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  • Erasmus+ HeadsUp
    Oct. 23, 2018

    Los días 17, 18 y 19 de octubre tuvo lugar en Trondheim (Noruega) el tercer evento multiplicador del proyecto Erasmus+ HeadsUp (Heads Using Professional Learning Communities) en el que participa la Universidad de Málaga.

  • Becas Fulbright 2019/2020
    Oct. 11, 2018

    I Convocatoria de Becas Fulbright de investigación predoctoral en los Estados Unidos de América para doctorandos en cualquier campo de estudio, curso 2019-2020.

  • Congreso Internacional 'El año del patrimonio cultural europeo y el Camino de Santiago'
    Sept. 26, 2018

    En la presente edición se concederán 12 becas para cubrir los gastos de alojamiento y manutención a estudiantes y doctorandos que deseen participar en el congreso y no residan en Santiago de Compostela.

  • Call for Applications: Int'l Winter Course 'Human Rights and Asia 2019' - Seoul National University
    Sept. 11, 2018

    Call for Applications: Int’l Winter Course ‘Human Rights and Asia 2019’

    The Seoul National University Human Rights Center is pleased to announce its 6th International Winter Course ‘Human Rights and Asia 2019’ will take place from 7 to 18 January 2018 at Seoul National University (Seoul, Republic of Korea).It is designed to allow participants to think about the universality of human rights in particular contexts of Asia and to gain a deepened understanding about human rights issues in this region.

  • La Universidad de Málaga clausura en Hong Kong "Eurasiacat"
    July 18, 2018

    Entrevista con la Directora de Cooperación Internacional, Olga Guerrero.

  • Conferencia final Eurasiacat en Hong Kong
    July 13, 2018

    El proyecto Erasmus Mundus EurasiaCat, coordinado por la Universidad de Málaga, que ha supuesto más de 60 movilidades entre Europa y Asia, la mayoría para estudiantes de diversos másteres de ingenierías, toca a su fin.

  • Segunda Movilidad del Proyecto Erasmus+ TICTAC+55 en Bratislava (Eslovaquia)
    June 4, 2018

    Se ha llevado a cabo la segunda movilidad en el marco del proyecto KA204 (Convocatoria Erasmus+) TICTac+55, “Técnicas de Aprendizaje Combinadas en la enseñanza de las TIC para personas mayores de 55 años”. Dicho proyecto, coordinado desde el Aula de Mayores+55 de la Universidad de Málaga cuenta con un consorcio de Programas Universitarios para Mayores a nivel nacional donde también participan las Universidades de Alicante, Castellón, Salamanca y A Coruña.

  • Escuela de Invierno UNL 2018, Santa Fe, Argentina
    May 24, 2018

    La Universidad Nacional del Litoral se complace en anunciar la realización de su Escuela Internacional de Invierno 2018 sobre Problemáticas Latinoamericanas que tendrán lugar del 23 de julio al 3 de agosto en la ciudad de Santa Fe (Argentina).

  • UTS Law International Winter School
    April 17, 2018

    The UTS Faculty of Law will hold an International Winter School from 9-20 July 2018.

    The program consists of interactive seminars and lectures across a range of common law areas, as well as field trips to the Supreme, District and Local courts to experience the law in action. This is a fee-paying short program opportunity that is not credit-bearing. The program is delivered entirely in English, so a sound proficiency in English is essential.

  • 2018 IEEE International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI) Costa Rica
    April 17, 2018

    You are invited to submit an original and unpublished paper for review and possible inclusion at the sixth edition of IEEE International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI 2018), to be held in San Carlos, Costa Rica, in July 2018.The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library.

    Many specifics of bioinspired intelligence are not well addressed by the conventional models currently used in the field of artificial intelligence. The purpose of this work conference is to present and discuss novel ideas, research and results related to alternative techniques for bioinspired approaches, which depart from mainstream procedures.

    Nowadays, studies based on complex system have opened new doors in this research field and in particular, has improved the quality and the results of diverse applications. The bioinspired intelligence is applied in areas like biodiversity conservation, biomedicine, security applications, among others.

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