Oscar David Marcenaro Gutiérrez
Oscar David Marcenaro Gutiérrez
Catedrático de Universidad (Full-time professor)
Tel: 952137003 E-mail: odmarcenaro@uma.es
Despacho: 1204-C - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Catedrático de Universidad en el Departamento de Economía Aplicada (Estadística y Econometría) desde diciembre de 2017. Doctor en Economía por la Universidad de Málaga, habiendo completado parte de sus estudios de doctorado en la Universidad de Newcastle. A su experiencia profesional hay que sumar la adquirida durante los tres años que trabajó como Research Officer en el Centre for Economics of Education de la London School of Economics. Desde Julio de 2021 es Director del Departamento de Economía Aplicada (Estadística y Econometría).
Además de su actividad docente en diversas universidades, desarrolla una amplia actividad investigadora que se centra, principalmente, en la Economía de la Educación, con particular énfasis en el análisis microeconométrico de las funciones de producción educativa, eficiencia, género e igualdad, movilidad intergeneracional y uso del tiempo. Ha publicado numerosos capítulos de libro y 85 artículos en revistas indexadas JCR (41 de ellos en Q1); ninguna de sus contribuciones han sido publicadas en revistas "predadoras". Ha presentado comunicaciones y ponencias en más de ciento sesenta congresos, habiendo sido invitado como Ponente en más de una veintena de ocasiones y, adicionalmente, es evaluador de más de cuarenta revistas indexadas JCR.
En el contexto de la movilidad internacional ha realizado ocho estancias de investigación en centros de reconocido prestigio, entre ellos, la Universidad de Newcastle, el University College de Londres, la University of Sussex o la Universidad de Cambridge. Ha sido presidente de la Comisión Nacional de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación de Economía y Empresa (2016-2018) y actualmente es miembro de numerosas comisiones de evaluación de títulos, proyectos de investigación y profesorado.
En la actualidad (desde Agosto de 2022) es editor asociado de la revista Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (Q1 en JCR).
Doble Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas + Derecho: Econometría II
Doble Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas: Econometría II
Máster en Análisis Económico y Empresarial: Técnicas de Impacto Microeconométricas (docencia en inglés)
Máster en Igualdad y Género: La Igualdad como Eje Estratégico en Economía
- "Essays on Economics of Education: the role of kindergarten, ICT and soft-skills", doctoranda: María Ladrón de Guevara Rodríguez (junio 2024).
- "Essays on Economics of Education: a quantitative approach", doctoranda: Claudia Prieto Latorre (octubre 2021).
- "Essays on the relationship between subjective assessment of well-being and economic and social variables", doctorando: Hugo Nicolás Acosta Gonzalez (junio 2021).
- "Essays on the relationship between subjective assessment of well-being and economic and social variables", doctorando: Carla Oliveira Henriques (octubre 2020).
- "Essays on Economics of Education", doctorando: Luis Alejandro López-Agudo (febrero 2018).
- “Procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y producción de servicios educativos: un análisis sobre las competencias matemáticas y financieras”, doctorando: Jose Antonio Molina Marfil (2016).
Investigador Principal de Proyectos Competitivos del Plan Nacional (en los últimos 5 años):
- PID2020-119471RB (2021-2024).
- ECO2017-88883-R (2018-2021).
- ECO2014- 56397-P (2015-2017).
Investigador Principal de Proyectos Competitivos Regionales:
- PRY20-00228; Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía (2021-2023).
- UMA18-FEDERJA-024; Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía (2019-2021).
Investigador principal en numerosos contratos de consultoría con Fundación La Caixa, FUNCAS, Varkey GEMS Foundation, Wales Assembly, Qualification Curriculum Agency (QCA), Department for Education and Skills (DfES), Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa (INEE), Office of Manpower Economics (OME), Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer (IAM), Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía, Oxfam, FCEA, etc.
Investigador principal del Grupo de Investigación del Plan Andaluz SEJ-645.
