Greetings from Breda University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands!

We are happy to announce that we will be organising the first edition of the International Staff Week between 24 and 27 April 2023. We are looking forward to physically welcome all our partners on our brand-new campus.  
Please discover and share our visual within your institution and save the date!

Our staff week is a combination of networking activities, sharing best practices, workshops and guest lectures for non-teaching staff. Partners have a great possibility to get to know BUas, our colleagues and our partner universities.
We welcome staff working in international services.

Registration will be open from January 16th – February 3rd 2023. The application form will be published on our website on January 16th. We welcome a maximum of 2 participants per university to ensure a diverse group of partners.  
Our preliminary program is available on our website: click here (programme is still subject to change). For a quick look of our campus: click here.

There is no participation fee. However, participants should cover the cost of travel, accommodation and some meals. Where applicable, the funding might be available from the Erasmus grant distributed by the home university.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: