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  • Campos EC AP ES EC

    Dr. Juan Antonio Campos Soria

    Catedrático de Universidad

    Tel: 952131183     E-mail:

    Despacho: 1405, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

DOCENCIA 2023/2024:

Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Estructura de Mercados Turísticos

Grado en Finanzas y Contabilidad. Microeconomía

Profesor y tutor del Programa de Doctorado en Economía y Empresa

Tutor Académico de Prácticas Externas



Grupos de investigación

SEJ-139: “Economía del Turismo: Mercado de Trabajo y Medioambiente”. IP: A. García Pozo

Líneas de investigación

Analisis Económico del Turismo

Turismo Sostenible

Economía Laboral

Links de interés


Google Scholar

Web of Science


Artículos publicados 

Lasso de la Vega-Alarcón, E., Campos-Soria, J.A., and García-Pozo, A. (2024): “Sectoral heterogeneity in patterns of educational mismatch in the Spanish tourism sectors: A gender comparison”, Oxford Review of Education, (forthcoming).

Lasso de la Vega-Alarcón, E., Campos-Soria, J.A., and García-Pozo, A. (2023): “An analysis of educational mismatch on wages in the agroindustrial sector”, Agribusiness, (forthcoming).

Marfil-Cotilla, M., Campos-Soria, J.A., and García-Pozo, A. (2023): “The gender wage gap across the wage distribution: Evidence in tourism at the sectoral level”, Tourism Economics, 0(0): 1-25 (forthcoming).

Marfil-Cotilla, M., and Campos-Soria, J.A. (2021): “Decomposing the gender wage gap in the hospitality industry: A quantile approach”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94 (102826): 1-10.

García-Pozo, A., Campos-Soria, J.A., and Núñez-Carrasco, J.A. (2021): “Technological innovation and productivity across Spanish regions”, Annals of Regional Sciences, 67: 167-187.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Núñez, J.A., and García-Pozo, A. (2021): “Environmental concern and destination choices of tourists: Exploring the underpinnings of country heterogeneity”, Journal of Travel Research, 60(3): 532-545.

López-Marfil, L., Fernández-Gámez, M.A., Campos-Soria, J.A., and Alaminos, D. (2021): "Passengers´behavioural intentions towards cruise port of call: Evidence from senior tourists". ANATOLIA, 32(4): 628-642.

Fernández-Gámez, M.A., Campos-Soria, J.A., Santos, J.A.C, Alaminos, D. (2020): “European country heterogeneity in financial distress prediction: An empirical analysis with macroeconomic and regulatory factors”, Economic Modelling, 88: 398-407.

Díaz-Puche, M., Fernández-Miguélez, S.M., Campos-Soria, J.A., and Fernández-Gámez, M.A. (2020), “Multilevel assessment of restaurant profitability: Evidence with European data”, Data in Brief, 30: 105426.

Alaminos, D., Fernández-Gámez, M.A., Santos, J.A.C., and Campos-Soria, J.A. (2019): “Predicting systemic banking crises using extreme gradient boosting”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(9): 571-575.

Campos-Soria, J.A., & Robles-Teigeiro, L. (2019): "The employment multiplier in the European hospitality industry: A gender approach", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,  31(1): 105-122.

García-Pozo, A., Campos-Soria, J.A., Custódio-Santos, M., & Santos, J.A.C. (2019): “Determinants of environmental innovations: New evidence at the sector level”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(2): 76-80.

Campos-Soria, J.A., García-Pozo, A., and Marchante-Mera, A.J. (2018). "Explaining tourists´ attitudes to environmental support: A multilevel approach", Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(6): 987-1006.

García-Pozo, A., Marchante-Mera, A.J., & Campos-Soria, J.A. (2018): "Innovation, environment, and productivity in the Spanish service sector: An implementation of a CDM structural model", Journal of Cleaner Production, 171: 1049-1057.

Campos-Soria, J.A., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2016): "Gender segregation and earnings differences in the Spanish labour market", Applied Economics, 48(3): 4143-4155.

Campos-Soria, J.A., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2016): "Occupational segregation and the female-male wage differentials: Evidence for Spain", Gender Issues, 33(1): 183-217.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Inchausti-Sintes, F., & Eugenio-Martin, J.L. (2015): “Understanding tourists´ economizing strategies during the global economic crisis", Tourism Management, 48: 164-173.

Campos-Soria, J.A., García-Pozo, A., & Sánchez-Ollero, J.L. (2015): "Gender wage inequality and labour mobility in the hospitality industry", International Journal of Hospitality Management, 49: 73-82.

Eugenio-Martin, J.L., & Campos-Soria, J.L. (2014): “Economic crisis and tourism expenditure cutback decision”, Annals of Tourism Research, 44:53-73.

García-Pozo, A., Campos-Soria, J.A., Sánchez-Ollero, J.L., & Marchante-Lara, M. (2012): “The regional wage gap in the Spanish hospitality sector based on a gender perspective”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31: 266-275.

 Campos-Soria, J.A., García-Pozo, A., Sánchez-Ollero, J.L., & Benavides-Chicón, C.G. (2011): “A comparative analysis on human capital and wage structure in the Spanish hospitality sector”, Journal of Service Science and Management, 4(4): 458-468.

García-Pozo, A., Campos-Soria, J.A., Sánchez-Ollero, J.L., & Marchante-Lara, M. (2011): “Capital humano y salarios en la hostelería española: un análisis regional”, Revista de Estudios Regionales, 91: 71-95.

 Eugenio-Martín, J.L., & Campos-Soria, J.A. (2011): “Income and substitution patterns between domestic and international tourism demand”, Applied Economics, 43: 2519-2531.

 Campos-Soria, J.A., Marchante, A.J., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2011): “Patterns of occupational segregation by gender in the hospitality industry”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30: 91-102.

Eugenio-Martín, J.L., & Campos-Soria, J.A. (2010): “Climate in the región of origin and destination choice in outbound tourism demand”, Tourism Management, 31(6): 744-753.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Ortega-Aguaza, B., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2010): “Diferentes patrones de segregación de género y diferencia salarial entre hombres y mujeres en la hostelería”, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 28(1): 197-227.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Ortega-Aguaza, B., & Ropero-García, M. A. (2010): “Efectos de la segregación sobre las diferencias salariales de género en la hostelería andaluza: Una comparación entre distintas zonas turísticas”, Revista de Estudios Regionales, 89: 43-65.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Ortega-Aguaza, B., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2009): “Gender segregation and wage difference in the hospitality industry”, Tourism Economics, 15(4): 847-866.

Blake, A., Sinclair, M.T., & Campos-Soria, J.A. (2006): "Tourism Productivity: Evidence from the United Kingdom", Annals of Tourism Research, 33(4): 1099-1120.

Campos-Soria, J.A., González-García, L., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2005): "Service quality and competitiveness in the hospitality industry", Tourism Economics, 11(1): 85-102.

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