Working Paper:
How did Spain perform in PISA 2018? New estimates of children’s PISA reading scores
Artículos destacados:
> Ladrón de Guevara, M., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2024). “The influence of grade retention on students’ competences in Spain”. European Journal of Education, in press (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,8 -2023-) (DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12736#mce_temp_url#)
> Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., López-Agudo, L. A., (2024). “The multidimensional nature of students' maturity: the Spanish case”. Culture and Education, 36(1), 218-258. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,226 -2022-) (DOI: 10.1177/11356405241235077)
> López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2024). “Enrolment in the first stage of early childhood education and students’ academic performance: a cross-country analysis ”. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, in press. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-3.0 -2022-) (DOI: 10.1080/09243453.2024.2358226)
> Jerrim, J., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2024). “How did Spain perform in PISA 2018? New estimates of children’s PISA reading scores”. British Journal of Educational Studies, VOL. 72(2), 177-198. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-2,59 -2023-). DOI: 10.1080/00071005.2023.2258184
> López-Agudo, L. A. y Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2024)."The association of Internet searches and actual suicide in Spain". The Journal of General Psychology, vol. 151 (3), 406–424. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,500 -2022-). (DOI: 10.1080/00221309.2023.2276803)
> López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. y Prieto-Latorre, C., M. (2023)."Grade retention in Spain: the right way?". Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, in press. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-3,900 -2022-). (DOI: 10.1007/s11092-023-09421-6)
> Prieto-Latorre, C., López-Agudo, L. A. y Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). "Influence of body mass index on health complains and life satisfaction". Quality of Life Research, in press. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-3,5 -2022)(DOI: 10.1007/s11136-023-03557-0)
> Ladrón de Guevara, M., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). “The impact of diferent uses of the Internet on students’ performance progression throughout primary education”. Education and Information Technologies, in press. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-5,5 -2022-). (DOI: 10.1007/s10639-023-12354-8)
> Ladrón de Guevara, M., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). "Education policy reform and the impact of free preschool education on boys’ and girls’ reading competence". International Social Science Journal, in press. (DOI: 10.1111/issj.12468)
> Prieto, C., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. y Sánchez, M. I. (2023). “Gender differences between teachers’ assessments and test based assessments. Evidence from Spain”. Assessment: Principles, Policy and Practice, 30(3–4), 320–345.. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-3,200 -2022-). DOI: 10.1080/0969594X.2023.2251715
> Acosta, H. N. y Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). What drives unhappiness? a cross-country analysis. International Social Science Journal, 73, 1001-1017. DOI: 10.1111/issj.12442
> Jerrim, J., Prieto-Latorre, C., M., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). “Do school preferences differ between mothers and fathers? International evidence from PISA”. Oxford Review in Education, 499-516. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-2,000 -2022-). DOI: 10.1080/03054985.2023.2244880
> Acosta, H. N., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). “Bad jobs versus good jobs. Does it matter for life and job satisfaction”. Journal of Knowledge Economics, in press. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,235 -2021-) DOI: 10.1007/s13132-023-01128-9
> López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). “Financial education in secondary education: a cross country analysis”. CESifo Economics Studies, 69(1), 21-60. (factor de impacto JCR: Q3-1,231 -2022-) DOI: 10.1093/cesifo/ifad002
> García-Manrique, I., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., López-Agudo, L. A. (2023). “The relationship between mobile broadband usage and user mobility with lockdown restrictions in Spain”. Spatial Economics Analysis, 18(3), 346-367. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,317-2022-) DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2022.2144640
> López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). “Early dropout, earnings and skills in later life: evidence from Spain”. Research Papers in education, in press. DOI: 10.1080/02671522.2023.2214137.
> López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). “The influence of kindergarten on students' performance: the Spanish case”. The Social Science Journal, in press. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,494-2021-) (DOI: 10.1080/03623319.2023.2194473
> Jerrim, J., Prieto-Latorre, C., M., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2023). “Parents’(dis)satisfaction with schools: evidence fromlongitudinal administrative data from Spain”. Educational Review, in press. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-3,620-2022-) DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2022.2153804
> Ladrón de Guevara Rodríguez, M., Marcenaro-Gutierrez, O.D. & Lopez-Agudo, L. A. (2023). "On the Gender Gap of Soft-Skills: the Spanish Case". Child Indicators Research, 16, 167-197. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-2,322-2021-) DOI: 10.1007/s12187-022-09966-w
> Henriques, C. O., Chavez, J. M., Gouveia, M. C., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2022). “Efficiency of secondary schools in Ecuador: a value based DEA approach”. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, vol. 82, Part A, 101226. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-4,923-2020-) DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2022.101226
> Ladrón de Guevara, M., López-Agudo, L. A., Prieto-Latorre, C., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2022). “Internet use and academic performance: an interval approach”. Education and Informaction Technologies, 27, 11831-11873. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,917 -2020-) DOI: 10.1007/s10639-022-11095-4
