Jorge Macías Sánchez
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Professional Profile
Academic Positions
- Profesor asociado Universidad de Málaga: 30/03/95 - 18/10/01
- Investigador invitado CERFACS: 12/02/96 - 30/09/96
- Profesor Titular Universidad de Málaga: 19/10/01 - present
- Profesor Titular "ad honorem" Universidad de Puerto Rico Mayagüez: 22-26/10/2018
- Profesor Titular "ad honorem" Universidad de Puerto Rico Mayagüez: 01/05/2019 - 30/06/2023
Professional activities
- Founding member of the Mathematics-Industry Spanish Network, math-in. Member of the Managing board since 2019.
- Founding member of the Spanish Society for Applied Mathematics, SEMA (1991).
- Founding member of the PET MSO-ED (2021). Member of the Managment Board since 2021.
- Reviewer for 8 international journals in topics related with numerical modelling and simulation in Geophysics.
Awards and Honors:
- Premio Liceo de Málaga, sección Ciencias, 1993.
- Premio "SEYMOUR CRAY France 1995".
- Finalist in the "I Certamen de los Premios Mouro de Investigación sobre el Medio Litoral" (sección Oceanografía/Geología Marina), 1998.
- NVIDIA Global Impact Award 2018.
- "Grant Thornton" award in the XXIV edition of the University of Málaga Spin Off Awards, 2020.
- "Tech Ready" Innovation - "Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting (PTF) for Early Warning", 2022. EC Innovation ID: 19884. 2022. Link:
Visiting Positions
- Univ. P. et M. Curie (Paris, France), PhD. Student, 1992-93.
- C.E.R.F.A.C.S. (Toulouse, France), PhD. Student, 1993-1995.
- C.E.R.F.A.C.S. (Toulouse, France), visiting researcher, 1996.
Funding record:
- Member of the Andalusian Government research group FQM-216 (EDANYA) since 1991 (funded by the regional administration, Junta de Andalucía)
- Member of the research team of the Spanish Government projects:
- AMB94-05087 (1995-1997)
- MAR95-1950-C02-01 (1996-1998)
- MAR97-1055- C02-00 (1997-2000)
- REN2000-1168- C02-00 (2000-2003)
- REN2001-2733-C02-01 (2001-2004)
- BFM2003-07530- C02-02 (2003-2006)
- CTM2005-08142-C03-02 (2005-2008)
- MTM2006-08075 (2006-2009) - HySEA
- MTM2008-04865 (2008)
- CTM2008-06124 (2009-2011)
- MTM2009-11923 (2009-2012) - HySEA2
- MTM2012-38383-C02-01 (2013-2015) - DAIFLUID
- CGL2012-39524-C02-01 (2013-2015) - SUBVENT
- CMT2012-36317 (2013-2014) - VULCANO
- CMT2013-49048-C2-2-R (2014-2016) - MEGAN
- MTM2015-70490- C2-1- R (2016-2018) - SIMURISK
- CMT2016-75129-C3-1-R (2017-2020) - INPULSE
- RTI2018-096064-B-C21 (2019-2022) - MEGAFLOW
- PCI2021-121927 (2021-2024) - eFlows4HPC
- PDI2021-128513OA-I00 (2021-2024) - THREAT
- PDC2022-133663-C21 (2022-2024) - HEU-tools
- PCI2022-134989-2 (2022-2025) - ChEESE-2P
- Main researcher of the Andalusian Government Excellence Projects MOSAICO (P06-RNM- 01594, 2006-2009) and TESELA (P11- RNM7069, 2013-2016).
- Member of the research team of the regional funded projects:
- P09-RNM-4547
- P18-RT-3275 - AGORA
- P18-RT-3163
- Main researcher of the regional funded project:
- Responsible of the University of Málaga in the project GEOMEP Tsunamis (Study on estimating economic losses due to tsunamis in Spain), 2019-2023. This project was performed under the umbrella of the INGEA unit (IGME/UMA)
- Member of the research team of the project "Anthropgenic Climate Change", EC (Program Environment) - CERFACS - 1993-1996. PI: Olivier Thual.
- Member of the research team of the project "Development of Hybrid Coupled Models for Climatological Studies", EC (European Climate Computer Network, ECCN) - CERFACS/Météo France - 1995-1996. PI: David Stephenson.
