
Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology

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  1. What is it?
  2. The Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology (IAIC for its Spanish acronym) is a university centre devoted to scientific research and specialised training funded in 1990. The Institute has the following four divisions: Cádiz, Granada, Málaga and Sevilla. Its governing body is called Consejo de Sección [Division Council].

  3. How is it regulated?
  4. On the one hand, by Decree of 5 June 182/1990, which passed the founding of the Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology. On the other, by Order of 5 November 1990, which passed its Regulation.

  5. What are the ongoing lines of research?
  6.                 I.         Andalusian Crime Observatory (ODA for its Spanish acronym): A centre devoted to the study of the evolution of crime. Its coordinator is Fátima Pérez Jiménez.

                   II.         Criminological Observatory of the Criminal Justice System towards Immigration (OCSPI for its Spanish acronym): the main objective of this observatory is to delve into the response that the penal system gives to immigrants who are victims, criminals or suspects. Its coordinator is Elisa García España.

                  III.         Research Group on Crime and New Technologies (G-Crim tech): this interdisciplinary research group works within the framework of the IAIC. Its coordinator is Ana Isabel Cerezo Domínguez.

                IV.         Spanish Group for Criminal Law Policy (GEPLP for its Spanish acronym): it is made up of two different working groups, the first one being at a European level and the second one at a Spanish level. They share a common goal. Its coordinator is José Becerra Muñoz.

                 V.         Criminology and Sport: this line of research is mainly focused on analysing antisocial and criminal behaviour in sports, as well as on looking for a prosocial solution for conflicts in this context. Its coordinator is María José Benítez Jiménez.


  7. What publications can I read?
  8. Boletín Criminológico is a journal edited by the IAIC that gathers all the relevant results from criminological research carried out in Spain and elsewhere. It is published once a year. Its director is Deborah García Magna.

    As for ongoing lines of research, their publications can be accessed on their own websites.

  9. Does the IAIC organise courses and conferences?
  10. Yes, it does. On the one hand, the Permanent Seminar on Criminological Research (SPIC for its Spanish acronym) works as a forum for the analysis of projects and research activity in the realm of criminology. Its coordinator is Ana Isabel Cerezo Domínguez. On the other hand, seminars and monographic courses are organised during the school year, covering current topics related to criminology.

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