Charla sobre Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering
Impartida por el investigador Meysam Karimi, dela Universidad de Isfahán (Irán)
Categoría: Investigación, Informatica, lineas de investigación
Title: An overview on search-based model-driven engineering (SBMDE) and its application to model transformation testing.
Abstract: Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) are approaches to software engineering. MDE aims to increase the level of abstraction in order to deal with the complexity of software systems, while SBSE involves the use of (meta)heuristic search techniques for optimising software engineering problems. The purpose of this talk is to introduce the combination of these two fields, an area known as search-based model-driven engineering. We begin with an introduction to MDE, model, metamodels, and model transformations. We also provide a brief introduction to SBSE and metaheuristics. Then, we review some of the recent research works focusing on a combination of search-based techniques and MDE. Finally, we deal with the generation of models in the context of model transformation testing as an optimization problem, using search-based techniques.
Speaker: Meysam Karimi is an experienced product owner, technical manager and ex-member of the administrative board of Abram Digital UG, Berlin, with more than 10 years of experience in software applications development. He has recently worked as a senior software engineer in Bahman Group, which is one of the top-50 and top-3 automotive companies in Iran in a cooperation with FAW Group, one of the "Big Four" Chinese automakers. Meysam is currently a PhD candidate at University of Isfahan, Iran, doing a Ph.D. stay at University of Malaga supported by Iran’s Minister of Science, Research and Technology. He is mainly interested in Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) and most areas of computer science broadly related to algorithms & programming.
Date: Thursday, May 20 at 17:00.
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