema, 9(1): 83-87.

NAVARRO JF, MANZANEQUE JM. (1997). Acute and Subchronic effects of Tiapride on isolation-induced aggression in male mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behaviour, 58(1): 255-259.

NAVARRO JF, MANZANEQUE JM, MARTIN-LOPEZ M. (1996). Effects of three dopaminergic antagonists (haloperidol, tiapride, zuclopenthixol) on grooming behavior in male mice. Medical Science Research, 24: 681-682.

NAVARRO JF, MARTIN-LOPEZ M, MANZANEQUE JM, PEDRAZA MC, DAVILA G. (1996). Dose-dependent effect of Gammahydroxybutyrate (GHB) on catalepsy in male mice. Medical Science Research, 24: 603-604.

MANZANEQUE JM, ARENAS MC, NAVARRO JF. (1995). Influence of ovariectomy on haloperidol-induced catalepsy in female mice. Medical Science Research, 23: 623-625. 

MANZANEQUE JM, ARENAS MC, NAVARRO JF. (1995). Tolerance to cataleptic effects of haloperidol after repeated administration in female mice. Medical Science Research, 23: 549-550.


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