> Jerrim, J., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2022). “The impact of test language on PISA scores. New evidence from Wales”. British Educational Research Journal, 48, 420-445. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,752 -2020-). DOI: 10.1002/berj.3774
> López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2022). “The lack of influence of class size on students’ academic performance. Empirical evidence for Andalusia”. Revista de Educación, 305-341. DOI: 10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2022-395-516
> Prieto, C., López-Agudo, L. A., L. M., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2022). “The ideal use of the internet and academic Success: Finding a balance between competence and knowledge using interval multiobjective programming". Socio Economic Planning Sciences, 81, 101208. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1 -2020-; JCR: 4,923 -2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2021.101208
> Henriques, C. O., González, S., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., Luque, M. (2022). “A novel approach for exploring the trade-offs between several features of students’ well-being”. International Transactions in Operational Research, vol. 29(3), 1723-1748. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-3,610 -2021-) DOI: 10.1111/itor.12949
> Jerrim, J., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2022). “Grade retention and school entry age in Spain: a structural problem”. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 34, 331-359. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,00 -2020-). DOI: 10.1007/s11092-021-09375-7
> Lopez-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2022). “Instruction time and students’ academic achievement: a cross-country comparison”. Compare, 52, 75-91. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-1,817 -2020-). DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2020.1737919
> Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., Henriques, C. O., López-Agudo, L. A., (2021). “Are soft skills conditioned by conflicting factors? A multiobjective programming approach to explore the trade-offs”. Economic Analysis and Policy, 72, 18-40. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,497 -2020-). (DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2021.07.008)
> Acosta, H. N., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2021). “What explains life satisfaction? Relative income or rank income? The case of Ecuador”. Applied Economics Letters, i29(3), 195-199. (factor de impacto JCR: Q3-1,157 -2020). DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2020.1861193
> López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2021). “The relationship between overweight and academic performance, life satisfaction and school life”. Food Policy, 101. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-4,552 -2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2021.102077
> López-Agudo, L. A., Gonzalez-Betancor, S. M., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2021). “Language at home and academic performance: the case of Spain”. Economic Analysis and Policy, 16-33. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,497-2020-). DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2020.11.003
> Henriques, C. O., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2021). “Efficiency of secondary schools in Portugal: a novel DEA hybrid approach”. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 74, 100954. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-4,923-2020-). DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2020.100954
> Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., López-Agudo, L. A. (2021). “The back of the coin in resilience: on the characteristics of advantaged low-achieving students”. Economía Política, 38(1), 323-383. (factor de impacto JCR: Q3-1,189-2020-). DOI: 10.1007/s40888-021-00220-0
> Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., López-Agudo, L. A. (2021). “Too late or too soon for school? The impact of school entry age”. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 14(2), 309-352. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,500 -2020). DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2020.1849479
> Prieto, C., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2022). “Socioeconomic school segregation in Canary Islands”. Applied Economic Letters, vol. 29, 15, 1347-1351. (factor de impacto JCR: Q3 -1,157- 2020-). DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2021.1929820
> Prieto, C., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2021). “The role of catchment areas on school segregation by economic, social and cultural characteristics”. Social Indicators Research, 158, 1013-1044. (factor de impacto Scopus: Q1 -2020-; JCR: 2,614 -2020-). DOI: 10.1007/s11205-021-02728-1
> Prieto, C., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., Vignoles, A. (2021). “School segregation in public and semiprivate primary schools in Andalusia”. British Journal of Educational Studies, 69(2), 175-196. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-2,647 -2020-). DOI: 10.1080/00071005.2020.1795078
> Lopez-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2020). “Does teacher subject knowledge contribute to student academic performance in developing and least developed countries?”. South African Journal of Economics, 88(3), 267-297. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,136 -2020-). DOI: 10.1111/saje.12259
> Lopez-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2020). “Too late or too soon for school? The impact of school entry age”. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 14(2), 309-352. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,500 -2020). DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2020.1849479
> Henriques, C. O., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., López-Agudo, L. A. (2020). “Getting a balance in the life satisfaction determinants of full-time and part-time European workers”. Economic Analysis and Policy, 67, 87-113. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-2,497 -2020-). DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2020.07.002
> Henriques, C. O., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2020). “Efficiency of secondary schools in Portugal: a novel DEA hybrid approach”. Socio-Economic Planning Science, 74, 100954. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-4,923-2020-). DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2020.100954
