
SPIC - Permanent Seminar of Criminological ResearchSPIC

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1. Vivenciar las fronteras: migraciones, políticas y subjetividades. Propuesta teórico-metodológica desde América del Sur – Angélica Alvites Baiadera. - 17/04/2024.

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2. “Smart cities and security: A quantitative narrative comparison of urban security strategies” – Marco Calaresu. Profesor de Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Sassari (Italia). -10/10/2023.

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3. “Stealthing o remoción del preservativo sin consentimiento como conducta vulneradora de los derechos sexuales reproductivos. Una visión comparada entre México y España” – Isis Daniela Manuel Ochoa. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 19/10/2023.

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4.  “Medidas procesales en la lucha contra la ciberdelincuencia: una mirada dese las organizaciones internacionales” – Carmen Rodríguez Rubio.  Profesora de Derecho procesal. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. 9/11/2023.

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5.  “Sistema penal y criminalización diferencial del homicidio. El caso argentino” – Martina Lassalle. Universidad de Buenos Aires. 13/12/2023.

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6.  “Innovación en Criminología: nuevos caminos en investigación desde la Fundación FIADYS” – Meritxell Pérez Ramírez. 7/02/2024.

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7.  “Metodologías empíricas en los delitos con criptomonedas” – Patricia Saldaña Taboada. 19/02/2024.

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8.  “Una crítica al feminismo securitario” – José Ángel Fernández Cruz. 22/02/2024.

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1. “Justicia reparadora y proceso penal” – Carmen Rodríguez Rubio. Profesora de Derecho procesal de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. - 25/11/2022.

2. “Avances de una investigación exploratoria del mercado ilícito transnacional de cocaína desde el este de Sudamérica, el noroeste de África y el sur/oeste de Europa” – Dr. Nicolas Santiago Lien. Investigador académico en grupos interdisciplinarios en Argentina y Brasil. Docente UDA/UES21 - 1/06/2023.

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3.  “A few words about the assumptions and challenges of rural crime research in Poland” – Dra. Dra. Emilia Jurgielewicz-Delegacz. Profesora de Criminología de la Universidad de Bialystok (Polonia) - 6/06/2023.

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4.  “El vertido ilegal de residuos: resultados finales del proyecto VIEX” – Dra. Lorea Arenas García. Profesora de Criminología. Universidad de Extremadura - 8/06/2023.

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1. “Revisión del Modelo Barnahus: ¿Es posible evitar la victimización secundaria en el testimonio infantil?” – Noemí Pereda (Universidad de Barcelona) y Emilie Rivas, Responsable de Políticas de Infancia en Cataluña. (Save The Children) - 16/06/2021.

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2. “Obediencia fabricada: coerción y autoridad en la policía de migración” – Ana Aliverti, Universidad de Warwick - 20/05/2021.

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3. "Sindemia, victimización y derechos humanos". Dra. Myriam Herrera Moreno, profesora titular de derecho penal, Universidad de Sevilla, 29 de abril de 2021.

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4. “El rol de los funcionarios de interior en los centros penitenciarios españoles” – Cristina Güerri Fernández, Universidad de Málaga - 24/03/2021.

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5. “Menores extranjeros en situación de calle víctimas y delincuentes: del agravio a la protección" - Elisa García España, Universidad de Málaga - 19/02/2021.

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6. "Valoración de nuevas fórmulas de protección de mujeres y menores inmigrantes de trata". Dra. Elisa García España. Universidad de Málaga, 5 de febrero de 2021.

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1. "On People and Monsters". Dr María José Garrido Antón. Captain in the Guardia Civil, 28 April 2020.

2. "Legal and Criminological Analysis of Crimes Committed through the Use and/or because of the Use of Psychoactive Substances: Focusing on Sexual Crimes". Dr María Pilar Tarancón Gómez. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 26 February 2020.

3. "Post-truth and Criminal Policy. How Do Myths Influence both Offenders and Victims?" Dr Gema Varona Martínez. Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 21 February 2020.

4. "The Necessary Legal Reforms for our Criminal Proceedings to be Child Friendly". Dr Carmen Navarro Villanueva. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 30 January 2020.

5. "Selective Imprisonment from an Intersectional Approach". María Florencia Actis. Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina), 15 January 2020.

6. “European Prospects for a Critical Approach to Criminology”. Dr René van Swaaningen. Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 15 November 2019.

7.  Violence and Mental Disorders: a Complex Relationship”. Dr Enrique Echeburúa. Universidad del País Vasco, 11 November 2019.



1.  LOTUS in the Mud. Positive growth within our prisons”. Dr Lila Kazemian. John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Nueva York – Estados Unidos. 12 de junio de 2019.

2. La clasificación internacional de delitos con fines estadísticos. Una robusta herramienta para usuarios y generadores de estadística criminal”. Dr Alejandra Gómez Céspedes. Ex funcionaria de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito. 4 de junio de 2018.

