Conferencia de Albert Bifet
En el marco del Máster en Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial
Categoría: I+D+i UMA
Conferencia impartida por Albert Bifet, profesor de la Universidad de Waikato, Nueva Zelanda.
Inteligencia Artificial Verde.
Resumen: En esta charla hablaremos de la IA verde, centrándonos en sus dos aspectos principales: utilizar la IA para abordar problemas medioambientales y hacer que los sistemas de IA sean más respetuosos con el medio ambiente. utilizando enfoques incrementales. A medida que la IA adquiere mayor importancia para la resolución de problemas y la investigación, es esencial integrarla en los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad. Examinaremos cómo la IA no sólo está dando a los investigadores una ventaja competitiva, sino que también desempeña un papel clave en la creación de un futuro más sostenible.
Green AI
In this talk, we will talk about Green AI, focusing on its two main aspects: using AI to tackle environmental issues and making AI systems more environmentally friendly. using incremental approaches. As AI becomes increasingly important for problem-solving and research, it is essential to integrate it into sustainability efforts. We will examine how AI is not only giving researchers a competitive advantage but also playing a key role in creating a more sustainable future.
Short bio:
Professor of AI.
Director of the Te Ipu o te Mahara AI Institute at the University of Waikato (New Zealand) and Co-chair of the Artificial Intelligence Researchers Association (AIRA).
His research focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Science, and Machine Learning for Data Streams.
He is leading the TAIAO Environmental Data Science project, and he is co-leading the open source projects MOA Massive On-line Analysis, StreamDM for Spark Streaming and SAMOA Scalable Advanced Massive Online Analysis.
He is the co-author of a book on Machine Learning from Data Streams published at MIT Press.
He served as PC Co-Chair of DSAA'2021, Co-Chair of the Industrial track of IEEE MDM 2016, ECML PKDD 2015, and as Co-Chair of KDD BigMine (2019-2012), and ACM SAC Data Streams Track (2003-2012).
Also, Albert Bifet is Full Professor at LTCI, Telecom ParisTech, Head of the Data, Intelligence and Graphs (DIG) Group at Telecom ParisTech, and Scientific Collaborator at Ecole Polytechnique.