
Seminars (since 2015)

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  • Baifen Ren (OUC-UMA) "High-order WENO finite-difference methods for hyperbolic nonconservative systems of Partial Differential Equations". 22nd July.
  • León Miguel Ávila León (UMA) "Introducción al uso de PINNs (Physics Informed Neural Networks) para la aproximación de soluciones de sistemas de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales". 11th April.
  • Alejandro González (UMA) "2D SWE with coriolis force and non-constant atmospheric pressure. Application to Meteotsunami forecast". 2nd February.


  • Manuel J. Castro Díaz (UMA) "Artificial viscosity to get both robustness and discrete entropy inequalities". 5th May.
  • Juan Francisco Rodríguez Gálvez (UMA). "Aplicación de redes neuronales para la predicción de la altura máxima y tiempo de llegada de tsunamis". 14th April.
  • Ernesto Pimentel (UMA)"High-order In-cell Discontinuous Reconstruction path-conservative methods for non conservative hyperbolic systems - DR.MOOD". 17th March.
  • Celia Caballero Cardenas (UMA) "Semi-implicit LP finite volume scheme well-balanced for shallow-water system". 10th March.


  • Irene Gómez Bueno (UMA) "Métodos implícitos y semi-implícitos de alto orden bien equilibrados para sistemas de leyes de equilibrio". 10th November.
  • Ernesto Pimentel García (UVSQ-UMA) "High-order well-balanced methods for one-dimensional blood flow model" 17th February.


  • Tomás Morales de Luna. "Métodos de momentos para modelos de tipo shallow water", 17th December.
  • Celia Caballero. "Métodos LP semi-implícitos para shallow water", 19th November.
  • Carlos Parés. "An introduction to Compact ApproximateTaylor methods for hyperbolic systems" 5th November View presentation
  • Ernesto Guerrero. "An arbitrary high-order well-balanced ADER-DG numerical scheme for the multilayer shallow-water model with variable density", 9th June.
  • José María Gallardo Molina. "Derivación de resolvedores 2D bien equilibrados", 11th June.
  • José Garrés, "Recent advances on avalanche modelling: a weakly non-hydrostatic shallow model", 14th May.
  • María López, "Cuadraturas de convolución", 7th May.
  • Ernesto Pimentel, "Métodos path-conservative con reconstrucciones discontinuas" 23rd April,  View presentation
  • José Manuel González Vida, "Proyecto ARISTOTLE-eENHSP - All Risk Integrated System TOwards Trans-hoListic Early-warning - enhanced European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership" . 9th April.
  • Celia Caballero, "The NUTS algorithm and its efficiency". 26th March. View presentation
  • Irene Gómez. "High-order well-balanced methods for systems of balance laws based on collocation RK ODE solvers". 12th March. View presentation
  • Ernesto Pimentel. "High-order well-balanced methods for the shallow-water model with moments". 26th February.  View presentation


  • Emanuele Macca. "Adaptive high order compact approximation Taylor method for systems of conservation laws". March, 6th.    
  • Ernesto Guerrero. "An ADER-DG implementation of a multilayer shallow water model with variable pressure". February 7th.
  • Cipriano Escalante. "A general approach for dispersive shallow-water flows". January 24th.


  • Ernesto Pimentel.  "Large time behavior and high-order well-balanced approximations for fluids in a Schwarzschild background".  December 13th
  • Juan Carlos González.  "A robust model for rapidly varying flows over movable bottom with suspended load and bedload transport: modeling and numerical approach". November 8th
  • Elena Gaburro (U. Trento). "Arbitrary high-order direct ALE schems on crazy moving neshes with topology changes". October 25th
  • Alejandro González. "Introducción al Support Vector Machine". June 27th
  • Manuel J. Castro. "   Esquemas Lagrangianos proyectados". May 3rd 
  • Ernesto Pimentel. "TBA". March 29th 
  • Juan Miguel Morales. "Métodos Matemáticos para las redes inteligentes de energía". March 22nd 
  • Jorge Macías. "Resultados de transferencia del grupo EDANYA". March 15th
  • Tomás Morales. "Introducción a Python IV". March 8th
  • "Introducción a Python III". February th
  • "Introducción a Python II". February th
  • José María Gallardo. "Introducción a Python I". February 1st 
  • Miguel Atencia. "Machine learning for big (and small) data". January 25th 
  • Marc de la Asunción. "Deep Learning II". January 18th