3. Lineamientos de la violencia integral y del amaño en el deporte”. Dr José Manuel Ríos Corbacho. Universidad de Cádiz. 3 de abril de 2019.

4. Aspectos logísticos, éticos y emocionales del trabajo con temas sensibles en Criminología”. Dr Antonio Díaz Fernández. Universidad de Cádiz. 21 de marzo de 2019.

5. Programa de atención integral a personas con discapacidad intelectual y/o del desarrollo reclusas y exreclusas”. Psic. Maribel Vallejo. Asociación Amirax. 13 de febrero de 2019.

6. Los delitos de honor: Acerca de un proyecto de investigación sobre un análisis comparado entre España y Holanda”. Dr Janine Janssen. Universidad Libre de Amsterdam. 16 de octubre de 2018.

7. Conferencia sobre “El uso del software de análisis cualitativo” en el seminario, de Marco Calaresu doctorado en ciencias políticasde la universidad de Sassari, Italia. 9 de octubre de 2018.

8. "Programs for female prisoners in Serbia: an example of gender sensitive program in the spirit of positive Criminology and Victimology", Dr Vesna Nicolic-Cristanovic, Catedrática de Victimología en la University of Belgrade. 5 de octubre de 2018.



1.  “Migrants on the Border: a Vulnerable Place”, Javier Montes Maury, Chief of the Migration Delegation of the city of Nador, in the Diocese of Tangier (Morocco), 1 June 2018.

2. "Criminal Development and Political Evolution of Gangs in El Salvador". Augusto López, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (El Salvador) and University of Málaga (Spain), 18 May 2018.

3. "Marginality and Criminality according to the Situational Action Theory. Data from ISRD2 in Portugal". Dr Gloria Fernández-Pacheco Alises, Researcher and Professor at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía, 26 April 2018.

4. "Expulsion of Foreign Nationals from Chile". Roberto Dufraix Tapia, Universidad Arturo Pratt (Chile), 19 April 2018.

5. "Social integration of Romanian Immigrants in France". (English). Marius Matichescu, Professor at the sociology department of the West University of Timișoara, Romania, 5 April 2018.

6. "The Growing Role of Punitive Actions for Migrant Control". José Ángel Brandariz García, professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Universidad de A Coruña, 21 March 2018.

7. "GPS Technology for Intensive Control of Migrants: an Open Debate". Dr Lorea Arenas García, assistant professor of Criminology at the Universidad de Loyola Andalucía, 13 March 2018.

8. "Advances for the Improvement of Police Investigation on Sexual Offenders with an Unknown Victim". Andrea Giménez- Salinas, PhD in Criminology and researcher, 5 February 2018.

9. "Motherhood in Spanish Prisons". María Carmen Navarro Villanueva, professor at the procedural law department of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 25 January 2018.

10. "Police Images: Objectives and Sense of the Institutional Image Projected by the Police Force of Recife and Madrid". Jacqueline Carvalho, 18 January 2018.

11. "The Response of the Juvenile Justice System to Child-to-Parent Violence in the Region of Málaga between 2011 and 2014". Raquel García and Anabel Cerezo, 21 December 2017.

12. "Child-to-parent Violence: a Pedagogical Analysis". Juan Leiva and María Jesús Santos Villalba, 21 December 2017.

13. "The Perception of Immigration as a Threat: Determinants and Measurement". María Ángeles Cea D’Ancona, 9 November 2017.

14. "The Influence of Youtubers in Adolescence". Francisco Paniagua, professor at the Communication Sciences School of the University of Málaga, 19 October 2017.



1.  Delinquency among Young Foreign Women and their Situation in Prison”, by Ms. María Izco, graduate in Criminology and research fellow at the University of Málaga, 28 April 2017.

2. "Macroscopic and Genetic Study of Mineralized Samples Subject to Heat for Forensic Victim Identification Purposes". By Ms. Leticia Rubio Lamia, PhD in Medicine and assistant professor at the University of Málaga, 24 March 2017.

3. "Suicidal Behaviour in Extra-hospital Emergencies in Málaga". By Ms. Berta Moreno Küstner, PhD in Psychology and professor at the University of Málaga, 24 February 2017.

4. "Beyond the Difference: the Application of the Placement of Minors in Spain". By Ms. Beatriz Cruz Márquez, assistant professor at the Universidad de Cádiz, 26 January 2017.

5. "The Role of the Women’s Institute of Andalusia in the Fight against Gender Violence in Adolescence". By Ms. Rosa del Mar Rodríguez Vela, head of the Women’s Institute in Málaga, 22 December 2016.

