EDANYA Research Group
The research group on Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis and Applications (EDANYA) of the University of Málaga has a wide experience in Numerical Analysis. The group focuses its research in the numerical simulation of geophysical fluids by means of the numerical solution of hydrodynamic models. Besides the software development, the group has implemented a versatile web interface for intensive computation in CPU and GPU clusters Our more active lines of research are: | |
Numerical Analysis of systems of Partial Differential Equations:
Geophysical flows simulation:
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Online Training: A First Training Course in Landslide-HySEA code
This course will address the basic concept for mesh generation and bathymetry file generation suitable for finite volume codes. It will provide with tools for automatic generation of synthetic landslide scenarios using diverse tools. The main goal is to teach attendees on how to use Landslide-HySEA software for landslide-generated tsunami modelling and simulation and, finally, introduce to several postprocessing tools. If time permits, the computational platform, HySEA, will be presented to used Landslide-HySEA code.

1st PICASSO conference France Portugal Spain
Three-day meeting in Málaga to celebrate the relations between Spain - Portugal - France for researchers involved in modeling, numerical analysis and scientific computation.

Workshop on bedload and sedimentation processes: experiments, modelling and numerical simulation
This workshop aims at gathering international specialists on modelling and numerical simulation of bedload and sedimentation processes.

HySEA Tsunami Simulation Aided by SYCL
Researchers at the Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis and Applications (EDANYA) Group of the University of Málaga have worked with software engineers at Intel Corporation to enable their Tsunami simulation workload for SYCL offload, freeing it from vendor-lock to a specific GPU.

Documetal "¿Preparados para el Tsunami?"
Participamos en documental de Erik Martínez "¿Preparados ante el Tsunami?"
Estreno 15 de Diciembre de 2023 en ICM-CSIC (Barcelona).
1ª Emisión en Movistar+ el martes 19 de Diciembre a las 23:00.

1755 Tsunami simulated with HySEA
Numerical simulation of the 1755 Cádiz tsunami that EDANYA Group has performed for the documentary "La Gran Ola". This simulation have been produced with the Tsunami-HySEA software, developed at UMA.

Tsunamis en España
Acto: “Tsunamis: detección, predicción y prevención¿Qué se hace en España?”
Organiza: Grupo EDANYA (UMA) y Área de Riesgos Geológicos (IGME)

TV Interview in 101TV (Málaga)
Three members of the EDANYA Group, Manuel Castro, José Manuel González and Jorge Macías, are interviewed in the local program "Llegó la Hora" of 101TV Channel.

Entrevista al grupo EDANYA en Tesis ATV
Todos guardamos en la retina imágenes del mar entrando en la tierra, arrasando todo a su paso. El riesgo de sufrir un maremoto es real, y trabajar en sistemas de prevención, una necesidad. Desde la Universidad de Málaga, el grupo EDANYA lleva años liderando la investigación en este campo.

La UMA se convertirá en capital mundial de la investigación en Matemáticas Aplicadas
Organizado por el grupo EDANYA de la UMA, este encuentro ha contado con dos insignes matemáticos cuyas ideas han sido fundamentales en el campo de los problemas hiperbólicos, James Glimm, expresidente de la Sociedad Americana de Matemáticas y Peter Lax, del ‘Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences’ de Nueva York.