  • Marc de la Asunción. "Deep Learning I". December 21th 
  • Marc de la Asunción. "Machine Learning I". December 14th 
  • Ernesto Guerrero. "Modelos de aguas someras multicapa con presión variable".  November 30th  
  • Kleiton Schneider. "On a class of two-dimensional incomplete Riemann solvers". November 23th
  • Hugo A. Carrillo. "Método de Taylor aproximados". November 9th
  • Ernesto Pimentel. "El problema de Riemann para las ecuaciones de shallow water con escalón y frente seco/mojado". October 26th 
  • Juan Carlos González. "Simulación numérica unidimensional del transporte de sedimentos basados en shallow water". October 19th
  • Irene Gómez. "Técnicas de control aplicadas a la implemantación de métodos well-balanced de alto orden". October 5th   
  • Cipriano Escalante. "Modelling dispersive water waves". May 11th. 
  • Juan Carlos González. "Sediment transport models". April 27th 
  • Cipriano Escalante. "Discontinuous Galerkin methods".  April 6th
  • Tomás Morales. "Shallow water and related models". January.
  • Manuel J. Castro. "High order schemes for conservation laws based on reconstruction operators. Session II". February 16th.
  • January 19th.
  • January 15th.
  • Manuel J. Castro. "High order schemes for conservation laws based on reconstruction operators. Session I". January 8th.


  • Tomás Morales. "Approximate Riemann solvers. Session II". December 18th.  
  • Tomás Morales. "Approximate Riemann solvers. Session I". December 11th. 
  • Mª Luz Muñoz. "Weak solutions and Riemann problems. Session II". December 4th.
  • Elena Gaburro. "Well balanced Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian finite volume schemes on moving nonconforming meshes for nonconservative hyperbolic systems". November 27th.
  • Mª Luz Muñoz. "Weak solutions and Riemann problems. Session I". November 20th.
  • José Mª Gallardo. "PVM, RVM and related solvers. Session II". November 13th
  • José Mª Gallardo. "PVM, RVM and related solvers. Session I". October 30th.
  • Carlos Parés. "Introduction to path-conservative and well-balanced schemes. Session II". October 23rd.
  • Carlos Parés. "Introduction to path-conservative and well-balanced schemes. Session I". October 16th.


  • Juan Calvo. "Mathematical models in Developmental Biology". November 28th.  
  • Pablo Pedregal.  "Métodos variacionales para problemas no variacionales". November 9th.
  • Ana Carpio. "Differential growth of wrinkled biofilms". September 5th.
  • Silvia Jerez. "Métodos numéricos para ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas basados en la media de Steklov". July 22nd.
  • Christophe Chalons. "All-regime Lagrangian-Remap numerical schemes for the gas dynamics equations. Applications to the large friction and low Mach coefficients". May 13th.
  • André Brodtkorb. "Parallel Computing and Mathematics". April 11th.
  • Nora Aïsiouene.   "A numerical method for two-dimensional dispersive shallow water systems". April 5th.    
  • Pablo Pedregal. "Leyes de conservación: ¿un planteamiento alternativo?".


  • Carlos Parés. "Schemes with well-controlled dissipation for non-conservative systems". December 14th.
  • María López. "...."  
  • Laurent Gosse. (CNR, Italy) "Simultaneity principle and Riemann-based schemes for different types of 2D problems". November 16th .
  • Natalia Zamora (GFZ, Postdam, Germany) "Peligrosidad de tsunami en Centroamérica". November 9th.
  • Andreas Hiltebrand (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland). "Entropy-stable Space-time Discontinuous-Galerkin methods for systems of conservation laws". October 26th.
  • Jorge Macías. "Validation and verification of Tsunami-HySEA. NTHMP Tsunami currents benchmarking". October 19th.
  • Tomás Morales. "Bedload transport in shallow waters". May 21th.
  • Manuel J. Castro. "Esquemas PVM y RVM". May 7th.
  • José María Gallardo. "Una introducción a las ecuaciones de la Magnetohidrodinámica". April 9th.
  • Cipriano Escalante. "Weakly dispersive shallow water flows: hybrid finite-volume finite-difference schemes". March, 19th.


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