6. "The Intervention in Proyecto Hombre from a Biopsychosocial Model". By Ms. Myriam Ramírez Córdoba, coordinator of the therapeutic area of Proyecto Hombre Málaga, 17 November 2016

7. The Educational Experience with Fined Juvenile Offenders”. By Mr. Daniel Cuadras, coordinator of the centre for the execution of the sanctioning measure of coexistence in an educational group of the Asociación Meridianos, 28 October 2016.




1. Public Opinion on Crime and its Control”. By Ms. Eva Aizpurúa González, FPU fellow and researcher at the Center for Research in Criminology of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, 30 June 2016.

2. Immigration Detention Order: the Dilemma of Judicial Review and Judicial Bureaucratic Inertia". By Mr. Byron Villagómez-Moncayo, Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology, 9 June 2016.

3. "Crime Victims and International Justice: the Case of Alfonso Martín del Campo". By Mr. Samuel González Ruiz, international consultant on security and organized crime at the United Nations, 26 May 2016.

4. Criminology and Criminal Compliance: from Theory to Practice”. By Ms. Patricia Martín Escribano, founding partner and head of the programmes Minimize Risk & Compliance, 19 May 2016.

5. The penal system of the forgotten, falling reintegration". By Mr. Rodrigo Campos, PhD student in legal and social sciences at the University of Málaga, 28 April 2016.

6. "Intern Communication and Visits with their Extramural Environment and the Impact they Have on their Future life in Freedom". By Ms. Carmen Fernández Díaz, researcher in criminal law and criminology at the University of Málaga, 17 March 2016.

7. "Longitudinal Study of Drug Trafficking and its Impact on Crime". By Ms. Lorea Arenas García and Ms. Ana Isabel Cerezo Domínguez, professors of the Criminology degree at the University of Málaga, 25 February 2016.

8. "Prison: Dysfunctions and Operators". By Mr. Antonio Vela Rubio, professor at the department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment at the University of Málaga and professor of programmes for treating offenders at the Criminology degree, 27 January 2015.

9. The Emergence of Withdrawal Narratives in Various Types of Crimes in Paraguay". By Mr. Juan Martens, professor at the Universidad Nacional de Pilar de Paraguay, 18 December 2015.

10. Gender Violence: Evolution of Intervention Programmes”. By Ms. Inmaculada Ruiz Lerones, psychologist at the centre for social inclusion "Evaristo Martín Nieto", 27 November 2015.

11. Police Interventions at the Criminal and Administrative Level”. By Mr. Juan Miguel Avellaneda and Ms. Almudena Francos, graduates in Criminology from the University of Málaga, 16 October 2015.

ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/ 2015


1. Circles of Support and Accountability: a Restorative Justice Approach”. By Mr. José Becerra, professor of the Criminology degree at the University of Málaga, 11 June 2015.

2. Job Corps: Educational, Rehabilitative Programme for Young People at Risk of Social Exclusion”. By Ms. Gretchen Núñez and Ms. Clarivid Martínez, interns from the Universidad Metropolitana de Puerto Rico, 28 May 2015.

3. Democracy is a Lie: Neo-liberalism, Colony, Violence and Crime”. By Ms. Eloisa Gordon, dean at the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Communication at the Universidad Ana G. Mendez de Puerto Rico, 13 May 2015.

4. "The Structural Dimension of Crime Renunciation: the Spanish Case”. By Mr. José Cid, professor of Criminal Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 6 May 2015.

5. Adolescents, Young People and their Perception of Intimate Partner Violence”. By Ms. Verónica de Miguel Luken, professor of the sociology department and the Criminology degree at the University of Málaga, 15 April 2015.

6. Psychological Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse and Moderating Variables”. By Mr. David Cantón Cortés, professor of psychology and criminology at the University of Málaga, 26 February 2015.

7. Precautionary Restraining Order with Telematic Means in Alleged Cases of Gender Violence: Assessing its Implementation and Effectiveness in Spain". By Ms. Lorea Arenas, researcher at the Institute of Criminology, 29 January 2015.

8. Ius Puniendi and Immigration: the Darkest Areas of a Gloomy Reality”. By Ms. Margarita Martínez Escamilla, professor of criminal law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28 November 2014.

9. Methodological Aspects of the European Project on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency”. By Ms. María José Bernuz professor of philosophy of law and legal sociology at the Universidad de Zaragoza, 30 October 2014.

10. “Political and Criminal Approach to Harassment of Minors through the Internet" (the new article 183 bis in the Spanish Criminal Code). By Ms. María Alé Chincho, graduate in law and with a master’s in criminal policy from the University of Málaga, 25 September 2014.




1. November 18, 2013: Dr Marcelo Aebi He explained the various investigations and projects carried out in the UNIL.

2. April 23, 2014: Mr José Berruezo, Director of the Observatory of Local Safety of the City of Malaga.

3. April 23, 2014: We have the ODA team that presented the draft after what was his report.

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