
Feminist UMA, The Korean Wave

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While it is true that the situation of women and the obstacles they face have been analysed from different points of view over the decades, there is a great deal of unkowdlege in western countries about the situation of women in Asian areas.

This proposal will develop an approach from feminism to their situation, prioritizing the value of the role of women in Asian societies followed by studies on the problems of inequality they have to face throughout their lives.

This will help not only to make visible and know better the current situation of women in Asia, but also a better knowledge and approach to their cultures in general. On the other hand, it will promote an intercultural environment in the UMA and the diffusion of this type of gender initiatives both inside and outside the University.


The initiative "UMA Feminista, La Ola Coreana" (Feminist UMA, The Korean Wave), which is led by Patricia Chica Morales, is part of the Aid for the Development of Gender Equality Initiatives of the University of Malaga and funded by the Equality Unit of the University of Malaga.


  • To promote a better understanding of the Asian reality.
  • To generate an atmosphere of cultural exchanges between both regions.
  • Disseminate and raise awareness of the role of women in Asia through a feminist approach.
  • To involve the students of the University of Malaga in gender initiatives. 


  • Patricia Chica Morales: Responsible for the activity. Coordinator of the Korea Office. Vice-rectorate of Strategic Projects.  Line of research on gender equality in Korea.
  • Antonio J. Doménech: Professor Degree in East Asian Studies. Doctoral thesis on the role of Korean women in religion. Current lines of research and teaching on gender issues.
  • Mathías Montenegro: Master in Communication. End of degree work "Feminism and satirical communication".
  • Rocío Gambero and Cristina Serradilla: Students of the Degree in East Asian Studies.


The activities resulting from this initiative, to date, have been:

  • "Korea through the lens of gender": cycle of cinema and debate that sought to give visibility to the situation of Korean women, their transcendence in society and history, while reflecting on the role of women in the audiovisual field from three perspectives: creator, spectator and protagonist. Several professionals from different fields took part in this debate:
  • Gender Policy in South Korea | The Korean Wave: exhibition of works on the evolution of gender policies in South Korea and the current situation of women in the country. It was accompanied by a talk on feminist movements and the #metoo in Korea, from the perspective of Spanish and Korean students; and with the contribution of the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Labour Studies, Ana Rosa del Águila.
  • Cinefórum | Cinema in East Asia and its global circulation: together with the screenings, a previous introduction was made to the current situation of women in Asian cinematographies, which have experienced since the beginning of the 21st century an increase both in the number of productions and in the number of tickets sold. Cine Asia and the group's students then held a debate based on the films viewed and the reality reflected in them.
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