WG Sense & Aims
COST Action CA 16211 RECAST
Reappraising Intellectual Debates on Civic Rights and Democracy in Europe
What Working Groups Are and Are Not
The Argumentative Markers of the Challenge
➢ To coordinate the cooperative research, the network is structured into four transnational, interdisciplinary WGs, formed around the challenge’s argumentative markers.
➢ Their objectives and tasks develop the enlightening potential of their members’ expertise focuses. They are reflected in turn in the series of activities and committed deliverables (tacit and codified knowledge).
What They Are Not
➢ Passive receptacles of Action's participants.
Common Tasks
➢ Engaging non-academic stakeholders in their activities with the aims of producing integrated knowledge.
➢ Spreading it through publicistic and scholarly channels to reach wider publics and improve its impact.
Specific Objectives and Tasks of the Working Groups
WG 1: Practices
WG 2: Languages and Ideologies
WG 3: Concepts
WG 4: Debates