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  • Campos EC AP ES EC

    Dr. Juan Antonio Campos Soria

    Full Professor

    Tel: 952131183     E-mail:

    Room: 1405 Faculty of Economic and Business Studies


TEACHING 2024/2025:

Degree in Business Administration and Management. Tourism Market Structure

Degree in Finance and Accounting. Microeconomics

Thesis supervision and tutoring in the Doctoral Program in Economics and Business

Academic Tutor of External Internships



Research Groups

SEJ-139: “Tourism Economics: Labour Market and the Envioronment”. Main researcher: A. García Pozo

Research lines

Economic Analysis of tourism

Sustainable Tourism

Labour Economics



Google Scholar

Web of Science



Lasso de la Vega-Alarcón, E., Campos-Soria, J.A., and García-Pozo, A. (2024): “Sectoral heterogeneity in patterns of educational mismatch in the Spanish tourism sectors: A gender comparison”, Oxford Review of Education, (forthcoming).

Lasso de la Vega-Alarcón, E., Campos-Soria, J.A., and García-Pozo, A. (2023): “An analysis of educational mismatch on wages in the agroindustrial sector”, Agribusiness, (forthcoming).

Marfil-Cotilla, M., Campos-Soria, J.A., and García-Pozo, A. (2023): “The gender wage gap across the wage distribution: Evidence in tourism at the sectoral level”, Tourism Economics, 0(0): 1-25 (forthcoming).

Marfil-Cotilla, M., and Campos-Soria, J.A. (2021): “Decomposing the gender wage gap in the hospitality industry: A quantile approach”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94 (102826): 1-10.

García-Pozo, A., Campos-Soria, J.A., and Núñez-Carrasco, J.A. (2021): “Technological innovation and productivity across Spanish regions”, Annals of Regional Sciences, 67: 167-187.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Núñez, J.A., and García-Pozo, A. (2021): “Environmental concern and destination choices of tourists: Exploring the underpinnings of country heterogeneity”, Journal of Travel Research, 60(3): 532-545.

López-Marfil, L., Fernández-Gámez, M.A., Campos-Soria, J.A., and Alaminos, D. (2021): "Passengers´behavioural intentions towards cruise port of call: Evidence from senior tourists". ANATOLIA, 32(4): 628-642.

Fernández-Gámez, M.A., Campos-Soria, J.A., Santos, J.A.C, Alaminos, D. (2020): “European country heterogeneity in financial distress prediction: An empirical analysis with macroeconomic and regulatory factors”, Economic Modelling, 88: 398-407.

Díaz-Puche, M., Fernández-Miguélez, S.M., Campos-Soria, J.A., and Fernández-Gámez, M.A. (2020), “Multilevel assessment of restaurant profitability: Evidence with European data”, Data in Brief, 30: 105426.

Alaminos, D., Fernández-Gámez, M.A., Santos, J.A.C., and Campos-Soria, J.A. (2019): “Predicting systemic banking crises using extreme gradient boosting”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(9): 571-575.

Campos-Soria, J.A., & Robles-Teigeiro, L. (2019): "The employment multiplier in the European hospitality industry: A gender approach", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,  31(1): 105-122.

García-Pozo, A., Campos-Soria, J.A., Custódio-Santos, M., & Santos, J.A.C. (2019): “Determinants of environmental innovations: New evidence at the sector level”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(2): 76-80.

Campos-Soria, J.A., García-Pozo, A., and Marchante-Mera, A.J. (2018). "Explaining tourists´ attitudes to environmental support: A multilevel approach", Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(6): 987-1006.

García-Pozo, A., Marchante-Mera, A.J., & Campos-Soria, J.A. (2018): "Innovation, environment, and productivity in the Spanish service sector: An implementation of a CDM structural model", Journal of Cleaner Production, 171: 1049-1057.

Campos-Soria, J.A., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2016): "Gender segregation and earnings differences in the Spanish labour market", Applied Economics, 48(3): 4143-4155.

Campos-Soria, J.A., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2016): "Occupational segregation and the female-male wage differentials: Evidence for Spain", Gender Issues, 33(1): 183-217.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Inchausti-Sintes, F., & Eugenio-Martin, J.L. (2015): “Understanding tourists´ economizing strategies during the global economic crisis", Tourism Management, 48: 164-173.

Campos-Soria, J.A., García-Pozo, A., & Sánchez-Ollero, J.L. (2015): "Gender wage inequality and labour mobility in the hospitality industry", International Journal of Hospitality Management, 49: 73-82.

Eugenio-Martin, J.L., & Campos-Soria, J.L. (2014): “Economic crisis and tourism expenditure cutback decision”, Annals of Tourism Research, 44:53-73.

García-Pozo, A., Campos-Soria, J.A., Sánchez-Ollero, J.L., & Marchante-Lara, M. (2012): “The regional wage gap in the Spanish hospitality sector based on a gender perspective”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31: 266-275.

 Campos-Soria, J.A., García-Pozo, A., Sánchez-Ollero, J.L., & Benavides-Chicón, C.G. (2011): “A comparative analysis on human capital and wage structure in the Spanish hospitality sector”, Journal of Service Science and Management, 4(4): 458-468.

García-Pozo, A., Campos-Soria, J.A., Sánchez-Ollero, J.L., & Marchante-Lara, M. (2011): “Capital humano y salarios en la hostelería española: un análisis regional”, Revista de Estudios Regionales, 91: 71-95.

 Eugenio-Martín, J.L., & Campos-Soria, J.A. (2011): “Income and substitution patterns between domestic and international tourism demand”, Applied Economics, 43: 2519-2531.

 Campos-Soria, J.A., Marchante, A.J., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2011): “Patterns of occupational segregation by gender in the hospitality industry”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30: 91-102.

Eugenio-Martín, J.L., & Campos-Soria, J.A. (2010): “Climate in the región of origin and destination choice in outbound tourism demand”, Tourism Management, 31(6): 744-753.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Ortega-Aguaza, B., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2010): “Diferentes patrones de segregación de género y diferencia salarial entre hombres y mujeres en la hostelería”, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 28(1): 197-227.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Ortega-Aguaza, B., & Ropero-García, M. A. (2010): “Efectos de la segregación sobre las diferencias salariales de género en la hostelería andaluza: Una comparación entre distintas zonas turísticas”, Revista de Estudios Regionales, 89: 43-65.

Campos-Soria, J.A., Ortega-Aguaza, B., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2009): “Gender segregation and wage difference in the hospitality industry”, Tourism Economics, 15(4): 847-866.

Blake, A., Sinclair, M.T., & Campos-Soria, J.A. (2006): "Tourism Productivity: Evidence from the United Kingdom", Annals of Tourism Research, 33(4): 1099-1120.

Campos-Soria, J.A., González-García, L., & Ropero-García, M.A. (2005): "Service quality and competitiveness in the hospitality industry", Tourism Economics, 11(1): 85-102.

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