- Responsible of the University of Málaga's node of the Centre of Excellence for Exascale Solid Earth (ChEESE) funded by the EU (H2020 - INFRAEDI - 2018-1).
- Secondary proposer of the AGITHAR COST Action (Accelerating Global Science on Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis) - OC-2018-1-22678, 2019-2023.
- ARISTOTLE2-ENHSP (All Risk Integrated System TOwards Trans-hoListic Early-warning - European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership). Reference: ECHO/SER/2018/783059, 2019-2020.
- ARISTOTLE-eENHSP (All Risk Integrated System TOwards Trans-hoListic Early-warning - Enhanced European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership). Reference: ECHO/2020/OP/0001, 2020-2024.
- Responsible of theP University of Málaga's node of the eFlows4HPC project (Enabling dynamic and Intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPC ecosystem) funded by the EU (H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2019-1) and Programa Estatal de I+D+i orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (PCI2021-121927).
- Responsible of the University of Málaga's node of the DT-GEO project (A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes) funded by the EU (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-TECH-01-01). Reference: 101058129.
- Responsible of the University of Málaga's node of the Geo-Inquire project (Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated Research) funded by the EU (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01-07). Reference: 101058518.
- Responsible of the University of Málaga's node of the ChEESE-2P project (Centre of Excellence for Exascale Solid Earth - Second phase) funded by the EU (HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2021-COE-01) and Programa Estatal de I+D+i orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (PCI2022-134989-2).
- Secondary proposer of the COST Innovators Grant (CIG) (Accelerating Global Science on Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis) - IG18109, 2023-2024.
RES PROJECTS (Red Española de Supercomputación - HPC Spanish Network) - Principal Investigator of the RES projects:
- AECT-2020-1-0009. Development of the HPC aspects of a Probabilistic Tsunami Forecast (PTF) tool for the Mediterranean Sea. A pilot set up.
- AECT-2020-2-0001. Development of the HPC aspects of a Probabilistic Tsunami Forecast (PTF) tool for the Mediterranean Sea. A pilot set up. Continuation activity
- AECT-2020-3-0023. Estimating the Economic Cost of Tsunamis for the Spanish National Insurance System
- AECT-2021-2-0018. Estimating the Economic Cost of Tsunamis for the Spanish National Insurance System - Continuation Activity
- AECT-2022-1-0002. Improvement of the Spanish Tsunami Early Warning System using Machine Learning Techniques
- AECT-2022-3-0015. Fast Tsunami Forecast Workflows (FTFW)
- AECT-2023-1-0028. Improvement of the Spanish Tsunami Early Warning System using Machine Learning Techniques - Continuation activity
- AECT-2023-2-0033. Fast Tsunami Forecast Workflows (FTFW) - Continuation activity
- AECT.2023-3-0017. Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Puerto Rico. A first study of variable friction coefficient with Tsunami-HySEA
- Preparatory access project to PRACE resources at CSCS - 2019. Reference: 2010PA4869. IP: Manuel J. Castro.
- TSUnami ForeCASTing (TSU-CAST). Proposal 2019215169. PRACE Tier-0 call 20). IP: Manuel J. Castro.
- Resources for ChEESE Center of Excellence. PRACE Tier-0 call 20). IP: Arnau Folch.
- Local Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for HPC - TsuHazAP. Proposal 2020225386. PRACE Tier-0 call 21). IP: Finn Lövholt.
- Tsunami-HySEA ChEESE flagship code - CI/CD in HPC infrastructures. EuroHPC Call - Proposal EHPC-BEN-2023B06-047. 10/06/2023 - 10/09/2023. PI: Jorge Macías Sánchez.
- Code audit for Tsunami-HySEA ChEESE flagship code - EuroHPC Access Call - Proposal EHPC-DEV-2023D09-030. 25/09/2023 - 25/03/2024. PI: Jorge Macías Sánchez.
Spanish-French Integrated Actions (MEC/MRT)
- 1995-1996. Análisls y resolución numérica mediante el Método de Elemento Finitos de EDP. Aplicaciones a la Oceanografía y al Diseño Óptimo. IP: Carlos Parés.
- 2009-2010. Métodos numéricos para sistemas hiperbólicos no conservativos con aplicaciones ambientales - HI2008-0122. IP: Carlos Parés.
Publications Academic Background Jorge Macías Sánchez
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