> Henriques, C. O., Luque, M., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2020). “Coupling distinct MOLP interactive approaches with a novel DEA hybrid model”.. International Transactions in Operational Research, , 29, 3207–3228. (factor de impacto JCR: Q2-4,193 -2020-). DOI: 10.1111/itor.12879
> Henriques, C. O., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., Luque, M. (2020). “Reaching Compromises in Workers’ Life Satisfaction: A Multiobjective Interval Programming Approach”. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 207-239. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-3,852 -2020-). DOI: 10.1007/s10902-020-00226-8
> Lopez-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. y Molina Marfil, J. A. (2020). “School tutoring and academic performance: a too close relationship”. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 66, 66, 100903. (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-1,953 -2020-). DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2020.100903
> Acosta, H. N., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2020). “The relationship between subjective well-being and self-reported health: evidence from Ecuador”. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16, 1961-1981 (factor de impacto JCR: Q1-4,147 -2020-). DOI: 10.1007/s11482-020-09852-z
> Jerrim, J., Lopez-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2020). “Posh but poor. The association between relative socio-economic status and children's academic performance”. Review of Income and Wealth, 67(2), 334-362. DOI: 10.1111/roiw.12476
> Henriques, C. O., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., Luque, M. (2020). “Reaching Compromises in Workers’ Life Satisfaction: A Multiobjective Interval Programming Approach”. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 207-239. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-020-00226-8
> Lopez-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2020). “Students and screens: a good or a bad friendship? A longitudinal case study for Spain”. Revista de Educación, 389, 1-24. DOI: 10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2020-389-453
> Jerrim, J., Lopez-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2020). “Does it matter what children read? New evidence using longitudinal census data from Spain”. Oxford Review of Education, 46(5), 515-533. DOI: 10.1080/03054985.2020.1723516
> Luque, M., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., Ruiz, A. B. (2020). “Evaluating the global efficiency of teachers through a multi-criteria Approach”. Socio-Economic Planning Science, 70, 1006762. DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2018.12.003
> Jerrim, J., Lopez-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2020). “The association between homework and primary school children’s academic achievement. International evidence from PIRLS and TIMSS”. European Journal of Education, in press. DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12374
> Jerrim, J., Lopez-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2019). “The relationship between homework and the academic progress of children in Spain during compulsory elementary education: a twin fixed-effects approach”. British Educational Research Journal, 45(5), 1021–1049. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3549
> López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2019). “The effect of weekly instruction time on academic achievement: the Spanish case”. Hacienda Pública Española, 230(3), 63-93. DOI: 10.7866/hpe-rpe.19.3.3
> Henriques, C. O., Luque, M., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2019). “A multiobjective interval programming model to explore the trade-offs among different aspects of job satisfaction under different scenarios”. Socio-Economic Planning, 66, 35-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2018.07.004
> López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2019). “Are Spanish children taking advantage of their weekly classroom time? A study of Spanish regions”. Child Indicators Research, 12(1), 187-211. DOI: 10.1007/s12187-018-9537-4
> Marcenaro, O. D. y López-Agudo, L. A. (2017). “Engaging children in lessons: the role of efficient and effective teachers”, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 28(4), 650-669. DOI: 10.1080/09243453.2017. 1364272
> Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., López-Agudo, L. A. (2017). “The influence of the gap between parental and their children's expectations on children's academic attainment”. Child Indicators Research, 10(1), 57‐80. DOI: 10.1007/s12187‐015‐9361‐z
> Jerrim, J., López-Agudo, L. A., Marcenaro-Gutierrez, O. D., Shure, N. (2017). “What happens when Econometrics and Psychometrics collide?”, Economics of Education Review, 61, 51-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2017.09.00
> Marcenaro‐Gutiérrez, O. D., Luque, M., López‐Agudo, L. A. (2016). “Balancing teachers’ math satisfaction and other indicators of the education system’s performance”. Social Indicators Research, 129(3), 1319‐1348. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-015-1162-8)
> Dolton, P., Makepeace, G., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D. (2015). “Public sector pay in the UK: quantifying the impact of the review bodies”. The Manchester School. Vol. 83(6), 701-724. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/manc.12081
> Luque, M., Marcenaro-Gutierrez, O. D. y López-Agudo, L. A. (2015). “On the potential balance among compulsory education outcomes through econometric and multiobjective programming analysis”, European Journal of Operational Research, 241(2), 527-540. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2014.09.007
> Meunier, M., De Coulon, A., Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O. D., Vignoles, A. (2013). “A longitudinal analysis of UK second-generation disadvantaged immigrants”, Education Economics, 21(2), 105-134. DOI: 10.1080/09645292.2011.568605.
> Dolton, P. y Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, O.D. (2011): “If You Pay Peanuts Do You Get Monkeys? A Cross Country Analysis of Teacher Pay and Pupil Performance”. Economic Policy, 26 (65), 5-55, 2011. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0327.2010.00257.x
> "El rendimiento del alumnado andaluz a examen". Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2014, ISBN 9788494229145.
> "La cambiante situación de la mujer en Andalucía". Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2011, ISBN 9788493907891.