Guest WiFi access to Congresos
In compliance with the new security regulations on data protection (GDPR) and to guarantee the security of the network at the University of Malaga, the connection to the wireless network for events and conferences requires individual identification of each assistant.
Therefore, the user must have a mobile phone to receive a text message (SMS) with a randomly generated unique password, although you can request your password from a computer.
Follow these steps to complete the connection:
- Connect your device to the Congresos network. This SSID does not require neither a special configuration of the device or password.
- Open an Internet browser on your device (computer, mobile, tablet, etc.), and try to open any web page (in certain systems the authentication window may show automatically). The browser will show this authentication form:
- If this is the first time that you connect to the Congresos network, you must click on Nuevo registro, and fill the following form with your personal data (Country prefix, Mobile phone number, Name, Surname and ID card or Passport number). Your data will only be used to provide you access to University or Malaga network, and will be available to law enforcer officials under request.
- Press Registrar, and you will receive a SMS with the generated password on your mobile phone. Sometimes, the SMS can take up to 5 minutes depending on the telephone carrier.
- Once you have the password, fill in the form with your mobile phone number and this password. Please, keep in mind that you must enter your mobile phone number with the country code. For example for Spain it would be 0034 600123456.
- After pressing Entrar, you will be able to use the services provided by this network.
Your password will be valid only during the day or days the congress or meeting takes place. If you attend a new event, you will have to apply again before being able to connect to the wireless network.